Monday, September 30, 2013

How to Beat the Summer Heat

Step outside and it’s not hard to see (and feel) that we’re in the heart of summer.

In Florida, taking a much-needed trip to the beach or pool, stopping by the local ice cream shop and catching an indoor movie are obviously all ways to beat the blazing summer heat. But what can you do to stay cool in your home as the hot air tries to fight its way indoors? Luckily, there are some things you can do to ensure a cooler, more efficient home this summer.

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that, as the temperatures rise, it’s likely your electric bill will, as well, but, you don’t have to break the bank this summer! There are a few simple steps that you can take to make sure you’re getting the most of out your air conditioning unit, saving you big chunk of change and ultimately making a huge difference in your electrical spending!

Here are a few steps to take to ensure you, your family and your home stay cool this summer:

  • Don’t use your air conditioner more than necessary. Set timers. When you’re not home, raise the temperature.
  • Don’t cool rooms that aren’t occupied. If you want to have steady airflow in an unoccupied room, try a ceiling fan instead.
  • Keep your air conditioner out of direct sunlight. How? Plant a tree over your exterior unit.
  • Change your air filter once a month during warmer months. This will ensure your unit is working as efficiently as possible.
  • Allow your air conditioning unit to “breath.” Never place furniture or drapes in front of it!
  • When the weather allows, turn off the A/C and open the windows.
  • Reduce in-house heat during the day. Save cooking, bathing, laundry and dish washing for later in the evening, when the sun isn’t creating heat in your home.
  • Keep your house closed tight during the day. This will keep any unwanted heat or humidity from getting inside your home, which could potentially counteract all of the hard work your air conditioner is doing.

Keep in mind: Winter is just a few months away! In the meantime, if you have any questions, feel free to contact us.


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Troubleshooting Tripping Breakers with Your Electrician in Glendale

If you have a breaker or several breakers that are tripping, there are some things you can do to keep it from happening. If you are not comfortable with trying to diagnose the problem, you can call The Electric Connection. We have skilled electricians who can certainly take care of the troubleshooting process for you. […]

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A Few More Questions for Ron Binz

The nominee for the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) chairmanship Ron Binz will have plenty of potential questions to answer today at his confirmation hearing (9:30am ET), including these posted by the Institute for Energy Research.

The importance of the Binz nomination stems in roughly equal parts from:

(1) The growing significance of FERC as an agency with new and expanded authority,

(2) The context and timing of the nomination, which comes as part of an aggressive (Congress-and-voters-be-damned) climate action plan, and

(3) The details of Ron Binz’s history as a radical (pro-renewable) regulator and energy “expert.”

To complement today’s questions posed by members of the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, university economist and electricity specialist Robert Michaels would ask the nominee the following questions:

 #1: You are aware that the transmission grid of most of Texas (ERCOT) operates as an in-state island separate from the Eastern and Western Interconnections. Do you favor maintaining its status, or do you believe that legislation and FERC initiatives to force closer integration would be valuable? If so, explain.

#2: If you do not favor further integration between Texas and the rest of the nation, might there be benefits from facilitating the secession of individual systems from existing regional transmission organizations (RTOs)? And if your answers differ, why?

#3: The federal government has taken a number of steps to foster the growth of renewable power, but has stopped short of imposing a nationwide renewable portfolio standard (RPS). Do you favor one? If so, how would you deal with the fact that different sections of the country will have quite different costs of compliance with it, e.g. the southeast is a poor site for both wind and solar generation.

#4: Your state of Colorado, in fact, has a very low penetration of renewables. Future plans for their expansion are a political football. What could have the Colorado Public Utilities Commission done to raise renewable power capacity and production during your tenure but did not do? And what might this have cost?

#5: Assuming that the underlying (federal) law remains unchanged, what do you hope FERC to do during your tenure to foster the growth of renewables?

#6: The members of Colorado’s PUC are elected rather than appointed like those in most states and at FERC. Would any of your policy positions have been different had you been appointed? If not, would you be indifferent as to whether regulators are appointed or elected?

#7: May we assume that you believe climate change is settled science? [Provide list of recent “denier” developments--lower climate sensitivity to GHG forcing, hurricane trends, polar ice growth, etc.] What sort of data might be required to change your views on climate change?

All of these questions are hard ones for the central planning mentality, as well as the climate alarmist.

What other questions might be asked from a pro-liberty, efficiency, consumer friendly, and taxpayer friendly perspective? Please feel free to share your questions in the comment section below!


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Contemporary Modern Lighting Illuminates Any Home

Decorating your home can be quite a challenge if you are not up to the task. You need to decide on the color that you want for your walls. You need to consider the tiles you will put on the floor. You also have to give some thought to the lighting fixtures you will have installed. Given that every decision you make is vital in giving you the design of your home that you desire, the number of contemporary modern lighting fixtures available is enough to confuse anyone in their quest to make the right decision.

Of course, you will find that your tastes and personal preferences will naturally come into play. Then there is also the issue of the current design or style of your home. In short, zeroing on the exact style that you want for your interiors is difficult enough. How much more could finding the right contemporary modern lighting fixture be? It sure does not help that today’s contemporary modern lighting fixtures comes in a wide variety of shapes and colors. Nevertheless, putting all that difficulty aside, you just need to read this article so that you can get a few ideas that will enlighten you (pun intended) regarding all the ways you can light up your home.

So, how do you pick the right contemporary modern lighting fixture for your home? the following are some helpful hints which you can use.

- Floor lamps 
Modern homes can benefit from contemporary floor lamps. These floor lamps are made from different materials – wood, metal and combinations of both. If you want something interesting, you can go for those with unusual yet attractive designs. Just be sure to pick floor lamps that go well with the other pieces that are present in the room. Dare to be creative? Pick floor lamps with bold colors. They will surely provide illumination as well as liven up your room.

- Side lamps 
For lamps to adorn side tables, you can opt for contemporary side lamps. These lighting solutions can give an otherwise drab room a dash of color. Of course, when you want some vibrancy in the room, you have to choose acrylic side lamps that come in different shades – blue, red, pink, orange, purple, and loads more! Then there are chrome side lamps that go well with chrome furniture. If you are not one to experiment, you can pick side lamps with wooden designs. These go well with wooden furnishings.

- Chandeliers and ceiling lights 
There are now more options to choose from when it comes to chandeliers and ceiling lights. You can take your pick from different designs to complement the room you intend to install a chandelier in. Plus, your room can get a whole new look when you pick interesting ceiling lights to give you the illumination you need.


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Tips: Hiring the right electrician.

How do you know your hiring the right electrician?


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Contemporary Modern Lighting Illuminates Any Home

Decorating your home can be quite a challenge if you are not up to the task. You need to decide on the color that you want for your walls. You need to consider the tiles you will put on the floor. You also have to give some thought to the lighting fixtures you will have installed. Given that every decision you make is vital in giving you the design of your home that you desire, the number of contemporary modern lighting fixtures available is enough to confuse anyone in their quest to make the right decision.

Of course, you will find that your tastes and personal preferences will naturally come into play. Then there is also the issue of the current design or style of your home. In short, zeroing on the exact style that you want for your interiors is difficult enough. How much more could finding the right contemporary modern lighting fixture be? It sure does not help that today’s contemporary modern lighting fixtures comes in a wide variety of shapes and colors. Nevertheless, putting all that difficulty aside, you just need to read this article so that you can get a few ideas that will enlighten you (pun intended) regarding all the ways you can light up your home.

So, how do you pick the right contemporary modern lighting fixture for your home? the following are some helpful hints which you can use.

- Floor lamps 
Modern homes can benefit from contemporary floor lamps. These floor lamps are made from different materials – wood, metal and combinations of both. If you want something interesting, you can go for those with unusual yet attractive designs. Just be sure to pick floor lamps that go well with the other pieces that are present in the room. Dare to be creative? Pick floor lamps with bold colors. They will surely provide illumination as well as liven up your room.

- Side lamps 
For lamps to adorn side tables, you can opt for contemporary side lamps. These lighting solutions can give an otherwise drab room a dash of color. Of course, when you want some vibrancy in the room, you have to choose acrylic side lamps that come in different shades – blue, red, pink, orange, purple, and loads more! Then there are chrome side lamps that go well with chrome furniture. If you are not one to experiment, you can pick side lamps with wooden designs. These go well with wooden furnishings.

- Chandeliers and ceiling lights 
There are now more options to choose from when it comes to chandeliers and ceiling lights. You can take your pick from different designs to complement the room you intend to install a chandelier in. Plus, your room can get a whole new look when you pick interesting ceiling lights to give you the illumination you need.


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Landscape Lighting

Low voltage landscape lighting is an easy and cost effective way of providing dramatic lighting effects in your outdoor spaces and significantly enhance the beauty of your home. These systems have come a long way from the original tiered “pagoda” fixtures, with many styles, materials and power options to choose from. Fixtures with photovoltaic cells [...]


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5 Energy Savings Myths Debunked

Nowadays, it seems as though everyone wants to save money while saving energy. Whether you do it for your wallet or the planet, taking extra steps to go green definitely has its benefits. But there’s so much information out there, it’s hard to know what’s actually true!

Myth #1: Closing your A/C vents saves energy.

Since energy is consumed by the air unit itself, closing your vents will not help with your use! When you close the vents in one room, it restricts the air at that specific vent, redirecting the air to other locations and through possible leaks in the duct system. Closing vents can also put pressure on the fan that pushes the air through the system, ultimately causing the system to work harder.

Myth #2: Leaving a ceiling fan on will cool a room—even if no one is in it.

Fans cool people, not rooms! Ceiling fans circulate the air in the room to create a draft, making you feel cooler—they don’t actually lower the temperature in the room. Leaving your ceiling fan on when you’re not in the room is a waste of both energy and money. To start saving, make sure you turn fans off before leaving a room.

Myth #3: Setting the thermostat higher heats your home faster.

Although setting your thermostat higher does have the potential to increase the run-time of the heating system, doing so will also cause the system to use more energy. Not to mention, your home can become uncomfortably hot extremely fast. Setting the heat to an appropriate temperature will get the job done—just be patient!

Myth #4: Leaving a light on uses less energy than turning it off, then on again.

As ridiculous as it may sound, some people do believe that leaving a light on for an extended period of time—rather than turning it off and on again—uses less energy. Despite the on again/off again effect, there is actually no significant additional power drawn when turning on a light bulb. Lights should always be turned off each time you leave a room, even if it’s just for a few minutes. There’s no reason for a light to be on in a room with no one in it. It’s wasteful and will heat up the room, potentially making your A/C work harder.

Myth #5: Leaving your air conditioning running when you’re not at home is more efficient than having to re-cool a space once you return.

Although this is false, you should never turn the system off completely. In doing so, more energy will be used to cool down your entire house as your air conditioning unit tries to replace the warm air that’s accumulated throughout the day. At the same time, however, it’s inefficient to leave your air conditioning unit on all day. This will cause the compressor to operate regularly for the hours you’re not at home. Ideally, you’ll want to lower your system when you leave the house for extended periods of time and set a timer for about a half hour before you return home.


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Sunday, September 29, 2013

Energy Policy Myopia: George P. Shultz Remembered (Republicans have been bad too)

[Ed. note: George P. Shultz has long been an errant voice on energy and climate issues. A leading Republican climate alarmist, Shultz's energy views from decades ago, still held, are the subject of the post below.]

“Shultz writes: ‘The president requested service stations to voluntarily suspend the sale of gasoline on Saturdays and Sundays. The 90 percent compliance with his request resulted in long lines at gas stations on weekdays.’

Hogwash! The ‘long gas lines’ were the result U.S. government central planning with respect to oil. Notice how often those long gas lines have returned since controls ended in the 1980s.”

Peter Z. Grossman

When it comes to energy policy, President Obama seems to have learned nothing from the past. His ideas closely resemble the grandiose, failed policies of the 1970s.

But such historical ignorance knows no party.  Republicans are just as likely to exhibit the same.

Case in point? An essay published in the Hoover Institution’s Defining Ideas by Nixon administration cabinet member (labor and then treasury) George P. Shultz.  His article shows that even with the benefit of time, he has learned nothing about policies he helped make 40-plus years ago.

When he came to Washington in 1969, Shultz was put in charge of a task force to reconsider the Eisenhower-era oil import quota policy.  The Mandatory Oil Import Program (MOIP) was a mess. Ostensibly created for national security reasons, (reasons that no one could credibly articulate), it was soon encumbered with favors to numerous interest groups.

Shultz boasts that the task force urged “a sharply improved management system.” But the recommendations of the task force were beside the point. The only solution for MOIP was its termination not its transformation.

Then Shultz jumps forward to the 1973–74 Arab oil embargo after the onset of war between Israel and its Arab neighbors, Syria and Egypt.  Virtually all economists understand that the gas lines of the “energy crisis” that winter were the result of U.S. price and allocation controls. A price ceiling—enacted by the Nixon administration as an ill-considered means to fight inflation—is what elementary economics texts use to show how a shortage is created.

But that’s not how Shultz explains it. He writes: “The president requested service stations to voluntarily suspend the sale of gasoline on Saturdays and Sundays. The 90 percent compliance with his request resulted in long lines at gas stations on weekdays.”

Hogwash! The “long gas lines” were the result U.S. government central planning with respect to oil. Notice how often those long gas lines have returned since controls ended in the 1980s.

Shultz points out that the UK and France were spared shortages since they refused to support Israel though neither was spared price increases since the Arab OPEC members cut production to support their embargo. But Shultz fails to address the question of why the Netherlands, which was also embargoed by the Arab oil exporters, didn’t face shortages.  They were spared because they didn’t have the kind of laws that had so distorted the U.S. market.

Shultz concludes by noting that Eisenhower had cautioned against “dependence” on oil imports, especially if they exceeded 20 percent of U.S. demand.  “’Ike had a point,’” he claims he told himself.

The dependence argument has been the cornerstone of U.S. policy for 40 years.  We are vulnerable because we are dependent.

But this argument, omnipresent though it is, is also wrong-headed. Oil was, and is, a fungible commodity bought and sold in a world market. If the U.S was importing, say, 50 percent of its supply and there was a disruption that reduced world output, prices would surely rise, but there is no reason why anyone would face “gas lines” or any other problem of that sort.

If U.S. refiners had been able to pay the market price in 1973–74 and immediately pass along the added cost, the market would have reallocated supplies to meet U.S. demand. The extent of import “dependence” wouldn’t have mattered in the slightest.

But the control system disordered the market process. This was proven once controls were lifted. From 1980 to 2008, oil market disruptions led only to temporary price spikes. The U.S., meanwhile, enjoyed robust economic growth even as imported oil topped 60 percent of supply.

There is only one important lesson in Shultz’s essay: That is, we will never have useful energy policies in the U.S. as long as leaders of both parties misconstrue the policies of the past.


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Time of Use Electric Meters

Our family has taken advantage of “time of use” electric meters since they were first introduce by SRP many years ago. These meters track when electricity is used and charge a higher rate during “peak time” and a lower rate during “off-peak time”. Since a utility company has to build a system to deliver enough [...]


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Where in West Palm Beach can you find a good electrician?

We understand that it is hard to find electricians in West Palm Beach and other areas in South Florida like Ft Lauderdale and Boca Raton.

As a licensed electrical contractor in West Palm Beach and South Florida that has been in business for many years, we handle the entire spectrum of electrical services.  While some smaller electrical companies may not be able to handle certain jobs or not have the staff or expertise to make it happen, we do it all!

Whether you are just looking to have some minor electrical work done in your new home, install lighting or put in a generator, we will get the job done safely and securely.  Over the years, we have handled just about every type of job you can possibly think of.  We work on commercial properties and residential. We can work with your developers and architects from the beginning of your project until the end to make sure you have the exact fixtures that will best suit your home or business.  If you need commercial lighting for a restaurant, office building or hotel in South Florida, we can do it without a problem.  Also, if you want to install a generator for your home or office, we specialize in that as well.

If you want to install some new lighting or wiring for your home, we will be happy to come by and give you a fair estimate for the work to be completed.  You can check out our testimonials page for reports from happy customers and you can always look us up with the better business bureau as well to see that we have an excellent rating.  Knowing that, give us a call (561)-247-4513



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Gov. Brown vs. Brown on the Climate ‘Crisis’

“Sadly, the narrative supporting anthropogenic global warming has less to do with protecting the Earth, but more to do with redistributing wealth through climate change policies…. [R]ather than take the indicators’ report at face value, policy-makers would be better served to ask whether the indicators referenced in the report are accurate, relevant to our current environmental remedies and if they provide for reproducible results in the future.”

Will California stay the futile course of warring against the green greenhouse gas, carbon dioxide? Or will the state yield to economic and climate realities?

As country after country and state after state rethink and retreat from public policies to significantly reduce believed-to-be anthropogenic climate change, California is the holdout. Will the Governor, his administration, the Legislature and environmental interest groups listen to actual science or continue to listen to fear mongers.

Such a reconsideration of the failed status quo can begin by critically assessing the Brown Administration’s own assessment of various climate change “indicators.” Simply recognizing the report’s contradictions can inspire a reform effort to stop injuring the world’s eighth largest economy one paper cut at a time.

Governor Jerry Brown has a warning for you: “Whether you live in California, Texas or Timbuktu, climate change is real, and it’s long past time for action.” With that, he has asked policy-makers to look to science as they implement programs intended to stall global warming and save the very existence of California.

However, recent data suggests that global temperatures are stagnant or with very little appreciable change and the climate forecasting models are significantly off in their dooms-day projections. The crisis is not with climate but the heavy emotional and political investment in climate alarmism.

Since predicting the future has proven to be hazardous to the reputations of the purveyors of anthropogenic (i.e. human caused) global warming, officers from the Brown Administration in the California Environmental Protection Agency (CalEPA) and in the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment looked to the past in their report, “Indicators of Climate Change in California,” to justify future costly and irrelevant policy-making decisions regarding climate change for years to come. Thus, CalEPA’s report retrospectively tracks 36 “indicators” associated with the impacts of climate change from a compilation of scientific reports found in state and federal agencies, universities and other like-minded institutions.

Upon closer inspection, many may wonder if the selected indicators in this report were the best evidence that CalEPA could conjure up to support their claims of the impacts of anthropogenic global warming or even if the indicators indicated much at all. Indeed, a keen observer will notice that CalEPA’s report consistently undermines or downplays their own assertions. With that, this briefing report is not a scientific critique, but rather a sampling of the most suspect caveats, exceptions, nuances and stipulations documented in CalEPA’s report not addressed in its elusive executive summary.

In an effort to conserve trees, we present only the most relevant sections of CalEPA’s report, remove specific scientific references that can be easily found within the original document and direct the reader to the corresponding page linked here.

Everything presented below in quotation marks and italics is copied directly from the reports. We have bolded the most intriguing sentences.

Without Further Ado, “Indicators of Climate Change in California”

The Role Of Natural Climate Variability And Other Factors “The El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) are important cyclical climate phenomena that influence many physical and biological processes in the Pacific Ocean. It is difficult to establish when ocean-related influences on marine populations are due to climate change or natural variability in ENSO and PDO processes.

The lack of long-term monitoring of ocean conditions and concurrent marine population changes often limits the ability to discern real trends and possible links to climate change… In fact, researchers may have been at times misled to interpret climate change impacts as those of local environmental changes. As one scientist notes, ‘The difficulty of disentangling multiple stressors within poorly sampled systems has stymied the discovery of marine climate change impacts.’” (page 3)

Greenhouse Gas Emissions “California cumulative emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), and high global warming potential (High-GWP) gases, expressed in CO2 equivalents, have seen an overall increase between 1990 and 2011. In the past five years, however, emissions have generally been declining.(page 7)

Annual Air Temperature “Urbanization appears to primarily raise minimum temperatures while irrigation appears to both cool maximum temperatures and warm minimum temperatures.” (pg.42)

Extreme Heat Events “Station coverage is not uniformly distributed geographically and coverage can be quite sparse in mountainous regions such as the Sierra Nevada, therefore there is a bias towards populated areas and lower elevations. Elevation is accounted for in the interpolation; however, choice of interpolation scheme can affect correlation and bias with respect to point measurements. Recorded temperatures in urban areas can also be affected by the urban heat island effect due to land surface modification and other human activities.”(page 52)

Annual Precipitation “Annual precipitation in California has been variable from year to year, particularly since the 1930s, with consecutive dry or wet years at many times during the observational record. No clear trend is evident.(page 63)

Annual Sierra Nevada Snowmelt Runoff “This decreased runoff was especially evident after mid-century; the recent two decades seem to indicate a flattening of the percentage decrease. There is no significant trend in total water year runoff, just a change in timing of runoff. (page 71) Snowmelt and runoff volume data can be used to document changes in runoff patterns.

These changes are likely due to increased air temperatures and climate changes such as winter storms. Other factors, such as the Pacific Decadal Oscillation and, possibly air pollution, probably contribute to the patterns observed. (page 73) Over the years, instrumentation has changed and generally improved”(page 74)

Snow Water Content “The average total water stored in the state’s snowpack on April 1 of each year has stayed roughly the same in recent decades for the state as a whole (page 76)…No overall trend in the statewide averages is indicated during the past several decades (page 76)…A potentially confounding factor in the variation and trends in April 1 snowpack is the effect of dust and other contaminants on both the initial formation of mountain snowpacks and on snowmelt timing.”(page 78)

Glacier Change “Despite warmer temperatures during the past few decades, Mount Shasta’s ice volume has remained relatively stable and its glaciers have continued to advance due to a large increase in winter snow accumulation. (pgs. 85-86) This indicator relies on data on glacier change based on photographic records, which are limited by the availability and quality of historical photographs.”(page 86)

Sea Level Rise The measurements at San Francisco Bay and La Jolla show a leveling off of sea level rise in the past two decades. This is in contrast to the trends observed globally showing continued rise at the rate of 3 mm/year (0.12 inches/year). The reasons for the discrepancy are not clear (page 90)…Due to astronomical forces, such as the lunar cycle, it is difficult to isolate possible changes due to global warming by looking at short periods in the sea level tidal record.”(page 91)

Coastal Ocean Temperature “Natural fluctuations in temperature and other physical factors that characterize ocean conditions and affect the marine ecosystem, make it difficult to isolate the magnitude of anthropogenic climate change.(page 112)

Oxygen Concentration in the California Current “It should be noted that the observed [dissolved oxygen] levels could be influenced by both local thermodynamic or biological processes, as well as remote, large-scale, changes. The oxygen concentrations can vary with the depth, temperature and time of year of the water being measured. While both factors are important, quantification of their relative influences is not feasible at this time.(page 116)

Mosquito Borne Diseases “Warming temperatures are likely to increase the abundance of vectors in time and space, and therefore the incidence of vector-borne diseases. Although there is some evidence that the abundance and distribution of vectors in certain regions of the world may be changing, the evidence supporting changes in the distribution and incidence of vector-borne diseases is less clear and confounded by changes in human-related factors such as landscape change.(page 120)

Heat Related Mortality and Morbidity “Although both meteorological and health outcomes data are presently available, no reliable indicators showing trends in heat-related mortality and morbidity over time can be presented. Existing data collection systems in the state do not fully capture the health impacts of heat exposure…(page 124) No conclusions can be drawn from the data, given the number of years with “unreliable” death rates; in addition, as discussed above, the reported values reflect the narrow definition of “heat-related” deaths.”(page 125)

Large Wildfires “High annual variation—largely attributed to weather conditions and lightning events that result in dispersed ignitions in remote locations—makes it difficult to determine long-term trends. (page 137) Formerly open woodlands have become dense forests, increasing the risk of large, difficult-to-control fires… In these ecosystems, it is difficult to ascertain the relative contributions of management factors versus climate change…long records that document wildfire activity are often not readily available and older records are less comprehensive than recent records, meaning fires can appear to be increasing merely because of improved reporting.”(pgs. 141-142)

Harmful Algal Blooms (HAB) “HAB monitoring programs have traditionally been regulatory in nature, and not designed to determine temporal and spatial trends of HAB events. Hence, long term datasets showing possible links to climate change are not available. Furthermore, it is difficult to separate the possible effects of climate change from anthropogenic impacts, particularly increased discharges of nutrients in developed coastal areas, sewage releases and ballast water introduction into the ocean.” (page 223)

Changing Pattern of Extreme Events “…[C]limate scientists generally cannot directly attribute a particular event to global warming.” (page 226)

Read Past the Executive Summary

Few would argue that a changing climate does not have any impacts on California’s natural resources. Those who report on the collected studies should do more than simply cut and paste talking points from the executive summary, especially when those statements do not comport with the actual study. While the disregard of such facts is not highlighted, they certainly cannot be ignored. To not question studies with such glaring contradictions would be irresponsible and that is the ultimate purpose of this report.

Sadly, the narrative supporting anthropogenic global warming has less to do with protecting the Earth, but more to do with redistributing wealth through climate change policies. If life, liberty, property and the environment are to be best protected, rather than take the indicators’ report at face value, policy-makers would be better served to ask whether the indicators referenced in the report are accurate, relevant to our current environmental remedies and if they provide for reproducible results in the future.


Lance Christensen, who recently joined the Reason Foundation, spent nine years in and around the California State Capitol as a legislative consultant for both then-State Senator Tom McClintock and the Senate Republican Caucus, as well as a finance budget analyst for the Governor’s Department of Finance. Christensen’s work with California budgetary, legislative, and regulatory processes drew him to environmental issues and energy policies, including AB 32 implementation, the Green Chemistry Initiative regulatory process, and proposed reforms of the California Environmental Quality Act.

Lance graduated from Brigham Young University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in English and received a Master of Public Policy degree, with an emphasis in International Relations, from Pepperdine University.


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Bad ceiling fan by Hampton Bay, 122-135 “Hawkins”

This higher style fan was priced such that it ought to have come with a drop tube mount option. The mounting bracket relies on “two screws and washers provided with outlet box”, but few fan-rated boxes include such hardware.



The fan housing/canopy requires perfect ceiling and excessive force to twist into place.

Licensed Electrician Robert Monk Bad ceiling fan by Hampton Bay, 122-135 “Hawkins” Copyright Robert Monk, 2012


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Solar PV in/out dual meters and 200A upgrade


An existing 100A underground service with standard meter and timer-interrupted OP meter (OP tariff no longer available)

An existing 100A underground service with standard meter and timer-interrupted OP meter (OP tariff no longer available)

Mandolin and I have spent a couple beautiful days this week upgrading an underground service from 100A to 200A, and re-configuring the metering to support the net output of an upcoming solar PV installation by frequent partner and friends,  Sumintra, LLC.


(2) meters clustered with a shiny box below them and two pipes below that

PECO requires two meters for grid-tied solar PV installations: 1 to measure what they deliver, and the 2nd to measure what you provide to the grid. The difference is what you pay, and PECO settles up any overpayment at the end of each year.

Since I could not make the underground service RMC raceway (‘conduit’) and service entrance raceway connect directly to any arrangement of right- or left-hand meter enclosures, I had to install a wiring trough between the existing pipe work and the new meter configuration. As it turned out, the short conductors of the original installation required a splice box in any case, since they would never have stretched across the generous wiring space of a 200A underground meter enclosure.

Using the trough also allowed me to shift the new meter setup to the right of its previous location, providing proper safe working clearance for this equipment.




Licensed Electrician Robert Monk Solar PV in/out dual meters and 200A upgrade Copyright Robert Monk, 2012


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Our focus is to provide quality and honest electricians to our West Palm Beach, Fr Lauderdale, Miami and all surrounding areas like Coral Springs, Boca Raton, Hollywood, Broward County and Miami-Dade County customers, this has enabled our electricians to maintain longstanding relationships with residential, industrial, and commercial clients throughout South Florida. As a result of viewing each of our diverse clients as individuals and responding to their electrical needs in the way that works for them, we are one of the most reliable and respected providers of electricians in West Palm Beach, Ft Lauderdale and Miami area.

We offer many Home Electrical Services in the West Palm Beach, Ft Lauderdale and Miami  area.  If you don’t see what you are looking for we probably offer it.  Just give us a call !

Call An Honest & Reliable South Florida Electrician Today !

561.584.8455 or 954.495.8040


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Electrical Safety Tips For Your Home – Electrical Contractor Fort Lauderdale

There are many different ways to prevent potential fires in your home due to electrical hazards. Bob Frank, owner of Perfect Electric and Air located in Fort Lauderdale, is giving, in these video,electrical safety tips on how to properly use extension cords and when to use them. Extension cords should be for temporary use and it [...]


electrician electricians general contractor electrical supply electrical engineer

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Elephant Shooting Caught On Tape

This is disgraceful. It takes no skill to shoot an elephant dead. The creatures are gentle; they generally won’t charge a human (a lion is a different story).

So this piece should make you sick:

In a video of the hunt, Makris spots an elephant in the brush, walks up and shoots it in the the face twice. After a short chase, Makris fires again and the elephant is dead.

The NRA lobbyist then takes a moment to pose with his .577 “Tyrannosaur” rifle and the dead pachyderm.

As the episode ends, the group of hunters enjoys a glass of champagne while watching the sunset.

“To hunt an elephant and to harvest and elephant and to bring the ivory back to camp is a very, very special occasion,” one hunter says.

Actually, it’s not special. And that’s the pity. We’re hunting these animals to extermination. Were there a challenge in such a hunt, maybe — probably not, but maybe — one could praise the hunter for his (or her) skill.

But in my experience (3 visits to Africa, each included major time in Botswana looking at elephants in the wild) . . . shooting an elephant is a nothingburger. One shouldn’t be proud of it.

In fact, one should be shunned for doing such a thing, by 7 billion human beings.

CONSIDER THIS FACT: Along about the time I was born, there were 2 billion humans on the planet and perhaps 1 million-plus elephants in Africa. Now, there are 7 billion of us, and maybe 500,000 of them.

We didn’t kill them for food. We killed them (and still kill them) for “sport” and for ivory.


electric work electrical services electrical parts

Home Inspection Electrical Repairs

I remember the first call I received many years ago from a client that was panicked over a home inspector’s report that said she needed to re-wire her entire house that she was selling. Her older home was built before ground wires were required in the electrical cabling. Home inspections are a valuable part of [...]


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When do I need a home electrical service change ? Broward Electrician

Bob Frank, owner of Perfect Electric and Air Services, in discussing in this video tips on how to indentify the need for an electrical service change for your home. There are factors that increase electrical hazards and potential exposure to serious electrical issues that homeowners, at least most of them, wouldn’t be able to spot. Perfect [...]


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Emergency Back Up Generators

Hurricane season is is coming along nicely.  Long time South Florida residents know that June to October is the hottest and most humid time of the year to live in the area.  Hurricanes, severe thunderstorms and the occasional tornado are all things that can knock out the power to our home.

By hiring a licensed electrical contractor and electrician Miami, Broward County, or West Palm Beach for emergency generator installation, you can potentially save a life and or at least some comfort in the case of a prolonged power outage. Once your generator is installed, you can use it to run your Air Conditioning, refrigerator, hot water heater or even the stove.

In 2006, in the aftermath of hurricane Wilma, some South Florida residents were without power for 2-3 weeks.  In that time, all the food in your freezer may spoil, humidity can destroy your furniture and mold can grow in your home.  After a large storm, supermarkets and roads may be closed for a few days or longer and going shopping may not be an option for everybody. Also, what if you have an elderly parent or relative on a life support system that requires 24 hour electricity? Losing power is not an option!

A simple generator installation from one of our electrical services experts that cover Miami Dade County, Broward County and West Palm Beach can help you prevent many unfortunate mishaps that come with the territory of living in the sunshine state.   There are many different types of  emergency generators that run on a variety of fuel sources.  Contact one of our electricians today for advice on what is best for your individual needs.

Southern Coast Electrical Services
Electrician Miami, Broward and Palm Beach

Some of the cities we normally service with emergency generator installation Boca Raton, Deerfield Beach, Delray Beach, Boynton Beach, Hollywood, Aventura, Fort Lauderdale, Hallandale, Parkland and Coral Springs. So call us today (561)-247-4513


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According to ESFi (Electrical Safety Foundation International). The Month of may is electrical safety month. Cooper Electric wants to remind you not to take electrical safety for granted. Every year fifty-three thousand electrical fires occur in U.S. homes, most of which are entirely preventable! May is a great time to review important electrical and fire safety practices in your home.

Cooper Electric's Safety Tip is to test your GFCI receptacle outlets, by pressing the test and reset buttons. This will show whether your GFCI's are functioning properly. GFCI's prevent deadly shock, in wet are locations, and should be tested once a year.

If you are concerned about your wiring. We offer a state-of-the-art electrical testing service called CurrentSAFE. CurrentSAFE is a comprehensive test of your entire electrical system. Contact us today at 513-271-5000, and have our specialist out to your home to see if CurrentSAFE is right for you.


Copyright © Cooper Electric [MAY IS ELECTRICAL SAFETY MONTH], All Right Reserved. 2013.


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Licensed Electrician supports Decarcerate PA March for a People’s Budget

Here’s why Philladelphia licensed electrician Robert Monk Electric is supporting marchers walking from Philadelphia to Harrisburg on May 25. Will you #walkthewalk with us?

Philadelphia Licensed electrician Robert Monk believes a budget by the people is good for honest businesses who seek to be a part of a sustainable future.

Philadelphia Licensed electrician Robert Monk believes a budget by the people is good for honest businesses who seek to be a part of a sustainable future.


Unfortunately, as a small sole-proprietor contractor, I will likely be catching up on paperwork and paying taxes into the very treasury the march will try to take control of (politically speaking, of course).

So it’s up to you to help make sure our PA taxes build community and support productive infrastructure rather than expanding the scourge of incarceration.


Got a bus or mobile home/travel trailer?

Help me help Decarcerate PA and the March for a People’s Budget!

If you or someone you know has a 30′ – 40′ passenger bus or mobile home conversion bus or RV, or fifth-wheel travel trailer for sale, please be in touch, as I would like to purchase something along these lines and make it available as people-mover and/or logistical support in time to arrive for the demonstration in Harrisburg on June 3rd, 2013 (you, I, or someone at Decarcerate may be able to find a pickup truck to pull a trailer, a driver/operator for a class A mobile home conversion bus or RV, or a commercial class C driver for a passenger bus). Afterward, I would use the vehicle for my own business, but hope to find ways to make it available for logistical support of other worthy demontrations in the future, as well.

For a passenger bus or conversion bus, I would probably like to negotiate a 15-day lease that includes some or all of the march days, as well as a couple before or after, to run the thing by my mechanic and get their opinion before making an offer for purchase.

I am also interested in property, ideally near zip 19143, for either short- or long-term storage of the bus/trailer, and possibly a 20′ or 40′ ISO shipping container, in addition.

My budget for a bus and a place to keep it is $15-40K.

Licensed Electrician Robert Monk Licensed Electrician supports Decarcerate PA March for a People’s Budget Copyright Robert Monk, 2012


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Electrical Home Inspection: Why should you hire a professional electrician for your electrical home inspection?

 Bob Frank, owner of Perfect Electric and Air Services, explains in this video some of the reasons for the need to hire a professional electrician to perform your electrical home inspection. Among other reasons, it is important to hire a professional electrician for your electrical home inspection due to their years of experience in the [...]


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Friday, September 27, 2013

A Guide To Choosing Ceiling Lights For Your Bathroom

Have you ever heard the saying ‘a change is as good as a holiday’? There is plenty of truth to this statement; take, for example, changing the ceiling lights in your bathroom – this small act alone could make it feel like a whole new space. There is more to this decision, however, than just walking into a showroom, pointing at a fixture you like and saying ‘that one’. Use this guide to ensure that you are making the right choices for your bathroom in regards to San Gabriel Valley lighting.

Our bathrooms need to be functional above everything else, and the ceiling lights that you ultimately choose for your space will help to determine with this is the case. There is no point in installing a fixture that looks stunning if it prevents you from completing all of the tasks that you would normally undertake in the space, such as shaving and applying make up. This is not to say, however, that homeowners should forget about the aesthetics of their lighting fixtures – instead, it is about finding a balance.

One way to achieve this is by choosing ceiling fixtures that you can easily adjust in both direction and levels of illumination.

  • Illumination: the best way to control the level of illumination in your bathroom is by installing dimmer switchers in conjunction with your ceiling lights. You could also opt for the traditional fixture that includes both heat and normal lights. Whilst this only gives you the choice of two levels of brightness, it may be sufficient for your needs.
  • Direction: the best way to control the direction of lighting in your bathroom is by installing ceiling lights that are mounted into moveable supports. Halogen and LED lights are often mounted in this way, and their fixtures allow you to point the lights in the direction that you need the most illumination (such as over the vanity or the shower stall).


Thankfully, there is plenty of aesthetically pleasing ceiling lights out there that also achieves adequate illumination that can be dimmed or brightened and directed to a certain area. Recessed lights and downlights sit flush with the ceiling and appear as if they’re not even there during the day, whilst a chandelier will make a luxurious and elegant statement. If going for a ‘wow-factor’ fixture, such as a pendant or chandelier, it is recommended that you do the rest of your bathroom as minimalist as possible to avoid overpowering the space.



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How to Cut Your Electric Bill in NJ

Electric Bill

One of the major concerns in the world today is depletion of energy. As concerned citizens all of us must make a concerted effort to be conscious citizens and save on our electric bill in NJ. Electricity has become integral to life but imagine having to live without power.

Conservation of electricity benefits you personally as you will cut your electric bill. Consider:

1.    Doing an energy audit. This will tell you how and when you use energy and where the wastage lies. You will be able to make an “energy savings plan” by pinpointing exactly how you can cut back on energy consumption. Some ideas may be as simple as don’t leave the coffee machine on at all times.

2.    Think about resetting the thermostat ten degrees lower during the night. If you can do this for say approximately eight hours a day you will save 10% on electricity without sacrificing comfort. Insulate the home in winter by drawing shut the drapes.

3.    Check all insulation in the house. If you increase attic insulation to around 12 inches the electricity consumption will reduce by 20 percent.

4.    Plant more trees around the house these will cool the house in summer and insulate the house in winter. Studies show that a green cover benefits in many ways.

5.    Have all electricity wires and outlets checked for leakage. Check all fuses and appliances.

6.    Fluorescent light bulbs are energy efficient. They use 75% less energy than ordinary light bulbs, this will definitely help cut your electric bill.  These have a longer life and contribute to great savings.

7.    Use energy efficient appliances. These use less energy and believe it or not a high efficiency refrigerator uses less electricity than a light bulb.

8.    When you are away even for a few hours or days you should turn off and unplug   all electrical appliances and turn settings on the thermostat, water heater, and refrigerator to the lowest setting.

9.    Ensure that you use a water-saving shower head. Water heating costs for a family can be lowered by at least US$ 250 a year.

10.    Weatherize your home. This helps reduce heating bills by 20% and cooling by at least 10 percent. Even when building a home or decorating it use weather friendly materials—those that are not good conductors of heat and cold. Install windows and glass panes in the roof in such away that you use sunlight to light up the rooms during day light hours. Make an effort to switch off lights and fans when leaving a room. Ensure that the filters in air conditioners and heaters are always cleaned and free of clog and dust.

If you live an energy efficient lifestyle you will see the numbers on the energy bill actually reducing. The power to cut energy costs is well within your control. It is as simple as only washing full loads and that to in cold water. Use the hot wash option only for very dirty clothes.  Cook food only just before you are ready to eat that way you can save reheating costs as well as refrigerating costs of storing the food. Turn the thermostat of the refrigerator to minimum in cold or cool weather. Switch off freezers if they are not in use. Small contributions can all add up to significant amounts of power saved. And, power saved means money in the bank.

Electric Bill

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Infrared Inspecting New Equipment


    • New Installation Thermo PDF
    • Thermography Inspection Performed on December 14th 2011
    • The Image is of a “Factory Installed” Bus Connection from the 3,000 amp vertical bus to the primary side of an 800 amp distribution circuit breaker.
BusConnection BlueField 225x300 Infrared Inspecting New Equipment
    • This temperature abnormality was found during the Thermography inspection on phase c of the newly installed GE switchgear. The temperature difference between phase C and phase B is 20 degrees ferenheight (Image #2). The breaker was aproximatley 30% loaded at the time of inspection (phase C-278amps phase B- 284amps). After removing the factory installed GE circuit breaker we found that the insulation tape had overlapped and restricted the current flow from the main bussway in the gear to the circuit breaker lug (Image #1).
BusConnection Abnormal 300x224 Infrared Inspecting New Equipment
    • The repair was made and the tape was properly removed from the switch gear (Image #3). A re-scan was perfomed on the circuit breaker (Image #4) and phase c was actually running 2 degrees cooler than phase b.
BusConnection Fixed 224x300 Infrared Inspecting New Equipment BusConnection Normal 300x225 Infrared Inspecting New Equipment

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Copyright © Cooper Electric [Infrared Inspecting New Equipment], All Right Reserved. 2013.


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Licensed Electrical Contractor Hiring Check List

Starting that new electrical project?  Here’s a good check list put out by Hawaii’s Department of Commerce & Consumer Affairs (DCCA) that is helpful when looking for an electrician, or any other trade person. Hiring a Contractor Checklist Are you planning to remodel your home? This checklist will help you make sure you’ve done everything you need […]


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Where in West Palm Beach can you find a good electrician?

We understand that it is hard to find electricians in West Palm Beach and other areas in South Florida like Ft Lauderdale and Boca Raton.

As a licensed electrical contractor in West Palm Beach and South Florida that has been in business for many years, we handle the entire spectrum of electrical services.  While some smaller electrical companies may not be able to handle certain jobs or not have the staff or expertise to make it happen, we do it all!

Whether you are just looking to have some minor electrical work done in your new home, install lighting or put in a generator, we will get the job done safely and securely.  Over the years, we have handled just about every type of job you can possibly think of.  We work on commercial properties and residential. We can work with your developers and architects from the beginning of your project until the end to make sure you have the exact fixtures that will best suit your home or business.  If you need commercial lighting for a restaurant, office building or hotel in South Florida, we can do it without a problem.  Also, if you want to install a generator for your home or office, we specialize in that as well.

If you want to install some new lighting or wiring for your home, we will be happy to come by and give you a fair estimate for the work to be completed.  You can check out our testimonials page for reports from happy customers and you can always look us up with the better business bureau as well to see that we have an excellent rating.  Knowing that, give us a call (561)-247-4513



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