Friday, January 31, 2014

Electrician Lantana

Electrician Lantana

(561) 366-2415

We absolutely have been for all intents and purposes the extraordinarily terrific electricians you need to have for your own home or your residence in Lantana, Florida. Mainly we certainly have electricians with more than 4 decades of experience. Choose us at this time as your own personal strongly respected electrician. Southern Coast Electrical blends a great number of electric replacement solutions for dwellings including companies throughout the Lantana area. For the past eleven years we as you can imagine have provided optimum solutions as well as applied a deal of unparalleled expertise. Are solutions are extraordinary by any other service provider in Lantana.

Electrician Lantana

Electrician Lantana

As a Electrician Lantana we offer residential, commercial and business enterprise driven services. For anyone who is configuring the house where you are situated, or perhaps making it safer or you simply need some troubleshooting and/or repair work completed, Southern Coast can easily supply the electrical upgrade solutions you need. Our professional technicians are experts in the electrical trade, and we are able to in a flash get you rolling. Every bit of our standards for a Electrician Lantana are of the highest quality you can expect.

Call us today for a Electrician Lantana, hometown men and women receive the best quotes! Don’t look anymore for a Electrician Lantana just get hold of us and we will get out their as soon as today!


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Measures to Save Electricity Quickly

Measures to Save Electricity Quickly


There are two ways to save electricity quickly. First, efficiency improvements can be made to the energy-using equipment such that consumers receive the same services but with less electricity consumed. (These are sometimes called “technical fixes”) In these situations the end user is barely (or not at all) aware that improvements have been made. In the second case, the

energy consumer takes deliberate measures to reduce energy use through changes in operations or procedure which may also cause inconvenience and result in a loss of service or amenity. These are typically called “behavioral” changes.


Technical Efficiency Measures


The technical measures to save electricity quickly are similar to those used to save electricity slowly except that they may be implemented with greater intensity by combining them with special subsidies or delivery schemes. Three examples are described below.


Retrofits—especially retrofits of large, energy-using facilities—are attractive targets during an electricity crisis. About 8% of industrial electricity is used to make compressed air, much of which is lost through leaks (Rosenberg 2003).


The compressed air systems therefore represent a source of major savings. California supported inspections and tune-ups of compressed air facilities in factories. Retrofits of eight factories yielded verified savings of 2 MW.


Lighting replacements have been the most frequently used retrofit strategy. Replacing incandescent light bulbs with compact fluorescents (CFLs) was used in Brazil, California, and New Zealand. California consumers installed nearly eight million CFLs during the crisis period, resulting in almost 500 MW of demand reduction (Pang 2003).


California cities replaced millions of traffic lights with LED lamps, each saving about 80 watts. California aggressively encouraged consumers to replace older appliances with new units qualifying for the Energy Star endorsement of high efficiency Fuel switching offers large electricity savings.


Electricity is often used to heat air or water, especially in the residential sector and in sparsely populated areas.


There are numerous opportunities to burn wood, oil, or natural gas directly to obtain the desired heat. Homeowners in Norway and New Zealand, for example, reverted to existing wood stoves and boilers for space and water heating.


Fuel switching is an important electricity-savings measure because it removes the homes’ largest electricity-consuming end uses.


The greatest benefits from fuel switching will generally occur during shortages caused by cold weather but some measures can also save summer peak power. For example, Brazilians replaced in-line electric shower heaters with gas-fired units, thus saving about 3 kW electrical demand per unit.


Effectiveness of Technical Measures


Technological modifications require an existing infrastructure in order to deploy the products in a short time, stretching from the manufacturer capable of quickly expanding production to skilled personnel to install them.


In most cases, there will not be enough time, or the infrastructure is inadequate, to establish new efficiency improvement and retrofit programs large enough to reduce demand significantly.


Norway, for example, addressed its electricity shortage by establishing programs to install heat pumps, energy management systems, and wood pellet stoves.


Skilled personnel were overwhelmed and it is unlikely that these measures cut Norway’s electricity demand during the crisis. On the other hand, California already had an established network to deliver its “saving electricity slowly” programs.


This network, while still inadequate, was able to rapidly increase activities during the crisis and deliver significant electricity savings. Regions that are vulnerable to temporary electricity shortfalls should consider their programs to “save electricity slowly” as a kind of insurance policy that will also serve as the backbone of a team to save electricity during a crisis.

About the Author:
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Electrician Lantana

Electrician Lantana

(561) 366-2415

We absolutely have been for all intents and purposes the extraordinarily terrific electricians you need to have for your own home or your residence in Lantana, Florida. Mainly we certainly have electricians with more than 4 decades of experience. Choose us at this time as your own personal strongly respected electrician. Southern Coast Electrical blends a great number of electric replacement solutions for dwellings including companies throughout the Lantana area. For the past eleven years we as you can imagine have provided optimum solutions as well as applied a deal of unparalleled expertise. Are solutions are extraordinary by any other service provider in Lantana.

Electrician Lantana

Electrician Lantana

As a Electrician Lantana we offer residential, commercial and business enterprise driven services. For anyone who is configuring the house where you are situated, or perhaps making it safer or you simply need some troubleshooting and/or repair work completed, Southern Coast can easily supply the electrical upgrade solutions you need. Our professional technicians are experts in the electrical trade, and we are able to in a flash get you rolling. Every bit of our standards for a Electrician Lantana are of the highest quality you can expect.

Call us today for a Electrician Lantana, hometown men and women receive the best quotes! Don’t look anymore for a Electrician Lantana just get hold of us and we will get out their as soon as today!


electrical certification electrical inspection electrical maintenance

Lighting 101: Compact Fluorescent Bulbs (CFLs)

When looking into lowering your electricity costs, a popular option is to switch all of the light bulbs in your home or office to compact fluorescent light (CFL) bulbs. Switching to CFLs couldn’t be easier, but it’s not uncommon to wonder: are these bulbs really more efficient than regular incandescent bulbs?

The answer is simple: yes!

Here are some facts about CFLs, according to ENERGY STAR:

  • They use 75% less energy than standard bulbs.
  • They can last for more than 3,000! Compare that to the average 1,000 hours for a standard light bulb.
  • They can create less than 75% less heat than regular bulbs. This means, when you keep your lights on for a long period of time, your house won’t heat up!
  • They can help lower your overall electricity usage and utilities.

The Science Behind CFLs

Creating light by running electricity through a resistive filament, incandescent light bulbs heat the filament to a very high temperature. This causes the bulb to glow and produce an extremely visible light, however more than 98 percent of the energy used is emitted as heat.

On the other hand, CFL bulbs produce ultraviolet light, working by passing electricity through a mercury vapor, exciting the gas. As the UV light hits the white coating inside of the CFL bulb, the coating changes into a light that you can see. CFL bulbs don’t use heat to create light.

Lumens Per Watt

A regular incandescent bulb can produce about 15 lumens per watt while CFL bulbs typically produce 50 to 70 lumens per watt. In other words, you can buy a 15-watt CFL bulb that produces the same about of light as a regular 60-watt regular incandescent bulb.

Incandescent       CFL













General Cost and Lifespan

A 6-pack of GE 60-watt incandescent light bulbs costs approximately $4 while a 2-pack of GE 15-watt CFL bulbs (equivalent to a 60-watt regular incandescent bulb) costs approximately $13. While it’s clearly obvious that regular incandescent bulbs are inexpensive, the typical lifespan is around 1,000 hours versus an average lifespan ranging between 1,200 to 20,000 hours for CFL bulbs.


Using 2/3 less energy than a regular incandescent light bulb and lasting up to 10 times as longer, replacing your average 60-watt regular incandescent bulb with a 15-watt CFL can save you at least $30 in energy costs over the lifespan of the bulb. On average, you’ll save approximately $6 per year per bulb.

Questions? Feel free to contact us!


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Home Inspection Electrical Repairs

I remember the first call I received many years ago from a client that was panicked over a home inspector’s report that said she needed to re-wire her entire house that she was selling. Her older home was built before ground wires were required in the electrical cabling. Home inspections are a valuable part of […]


journeyman electrician industrial electrical electrician training

Energy Eye™ HVAC Energy Management System

We are Kauai’s only: Factory Certified Installer Certified Technical Service Provider Distributor Energy Eye™ is helping hotels save from 15% to 35% on their guest room air conditioning expenses – GUARANTEED!   What is Energy Eye? It is an energy management system designed for hotel/resort rooms, offices, and condominiums to control your AC cooling based on room occupancy. […]


electrician contractors electrical testing commercial electrical electrical commercial electrician contractor

424 Degree CurrentSAFE Find

Example CurrentSAFE Uncovered Hazard

IR 2941 424 Degree CurrentSAFE Find During a CurrentSAFE Electrical Hazard Detection we uncovered a hidden hazard of 424 degrees Fahrenheit on the buss bar of a panel in a home in Montgomery.

Overheated electrical joints due to loose connection are often precursors of electrical fires, arc faults, and arc flash in electrical systems.

Connections that should have had the proper torque, as well as, being properly sized for the amplitude of current would not have overheated to the extent of 424 degrees Fahrenheit.

The issue is that with the fluctuation of current, results in thermal cycling, which eventually leads to the failing of the connection. In other words, the bad connection heats up and cools, heats up and cools, going from one extreme to another under load or no load. With a loose connection that is experiencing overheating, such as in the 424 degree range, this will lead to failure. Meaning either electrical fire, arc fault, or arc flash.

photo 229x300 424 Degree CurrentSAFE Find Here in the digital photo you can see the melted portions of the buss bar and the discoloration of the lug which were a result of the thermal cycling.

Cooper Electric's CurrentSAFE EHD is a preventive maintenance program for your home's electrical system. To learn more and have a free estimate call us at 513-271-5000.

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Energy Eye™ HVAC Energy Management System

We are Kauai’s only: Factory Certified Installer Certified Technical Service Provider Distributor Energy Eye™ is helping hotels save from 15% to 35% on their guest room air conditioning expenses – GUARANTEED!   What is Energy Eye? It is an energy management system designed for hotel/resort rooms, offices, and condominiums to control your AC cooling based on room occupancy. […]


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Thursday, January 30, 2014

PV Supplier Shipments, 2000 to 2013

SPV Market Research produced pie charts of shipments of Solar PV from 2000 to 2013, and RenewableEnergyWorld posted them here. One for each year.

Here are 2000 and 2001:

Screen Shot 2014-01-30 at 4.49.31 AM

Here are 2012 and 2013:

Screen Shot 2014-01-30 at 4.51.20 AM




Shipments in 2000, according to the article = 252 megawatts

Shipments in 2013 = 33.4 gigawatts!


emergency electrician licensed electrician electrical supply company

A Guide to Outdoor Electrical Outlets

There is a good chance that you use outdoor electrical outlets at some point during the year. That being said, there are some areas that will naturally make more use of this type of outdoor receptacle. When used properly, an outdoor electrical outlet can be a very handy thing to have. It allows you to power devices and appliances that you would normally be unable to use outdoors. How much do you know about the electrical outlets that are on the outside of your property?

For the most part, an outdoor electrical socket is exactly the same as the outlets within your home. In most cases, an outdoor receptacle is a 120v, three-pronged grounded outlet that the majority of our appliances plug into. You can find them on exterior walls, on decks, by pools and sometimes on important pieces of equipment such as pumps and other exterior appliances. Naturally, outdoor outlets are more popular in warmer and more temperate climates. These areas lend themselves to more time spent outside, which makes them incredibly useful.

What Can I Use It For?

The simple answer to this question is that you can use them for anything that you would normally power inside. This type of outlet is very popular for stereos, lights, fans and anything else that might be necessary outside. When used in conjunction with an outdoor kitchen, they can be used to power blenders, microwaves, hot plates and more. With the popularity of electrical lawn devices on the rise, it is also a great place to plug in electric mowers, weed trimmers and blowers.

Are Outdoor Outlets Safe?

As with anything else, outdoor receptacles are as safe as the person using them. Although it may seem less safe to use electricity outside, it is actually very safe to do so. In fact, most outdoor outlets have special protections in place to ensure that they remain as safe as possible. One of the most common ways that they are protected is by using GFCI outlets, rather than standard electrical outlets. GFCI outlets are equipped with special sensors that can detect small changes in electrical current and shut the power off if necessary. This will help you from accidental electrocution if there is a short, if something comes into contact with water and more. To further protect your outlets, it is common practice to cover them so that they are protected from wind, rain, dirt and other elements.

All in all, an outdoor electrical outlet is a great way to increase the versatility of your outdoor spaces. Whether you are using it to power your electric lawn equipment, special lighting or any other equipment, there is an unlimited number of uses for these outlets. If you need additional outlets on your home, or if you just don’t have any to begin with, get in touch with your local electrician. They can not only advise you on safe placement and usage, but install them fairly quickly and efficiently.



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Home automation products

The infiltration of ‘smart’ and network-connected devices into our everyday lives — and our pockets, purses, and dashboards — is enabling a new generation and a new approach to home automation. Smart devices have become a platform on which many home automation devices can hop up for support of their control and programming functions, rather than needing to incorporate complex control features within the product itself.

Remote control and programmable lamps

TCP Connected Network and iOS/Android enabled smart LED lamp kit

Originally marketed at around $200, this kit now sells for $40 at Home Depot. Although the lamp output is warm and bright, the lamps do not dim well on external dimmers. Their network-controlled dimming is outstanding (although the low end of the dimming range is still perhaps more bright than some will be happy with), but after more than an hour of fiddling, getting lamps to register in the control app via the dedicated wifi network provided by the gateway device in this kit has been problematic at best. Also, the gateway was erratic and barely ‘visible’ to my iPhone 5 while connected through a secondary router. I only got consistent gateway availability after connecting the gateway directly to my Verizon DSL modem/router combination appliance (and note that some DSL modems include only one downlink port, so in those instances you’ll have no choice but to connect the TCP Connected gateway to a secondary router).

smartphone controlled dimmable LED lamps

800 lumen dimmable LED lamps cost $35 each only 2 years ago. Today, we can buy a kit of (2) together with wireless LAN bridge and iOS/Android compatible lamp control programming and control environment, all for $50.

LED iOSnAndroid dimmed lamp2


Phillips Hue 600 (3) LED lamp programmable dimming lamps and control kit

(not yet evaluated by author / see full page write-up here)

A pioneering entry into the programmable/controllable LED lamp market, Phillips Hue kits include (3) dimmable LED lamps and add the ability to change the color of the light from each lamp.

Phillips Hue 600 Phillips Hue 600 Phillips Hue 600 Phillips Hue 600


Network-enabled Programmable Thermostats

(Cautiously recommended based on hearsay and brief observation of product in use)

nest programmable thermostat allows programming and control via web, iOS interfaces. This premium and pioneering entry in the market for such devices also features fuzzy logic learning and a highly-intuitive manual control interface to view and set programs.

nest programmable thermostat allows programming and control via web, iOS interfaces. This premium and pioneering entry in the market for such devices also features fuzzy logic learning and a highly-intuitive manual control interface to view and set programs.

nest programmable thermostat allows programming and control via web, iOS interfaces. This premium and pioneering entry in the market for such devices also features fuzzy logic learning and a highly-intuitive manual control interface to view and set programs.

nest programmable thermostat allows programming and control via web, iOS interfaces. This premium and pioneering entry in the market for such devices also features fuzzy logic learning and a highly-intuitive manual control interface to view and set programs.

nest programmable thermostat allows programming and control via web, iOS interfaces. This premium and pioneering entry in the market for such devices also features fuzzy logic learning and a highly-intuitive manual control interface to view and set programs.

nest programmable thermostat allows programming and control via web, iOS interfaces. This premium and pioneering entry in the market for such devices also features fuzzy logic learning and a highly-intuitive manual control interface to view and set programs.

nest programmable thermostat allows programming and control via web, iOS interfaces. This premium and pioneering entry in the market for such devices also features fuzzy logic learning and a highly-intuitive manual control interface to view and set programs.

nest programmable thermostat allows programming and control via web, iOS interfaces. This premium and pioneering entry in the market for such devices also features fuzzy logic learning and a highly-intuitive manual control interface to view and set thermostat timer programs.

Licensed Electrician Robert Monk Home automation products Copyright Robert Monk, 2012


electrical supplies electric repair contractor electrical

LED Lighting For Your Laundry Room

Getting the most out of your laundry room starts with the right lighting fixtures from your Pasadena lighting contractor. Without the right lighting in your laundry room, you might as well be doing your laundry in the closet. Conventional lighting can be too hot for an already warm space. Florescent bulbs tend to make a room feel like your cleaning clothes at the DMV. Use this guide to lighting with LED bulbs and you can be sure your mud room will be well lit for an affordable price.

LED Track Lighting

For laundry spaces that need a bright light source, LED track fixtures can be the source that you need to light your washer, dryer and folding area with one simple switch. LED’s are easy to install over existing fixtures. Attach these fantastic laundry lights to a dimmer switch and you can keep the lights low for when you leave the room and turn them on bright when you need to fold the clothes.

Under cabinet Lighting

Many mud rooms have cabinets above the washer, dryer, lavatory or laundry folding area. These are excellent areas for installing under cabinet lights. LED under cabinet systems are easy to install and work well with most hanging cabinet styles. When installing under cabinet LED’s, it’s a good idea to space them apart about two feet for optimal light displacement. Rope lights are also another style of under cabinet lighting that works great in laundry room areas and can provide your laundry space with a continuous ambient light source under the cabinets.

Recessed Lights

A recessed fixture is commonly employed over the top of each laundry appliance and counter space facing directly down onto the surface. These flush ceiling LED fixtures are fantastic ways to keep your laundry room well lit without the need for exposed fixtures. Recessed lighting comes in various styles but LED recessed lighting works particularly better than a conventional can light in many ways. LED recessed lights are much smaller, yet yield more lumens per watt. Since they produce little heat, they can be installed in areas where conventional recessed lighting cannot. They also use significantly less energy making them a great addition to any mud room.



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When to Replace Smoke Alarms

 When to Replace Smoke Alarms  In the January-February edition of the NFPA Journal, a publication of the National Fire Protection Association - The Authority on Fire, Electrical & Building Safety, writer Amy Lebeau wrote an article entitled "Close to Home - A friends near miss, and a viral challenge to improve smoke-alarm awareness".   In Amy's NFPA article she tells a story of her friend Brook, who recently had a serious fire in her home. And Brook's 2 children smelled the smoke first and got their mom, grandmother and their baby brother out of the house.   The scarier part, was that when Amy heard Brook tell the story, Amy asked Brook if she heard smoke detectors go off in the home, and Brook said, "no". Amy goes on to say that Brook and her husband thought they had adequate coverage with smoke detectors all over the house, in the necessary spots. What they didn't realize is that they did not work.   Smoke detectors need to be changed at minimum every 10 years. A smoke alarms ability to detect smoke becomes less reliable over the years, making it more likely that it won't respond when its needed most!   Amy Lebeau then polled her friends to see if any of them knew about smoke detectors life span of 10 years. None of them did, they were all over the map.   Amy suggests the following. 1. Know the importance of testing your smoke alarms monthly. 2. Have an interconnected smoke alarm system in the home, meaning if one detector alarms the presence of smoke, they all alarm. 3. Have both ionization and photo-electric type smoke alarms, this means having two different detection methods for redundancy and accuracy. 4. Replace them every 10 years minimum. 5. Have a detailed home fire escape plan.   At Cooper Electric we specialize in providing our customers with adequate smoke detector coverage. Our residential department can help you with questions and product information. Add this detail on your next electrical service call, while we are already in your home, to provide you with great value!  

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Copyright © Cooper Electric [When to Replace Smoke Alarms ], All Right Reserved. 2014.


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Time of Use Electric Meters

Our family has taken advantage of “time of use” electric meters since they were first introduce by SRP many years ago. These meters track when electricity is used and charge a higher rate during “peak time” and a lower rate during “off-peak time”. Since a utility company has to build a system to deliver enough […]


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Electrician Belle Glade

Electrician Belle Glade

(561) 366-2415

We certainly have been for all intents and purposes the exceptionally terrific electricians you need to have for your own home or your residence in Belle Glade, Florida. Mainly we certainly have electricians with more than 4 decades of experience. Choose us at this time as your actual strongly respected electrician. Southern Coast Electrical integrates a great number of electric replacement solutions for dwellings including companies throughout the Belle Glade area. For the past eleven years we unquestionably have presented unmatched solutions as well as applied a deal of unparalleled expertise. Are solutions are extraordinary by any other service provider in Belle Glade.

Electrician Belle Glade

Electrician Belle Glade

As a Electrician Belle Glade we offer residential, commercial and business enterprise driven services. For anyone who is configuring the house where you are situated, or perhaps making it safer or you simply need some troubleshooting and/or repair work completed, Southern Coast can easily supply the electrical upgrade solutions you need. Our professional technicians are experts in the electrical trade, and we are able to in a flash get you rolling. Every bit of our standards for a Electrician Belle Glade are of the highest quality you can expect.

Call us today for a Electrician Belle Glade, hometown men and women receive the best quotes! Don’t look anymore for a Electrician Belle Glade just get hold of us and we will get out their as soon as today!


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Check Your GFCI

GFCI receptacles (Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter) are typically found in homes built or remodeled after 1978 and can most often found in the bathroom, garage or exterior outlets. One GFCI may control multiple outlets. It is not uncommon, especially in homes built before 1997, to find the GFCI in the bathroom or garage controlling the […]


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Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Using Wall Lights To Highlight Your Home’s Decor

If you have filled your San Gabriel Valley home with treasures and artifacts that you would love to display to guests and visitors, perhaps the installation of some well-placed wall lights could be the solution to all your problems. With a number of unusual and attractive designs available, lights that are installed on the walls of your home could be very beneficial in accentuating a picture, fireplace, nook, plant or other architectural element.

But why are wall lights so useful in highlighting the decorative features of our home? For one, they are known for being highly suited to the provision ambient lighting, which looks nice but isn’t overly useful for completing tasks by. For two, the way in which light is cast out from these fixtures is perfect for illuminating decorative elements that are placed on or around the walls of your home.

In the bathroom, it is essential that you have proper lighting installed by your San Gabriel Valley Lighting electrician, so that you can complete the daily tasks of shaving and applying makeup. Wall sconces, when fitted with the proper globes, are highly effective at casting a more natural appearing illumination across the space. They also avoid the creation of dark shadows, which can make a person appear tired or unwell.

In the dining room, wall lights are used to provide that finishing touch by adding an understated illumination to the walls (which are often left in shadow by ceiling fixtures). They are quite useful in making a space feel bright and cozy rather than dark and dingy, which makes for a much more pleasant dining experience.

In the living room, the correct sort of illumination is essential for setting the mood of your ‘relaxation space’. Wall sconces are widely used in these areas for drawing attention to particular elements of the room, such as a fireplace or a picture, and they are also suitable for lighting around the television without casting an annoying glare across the screen.

In the hallway, it is important that you get the amount of light right, as these rooms are renowned for being the darkest areas of the home. Well-spaced wall lights will effortlessly provide adequate illumination that really opens the space up and banishes those dark corners.



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Electrician Greenacres

Electrician Greenacres

(561) 366-2415

We certainly are actually for all intents and needs the remarkably out of this world electricians you need to have for your own home or your home in Greenacres, Florida. Mainly we unquestionably provide electricians with more than 4 decades of experience. Choose us at this time as your own personal strongly respected electrician. Southern Coast Electrical forms a great number of electric replacement solutions for dwellings including companies throughout the Greenacres area. For the past ten years we not surprisingly have provided optimum solutions as well as applied a deal of unparalleled expertise. Are solutions are extraordinary by any other service provider in Greenacres.

Electrician Greenacres

Electrician Greenacres

As a Electrician Greenacres we offer residential, commercial and business enterprise driven services. For anyone who is configuring the house where you are situated, or perhaps making it safer or you simply need some troubleshooting and/or repair work completed, Southern Coast can easily supply the electrical upgrade solutions you need. Our professional technicians are experts in the electrical trade, and we are able to in a flash get you rolling. Every bit of our standards for a Electrician Greenacres are of the highest quality you can expect.

Call us today for a Electrician Greenacres, hometown men and women receive the best quotes! Don’t look anymore for a Electrician Greenacres just get hold of us and we will get out their as soon as today!et out their as soon as today!


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Solar Manifes-two

Due to the increasing number of individuals who have contacted us regarding our pages/posts and those who have chosen to bookmark our website for future reference. We felt it was necessary to add new material to help keep the content fresh and to keep people commenting and sharing which was the original reason we set [...]


electrical service contractor electrical estimating licensed electricians

Home Inspection Electrical Repairs

I remember the first call I received many years ago from a client that was panicked over a home inspector’s report that said she needed to re-wire her entire house that she was selling. Her older home was built before ground wires were required in the electrical cabling. Home inspections are a valuable part of […]


electrical installations electrical certification electrical inspection electrical maintenance electrician certification

What Solar Panels Cost

If you’re thinking of installing solar panels for your home, you’re probably doing a lot of research to see what the costs and your options are. There is a lot to get up to speed on, so let’s start with what solar panels cost. Solar panels have been steadily dropping in price, due to more […]

The post What Solar Panels Cost appeared first on The Electric Connection.


able electric auto electrical repair construction

One Guy’s Take On Design-Build

This ENR blog posting seems EXTREMELY suspicious of construction subcontractors. It’s about the need for much faster data transmission and transparency on construction projects.

However, if you read into it, on the very bottom the guy suggested we change the concept (and shorthand) for “design-build” to DABO. “design assist build operate.”

Maybe not the worst idea you’ve ever heard….?


electrical service contractor electrical estimating licensed electricians residential electrician electrician company

Electrical Safety 101

With electricity being an integral part of our everyday lives, sometimes it’s easy to forget how dangerous living and dealing with it can be—especially on a daily basis.

According to the National Safety Council, more than 600 people die of electrical accidents each and every year. In fact, electrocutions rank fourth in causes of industrial fatalities at 9 percent—behind traffic accidents, construction mishaps and violence.

With most of these accidents involving low voltage of 600 volts or less, it’s important to be aware and stay safe.

Keep in mind, some of the most common accidents include:

  • Use of defective & unsafe tools
  • Overloading outlets with too many devices
  • Not making sure the power is off when making repairs
  • Working in elevated positions nearby overhead lines

Be smart! Putting yourself in potentially dangerous situations can cost ultimately you your life.

Even the smallest amount of current can be fatal. For example, a small night light with a 6-watt bulb draws .05 amps of electrical current. This, too, can be potentially hazardous! It’s especially important to keep little fingers away from outlets. Investing in baby proofing supplies, such as outlet covers, can make a big difference.

But, what else can you do to stay safe? It’s easy:

  • Don’t use equipment that has been damaged or improperly modified
  • Cords should be never be used if showing signs of damage or deterioration
  • Use extension cords properly, temporarily & never outlet with too many devices
  • NEVER unplug cords by pulling on a wire—pull at the wall, from the base of the cord
  • Avoid wearing items such as jewelry & watches—these might could come in contact with exposed, energized parts
  • ALWAYS use equipment according to manufacturer’s specifications
  • Keep a minimum clearing distance of 10 feet from overhead power lines
  • Don’t operate electric tools by touching or standing on a wet surface
  • Do your research & be aware—if something feels dangerous, stay away

Always remember, if you have any questions, feel free to contact us.


electric work electrical services electrical parts

Electrical Safety 101

With electricity being an integral part of our everyday lives, sometimes it’s easy to forget how dangerous living and dealing with it can be—especially on a daily basis.

According to the National Safety Council, more than 600 people die of electrical accidents each and every year. In fact, electrocutions rank fourth in causes of industrial fatalities at 9 percent—behind traffic accidents, construction mishaps and violence.

With most of these accidents involving low voltage of 600 volts or less, it’s important to be aware and stay safe.

Keep in mind, some of the most common accidents include:

  • Use of defective & unsafe tools
  • Overloading outlets with too many devices
  • Not making sure the power is off when making repairs
  • Working in elevated positions nearby overhead lines

Be smart! Putting yourself in potentially dangerous situations can cost ultimately you your life.

Even the smallest amount of current can be fatal. For example, a small night light with a 6-watt bulb draws .05 amps of electrical current. This, too, can be potentially hazardous! It’s especially important to keep little fingers away from outlets. Investing in baby proofing supplies, such as outlet covers, can make a big difference.

But, what else can you do to stay safe? It’s easy:

  • Don’t use equipment that has been damaged or improperly modified
  • Cords should be never be used if showing signs of damage or deterioration
  • Use extension cords properly, temporarily & never outlet with too many devices
  • NEVER unplug cords by pulling on a wire—pull at the wall, from the base of the cord
  • Avoid wearing items such as jewelry & watches—these might could come in contact with exposed, energized parts
  • ALWAYS use equipment according to manufacturer’s specifications
  • Keep a minimum clearing distance of 10 feet from overhead power lines
  • Don’t operate electric tools by touching or standing on a wet surface
  • Do your research & be aware—if something feels dangerous, stay away

Always remember, if you have any questions, feel free to contact us.


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Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Electrician Greenacres

Electrician Greenacres

(561) 366-2415

We certainly are actually for all intents and needs the remarkably out of this world electricians you need to have for your own home or your home in Greenacres, Florida. Mainly we unquestionably provide electricians with more than 4 decades of experience. Choose us at this time as your own personal strongly respected electrician. Southern Coast Electrical forms a great number of electric replacement solutions for dwellings including companies throughout the Greenacres area. For the past ten years we not surprisingly have provided optimum solutions as well as applied a deal of unparalleled expertise. Are solutions are extraordinary by any other service provider in Greenacres.

Electrician Greenacres

Electrician Greenacres

As a Electrician Greenacres we offer residential, commercial and business enterprise driven services. For anyone who is configuring the house where you are situated, or perhaps making it safer or you simply need some troubleshooting and/or repair work completed, Southern Coast can easily supply the electrical upgrade solutions you need. Our professional technicians are experts in the electrical trade, and we are able to in a flash get you rolling. Every bit of our standards for a Electrician Greenacres are of the highest quality you can expect.

Call us today for a Electrician Greenacres, hometown men and women receive the best quotes! Don’t look anymore for a Electrician Greenacres just get hold of us and we will get out their as soon as today!et out their as soon as today!


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How to Cut Your Electric Bill in NJ

Electric Bill

One of the major concerns in the world today is depletion of energy. As concerned citizens all of us must make a concerted effort to be conscious citizens and save on our electric bill in NJ. Electricity has become integral to life but imagine having to live without power.

Conservation of electricity benefits you personally as you will cut your electric bill. Consider:

1.    Doing an energy audit. This will tell you how and when you use energy and where the wastage lies. You will be able to make an “energy savings plan” by pinpointing exactly how you can cut back on energy consumption. Some ideas may be as simple as don’t leave the coffee machine on at all times.

2.    Think about resetting the thermostat ten degrees lower during the night. If you can do this for say approximately eight hours a day you will save 10% on electricity without sacrificing comfort. Insulate the home in winter by drawing shut the drapes.

3.    Check all insulation in the house. If you increase attic insulation to around 12 inches the electricity consumption will reduce by 20 percent.

4.    Plant more trees around the house these will cool the house in summer and insulate the house in winter. Studies show that a green cover benefits in many ways.

5.    Have all electricity wires and outlets checked for leakage. Check all fuses and appliances.

6.    Fluorescent light bulbs are energy efficient. They use 75% less energy than ordinary light bulbs, this will definitely help cut your electric bill.  These have a longer life and contribute to great savings.

7.    Use energy efficient appliances. These use less energy and believe it or not a high efficiency refrigerator uses less electricity than a light bulb.

8.    When you are away even for a few hours or days you should turn off and unplug   all electrical appliances and turn settings on the thermostat, water heater, and refrigerator to the lowest setting.

9.    Ensure that you use a water-saving shower head. Water heating costs for a family can be lowered by at least US$ 250 a year.

10.    Weatherize your home. This helps reduce heating bills by 20% and cooling by at least 10 percent. Even when building a home or decorating it use weather friendly materials—those that are not good conductors of heat and cold. Install windows and glass panes in the roof in such away that you use sunlight to light up the rooms during day light hours. Make an effort to switch off lights and fans when leaving a room. Ensure that the filters in air conditioners and heaters are always cleaned and free of clog and dust.

If you live an energy efficient lifestyle you will see the numbers on the energy bill actually reducing. The power to cut energy costs is well within your control. It is as simple as only washing full loads and that to in cold water. Use the hot wash option only for very dirty clothes.  Cook food only just before you are ready to eat that way you can save reheating costs as well as refrigerating costs of storing the food. Turn the thermostat of the refrigerator to minimum in cold or cool weather. Switch off freezers if they are not in use. Small contributions can all add up to significant amounts of power saved. And, power saved means money in the bank.

Electric Bill

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Data and Phone Line Installation by Electrician in Santa Monica

You may not know it, but an electrician can actually take care of more than just electrical problems. If you have moved into a new home or want to add an additional phone line or another line for your cable television, you can call an electrician to take care of it for you. You don’t […]

The post Data and Phone Line Installation by Electrician in Santa Monica appeared first on The Electric Connection.


electrical maintenance electrician certification electrical contracting

Landscape Lighting

Low voltage landscape lighting is an easy and cost effective way of providing dramatic lighting effects in your outdoor spaces and significantly enhance the beauty of your home. These systems have come a long way from the original tiered “pagoda” fixtures, with many styles, materials and power options to choose from. Fixtures with photovoltaic cells […]


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Time of Use Electric Meters

Our family has taken advantage of “time of use” electric meters since they were first introduce by SRP many years ago. These meters track when electricity is used and charge a higher rate during “peak time” and a lower rate during “off-peak time”. Since a utility company has to build a system to deliver enough […]


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Check Your GFCI

GFCI receptacles (Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter) are typically found in homes built or remodeled after 1978 and can most often found in the bathroom, garage or exterior outlets. One GFCI may control multiple outlets. It is not uncommon, especially in homes built before 1997, to find the GFCI in the bathroom or garage controlling the […]


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51xx Florence Ave.

Front entrance is 2x person door. Roll-up door loading bay in background behind for sale sign

Front entrance is 2x person door. Roll-up door loading bay in background behind for sale sign

Gated side driveway along west perimeter

Gated side driveway along west perimeter

West side middle grade level entrance (into semi-basement)

West side middle grade level entrance (into semi-basement)

West side middle grade level entrance (into semi-basement)

West side middle grade level entrance (into semi-basement)

51xx Florence Ave116 51xx Florence Ave117 51xx Florence Ave111 51xx Florence Ave113 51xx Florence Ave110

landing and stairs serve two entry-level doors behind middle-front area and beside middle-rear area.

landing and stairs serve two entry-level doors behind middle-front area and beside middle-rear area.

51xx Florence Ave108 51xx Florence Ave107 51xx Florence Ave106 51xx Florence Ave105 51xx Florence Ave104 51xx Florence Ave102 51xx Florence Ave103 51xx Florence Ave100 51xx Florence Ave101 51xx Florence Ave098 51xx Florence Ave099 51xx Florence Ave097

semi-basement level exterior beneath entry level rear (south)

semi-basement level exterior beneath entry level rear (south)

semi-basement level exterior beneath entry level rear (south)

semi-basement level exterior beneath entry level rear (south)

semi-basement level interior beneath entry level rear (south). boarded windows to south and west will admit good light.

semi-basement level interior beneath entry level rear (south). boarded windows to south and west will admit good light.

semi-basement level interior beneath entry level rear (south). boarded windows to south and west will admit good light.

semi-basement level interior beneath entry level rear (south). boarded windows to south and west will admit good light.

semi-basement level interior beneath entry level rear (south). boarded windows to south and west will admit good light.

semi-basement level interior beneath entry level rear (south). boarded windows to south and west will admit good light.

semi-basement level interior beneath entry level rear (south). boarded windows to south and west will admit good light.

semi-basement level interior beneath entry level rear (south). boarded windows to south and west will admit good light.

semi-basement level interior beneath entry level rear (south). boarded windows to south and west will admit good light.

semi-basement level interior beneath entry level rear (south). boarded windows to south and west will admit good light.

semi-basement level interior beneath entry level rear (south). boarded windows to south and west will admit good light.

semi-basement level interior beneath entry level rear (south). boarded windows to south and west will admit good light.

semi-basement level interior beneath entry level rear (south). boarded windows to south and west will admit good light.

semi-basement level interior beneath entry level rear (south). boarded windows to south and west will admit good light.

semi-basement level interior beneath entry level rear (south). boarded windows to south and west will admit good light.

semi-basement level interior beneath entry level rear (south). boarded windows to south and west will admit good light.

semi-basement level interior beneath entry level rear (south). boarded windows to south and west will admit good light.

semi-basement level interior beneath entry level rear (south). boarded windows to south and west will admit good light.

semi-basement level interior beneath entry level rear (south). boarded windows to south and west will admit good light.

semi-basement level interior beneath entry level rear (south). boarded windows to south and west will admit good light.

semi-basement level interior beneath entry level rear (south). boarded windows to south and west will admit good light.

semi-basement level interior beneath entry level rear (south). boarded windows to south and west will admit good light.

Semi-basement level middle, with grade-level entry just out of frame

Semi-basement level middle, with grade-level entry just out of frame

looking south into semi-basement rear, from semi-basement middle

looking south into semi-basement rear, from semi-basement middle

Semi-basement front. Hallway to utility area at NE corner

Semi-basement front. Hallway to utility area at NE corner

Semi-basement middle, looking NE to removable 2x4 wall.

Semi-basement middle, looking NE to removable 2×4 wall.

Semi-basement front storage room with racks

Semi-basement front storage room with racks

Semi-basement front storage room with racks

Semi-basement front storage room with racks

51xx Florence Ave079 51xx Florence Ave074 51xx Florence Ave075 51xx Florence Ave076

Entry-level middleFront, looking South

Entry-level middleFront, looking South

51xx Florence Ave073

Entry-level front, looking west at doorways to (2) small offices

Entry-level front, looking west at doorways to (2) small offices

Entry-level front, looking E to door to loading bay at building NE corner

Entry-level front, looking E to door to loading bay at building NE corner

Entry-level front, looking N at 2x person door.

Entry-level front, looking N at 2x person door.

Entry-level rear. panorama shot makes 20x12 space look bigger than it is.

Entry-level rear. panorama shot makes 20×12 space look bigger than it is.

51xx Florence Ave066 51xx Florence Ave067 51xx Florence Ave068

entry-level mid-rear

entry-level mid-rear

51xx Florence Ave063 51xx Florence Ave064 51xx Florence Ave059 51xx Florence Ave060

entry-level mid-rear, looking south

entry-level mid-rear, looking south

former skylight over entry-level mid-front area

former skylight over entry-level mid-front area

51xx Florence Ave055 51xx Florence Ave056

Loading bay with roll-up door at building NE corner

Loading bay with roll-up door at building NE corner

Entry-level mid-front, stairs down to semi-basement in foreground; looking west

Entry-level mid-front, stairs down to semi-basement in foreground; looking west

51xx Florence Ave051 51xx Florence Ave052 51xx Florence Ave053 51xx Florence Ave049 51xx Florence Ave050 51xx Florence Ave045 51xx Florence Ave046 51xx Florence Ave047 51xx Florence Ave048 51xx Florence Ave042

3phase electrical service needs some safety repairs. It's on right now.

3phase electrical service needs some safety repairs. It’s on right now.

51xx Florence Ave044 51xx Florence Ave039 51xx Florence Ave040 51xx Florence Ave041 51xx Florence Ave036 51xx Florence Ave037 51xx Florence Ave038 51xx Florence Ave034 51xx Florence Ave035 51xx Florence Ave031 51xx Florence Ave032 51xx Florence Ave033 51xx Florence Ave029 51xx Florence Ave030 51xx Florence Ave026 51xx Florence Ave027 51xx Florence Ave028 51xx Florence Ave022 51xx Florence Ave023 51xx Florence Ave024 51xx Florence Ave025 51xx Florence Ave018 51xx Florence Ave019 51xx Florence Ave020 51xx Florence Ave021 51xx Florence Ave015 51xx Florence Ave016 51xx Florence Ave017 51xx Florence Ave010 51xx Florence Ave011 51xx Florence Ave012

Entry-level small office at front, building NW

Entry-level small office at front, building NW

Entry-level small office at front, building NW

Entry-level small office at front, building NW

Entry-level small office at front, building NW

Entry-level small office at front, building NW

Entry-level small office at front, building NW

Entry-level small office at front, building NW

51xx Florence Ave008 51xx Florence Ave009

Florence Ave. facade

Florence Ave. facade

51xx Florence Ave002

Entry-level front (N)

Entry-level front (N)

Entry-level small office at front, building NW

Entry-level small office at front, building NW

Entry-level small office at front, building NW

Entry-level small office at front, building NW

Google map of building, looking N across Amtrak lines to corner of 51st and Florence at top of frame.

Google map of building, looking N across Amtrak lines to corner of 51st and Florence at top of frame.

Licensed Electrician Robert Monk 51xx Florence Ave. Copyright Robert Monk, 2012


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