Thursday, October 31, 2013

Electrical Components Compromised By Flood Waters

Seaside Heights, N.J. - Officials determined that the electrical fire which claimed 50 businesses in the Jersey Shore communities, was caused by electrical components. Investigators said the fire began under a building due to failed electrical equipment. "During the storm, this wiring and these connection became fully submerged in water," Ocean Country Prosecutor Joseph Coronato said in a news conference. "Over time, degradation of this wiring and these connections occurred." They urged that homeowners and other businesses affected by water to have their wiring inspected for similar issues.

 Electrical Components Compromised By Flood Waters

Here in Cincinnati, similar instances can happen with flooded basesments, or homes that have water leaks in upper floors that trickle down to lower levels, causing damage to wiring inside the walls. After a flood in the home or a business, even minor leaks or toilet over flows, a CurrentSAFE test of your electrical system can prevent electrical failures caused by components that are compromised during a flood. Degradation of electrical materials that are negatively effected by exposure to water are hazards. These types of things can be found and eliminated with the CurrentSAFE process.

Disaster Recovery is key, and our CurrentSAFE professionals understand the importance of returning the home and electrical system to the specific state your house was in before disaster occurred. We are knowledgeable in helping consult you on the processes that follow these types of unfortunate events.

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Copyright © Cooper Electric [Electrical Components Compromised By Flood Waters], All Right Reserved. 2013.


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When Lightning Strikes Be CurrentSAFE

CurrentSAFE House 300x235 When Lightning Strikes Be CurrentSAFE
A CurrentSAFE - E.H.D. is the best test for your home's electrical system after a power surge or lightning strike.
CurrentSAFE is a comprehensive diagnosis of the home’s electrical system.  Utilizing this state-of-the-art equipment to test all of the wiring behind the walls ensures that any damage from the lightning strike is detected and pinpointed. CurrentSAFE's comprehensive inspection tests the integrity of your entire electrical system.
Not completing the CurrentSAFE Service leaves the home and homeowner at risk to an electrical fire if components that were damaged by the electrical surge remain undetected and unrepaired.
Lightning strikes and power surges have been known to damage the wiring itself which is concealed in the wall cavity. Often damaging the insulation of the wiring, and leaving the wiring susceptible to arcing.
If your home has experienced a lightning strike or power surge, we recommend you call us. Schedule our CurrentSAFE Specialist for a home visit today. Be sure your home electrical system is safe.

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Copyright © Cooper Electric [When Lightning Strikes Be CurrentSAFE], All Right Reserved. 2013.


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Electrical Components Compromised By Flood Waters

Seaside Heights, N.J. - Officials determined that the electrical fire which claimed 50 businesses in the Jersey Shore communities, was caused by electrical components. Investigators said the fire began under a building due to failed electrical equipment. "During the storm, this wiring and these connection became fully submerged in water," Ocean Country Prosecutor Joseph Coronato said in a news conference. "Over time, degradation of this wiring and these connections occurred." They urged that homeowners and other businesses affected by water to have their wiring inspected for similar issues.

 Electrical Components Compromised By Flood Waters

Here in Cincinnati, similar instances can happen with flooded basesments, or homes that have water leaks in upper floors that trickle down to lower levels, causing damage to wiring inside the walls. After a flood in the home or a business, even minor leaks or toilet over flows, a CurrentSAFE test of your electrical system can prevent electrical failures caused by components that are compromised during a flood. Degradation of electrical materials that are negatively effected by exposure to water are hazards. These types of things can be found and eliminated with the CurrentSAFE process.

Disaster Recovery is key, and our CurrentSAFE professionals understand the importance of returning the home and electrical system to the specific state your house was in before disaster occurred. We are knowledgeable in helping consult you on the processes that follow these types of unfortunate events.

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Copyright © Cooper Electric [Electrical Components Compromised By Flood Waters], All Right Reserved. 2013.


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How Electrical Things Go Wrong?

When thinking about an electrical system that has been in place in your home since it was built, the first thing that comes to mind is, why is this happening now? What changed between when the builder put the electrical system in place, and now?

There are other things in life, like our vehicles, which the concept of use and life cycle are easier to understand. You get your oil changed every 3,000 miles. You put gas in your car weekly to keep it fueled up to be able to operate. You check the air in your tires. You change the wiper blades. These things are very apparent to maintain because most of us drive our vehicles every day. We understand that over the course of time, with owning a vehicle that maintenance issues will come up. Things wear out over time during the duration of their life cycles.

When thinking about electrical systems in your home, it's not as easily understood. The average person does not know OHMs law, nor understand the effects that take place when OHMs law is in place, in say... a loose connection in your electrical system.

Homeowners wonder, if this was installed when my home was built, what is causing it to malfunction now? There are 4 reasons for electrical hazards to pop up over the course of a life cycle of a home, and what precipitates the call to an electrician to fix the problem.

1. Workmanship. Unfortunately, the number one reason electrical components malfunction over time, is because the person who installed it originally might have made a mistake. Maybe they did not torque the screw down to specifications. Maybe the breaker wasn't sized properly for the load. Maybe the wire was undersized. Maybe they ran one circuit where the demand should have called for multiple circuits. The bottom line is that the workmanship of the installer, could have compromised the installation from the beginning. And over time, through improperly installed electrical work, problems show themselves because of electricity flowing through.

2. Corrosion/Water intrusion. A common problem that is completely bizarre to homeowners is water, literally spilling out of your electrical panel. People call in astonishment that water has infiltrated their electrical panel. And rightfully so. Water and electricity don't mix. How the water gets in? It travels along the Service Entrance cable, that is coming from the meter on the outside of the house. Herein, the workmanship discussed in number one, has a major role. How did the installer drill the hole? Did he caulk the opening? Is the cable's protective jacket cracked, and letting water in? This is actually a very common problem. Once the water is gone however, the damage left behind from corrosion, still persists, it will continue to worsen.

3. Load. Today's homes have more loads being pulled through them then ever before. Poor workmanship, plus corrosion on an aging electrical systems, will lead to more problems.

4. Wear and Tear. Your kid unplugging the vacuum cleaner from around the corner? Not good, over time it will disturb the wiring and screws on the inside of the box and device. How many times have you flipped that switch that's not working right? How often do you think the jiggling of a switch can take before it becomes bad? Before it loosen connections in the box the switch is in or on the screws? The wear and tear on these things adds up to problems.

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Copyright © Cooper Electric [How Electrical Things Go Wrong?], All Right Reserved. 2013.


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South Florida Electrician

Are you looking for a reliable electrician in South Florida?

Southern Coast Electrical Services is unique in the home electrician industry, we are fully insured residential and commercial electricians providing electrical repair and lighting installation to the West Palm Beach, Ft Lauderdale and Miami area. We only employ experienced licensed Florida electricians so that you can rest assured that your home electrical needs are done right, done on time, the first time.

Our focus is to provide quality and honest electricians to our West Palm Beach, Fr Lauderdale, Miami and all surrounding areas like Coral Springs, Boca Raton, Hollywood, Broward County and Miami-Dade County customers, this has enabled our electricians to maintain longstanding relationships with residential, industrial, and commercial clients throughout South Florida. As a result of viewing each of our diverse clients as individuals and responding to their electrical needs in the way that works for them, we are one of the most reliable and respected providers of electricians in West Palm Beach, Ft Lauderdale and Miami area.

We offer many Home Electrical Services in the West Palm Beach, Ft Lauderdale and Miami  area.  If you don’t see what you are looking for we probably offer it.  Just give us a call !

Call An Honest & Reliable South Florida Electrician Today !

561.584.8455 or 954.495.8040


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Bath Fans Prevent Structure Damage Explains Electrician Pasadena Homeowners Know

If you live in an older home, you may notice your bathroom is missing a bath fan. While it is easy to chalk these things up to nothing more than an inconvenience, it is actually much more serious than that. Those bath fans do more than circulate the air in the small bathroom. They are […]

The post Bath Fans Prevent Structure Damage Explains Electrician Pasadena Homeowners Know appeared first on The Electric Connection.


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Landscape Lighting

Low voltage landscape lighting is an easy and cost effective way of providing dramatic lighting effects in your outdoor spaces and significantly enhance the beauty of your home. These systems have come a long way from the original tiered “pagoda” fixtures, with many styles, materials and power options to choose from. Fixtures with photovoltaic cells [...]


auto electrical repair construction electrical

NEMA’s Quarterly Reading on Incandescents, HID Lamps & T5 Fluorescents

Incandescent lamps:



Shipments of traditional A-line incandescent lamps, as measured by NEMA’s lamp shipment index, decreased for the third consecutive quarter in Q2 2013, reaching a  low point for the series. Second quarter activity showed a decline of 8.6 percent from the previous quarter. Moreover, the index fell by 20.6 percent on a year-over-year basis.

EleBlog comment: Note that of these 3 competing items, Incandescents — with the 100W banned, the whole product series badmouthed, and so forth — still dominates!

- – - – -

High-intensity discharge lamps:


The index for mercury vapor lamp shipments continued to track downward, declining by 8.2 percent on a year-over-year (y/y) basis. Likewise, shipments of metal halide lamps fell 6.4 percent y/y, landing at the second lowest level in the series history. Sodium vapor was the lone HID index segment to show improvement. Following four consecutive quarters of y/y declines, the index stabilized during 2013 Q2 by registering a gain of 0.4 percent.

- – - – -

Fluorescent lamps:


Included in NEMA’s release:

Market shares for the three linear fluorescent lamp types changed less than one percentage point from the previous quarter. T5 lamps posted a share of 10.8 percent while T8 and T12 lamps ended the quarter with shares of 74.1 and 15.1 percent, respectively.

Eleblog comment: Apparently, T5s have a ways to go . ..




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Wednesday, October 30, 2013

How Many Birds Die Annually From Smashing Into Windows

In the U.S., the figure — according to a recent Science News article — is “100 million to 1 billion.”

Yeah, that’s a fairly wide range . . .


master electricians electrical construction electrical works



According to ESFi (Electrical Safety Foundation International). The Month of may is electrical safety month. Cooper Electric wants to remind you not to take electrical safety for granted. Every year fifty-three thousand electrical fires occur in U.S. homes, most of which are entirely preventable! May is a great time to review important electrical and fire safety practices in your home.

Cooper Electric's Safety Tip is to test your GFCI receptacle outlets, by pressing the test and reset buttons. This will show whether your GFCI's are functioning properly. GFCI's prevent deadly shock, in wet are locations, and should be tested once a year.

If you are concerned about your wiring. We offer a state-of-the-art electrical testing service called CurrentSAFE. CurrentSAFE is a comprehensive test of your entire electrical system. Contact us today at 513-271-5000, and have our specialist out to your home to see if CurrentSAFE is right for you.


Copyright © Cooper Electric [MAY IS ELECTRICAL SAFETY MONTH], All Right Reserved. 2013.


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