Monday, June 30, 2014

Lighting 101: Compact Fluorescent Bulbs (CFLs)

When looking into lowering your electricity costs, a popular option is to switch all of the light bulbs in your home or office to compact fluorescent light (CFL) bulbs. Switching to CFLs couldn’t be easier, but it’s not uncommon to wonder: are these bulbs really more efficient than regular incandescent bulbs?

The answer is simple: yes!

Here are some facts about CFLs, according to ENERGY STAR:

  • They use 75% less energy than standard bulbs.
  • They can last for more than 3,000! Compare that to the average 1,000 hours for a standard light bulb.
  • They can create less than 75% less heat than regular bulbs. This means, when you keep your lights on for a long period of time, your house won’t heat up!
  • They can help lower your overall electricity usage and utilities.

The Science Behind CFLs

Creating light by running electricity through a resistive filament, incandescent light bulbs heat the filament to a very high temperature. This causes the bulb to glow and produce an extremely visible light, however more than 98 percent of the energy used is emitted as heat.

On the other hand, CFL bulbs produce ultraviolet light, working by passing electricity through a mercury vapor, exciting the gas. As the UV light hits the white coating inside of the CFL bulb, the coating changes into a light that you can see. CFL bulbs don’t use heat to create light.

Lumens Per Watt

A regular incandescent bulb can produce about 15 lumens per watt while CFL bulbs typically produce 50 to 70 lumens per watt. In other words, you can buy a 15-watt CFL bulb that produces the same about of light as a regular 60-watt regular incandescent bulb.

Incandescent       CFL













General Cost and Lifespan

A 6-pack of GE 60-watt incandescent light bulbs costs approximately $4 while a 2-pack of GE 15-watt CFL bulbs (equivalent to a 60-watt regular incandescent bulb) costs approximately $13. While it’s clearly obvious that regular incandescent bulbs are inexpensive, the typical lifespan is around 1,000 hours versus an average lifespan ranging between 1,200 to 20,000 hours for CFL bulbs.


Using 2/3 less energy than a regular incandescent light bulb and lasting up to 10 times as longer, replacing your average 60-watt regular incandescent bulb with a 15-watt CFL can save you at least $30 in energy costs over the lifespan of the bulb. On average, you’ll save approximately $6 per year per bulb.

Questions? Feel free to contact us!


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Tips: Hiring the right electrician.

How do you know your hiring the right electrician?


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Heartland Institute: Reality Check for the Climate Debate (Las Vegas conference July 7–9)

“Come to fabulous Las Vegas to meet leading scientists from around the world who question whether ‘man-made global warming’ will be harmful to plants, animals, or human welfare. Learn from top economists and policy experts about the real costs and futility of trying to stop global warming.”

The leading sustainability threat is not mineral resource depletion, air or water pollution, or anthropogenic climate change. It is statism, and in the case of climate change, policy activism in the name of “stabilizing” or “saving” the planet.

Enter the Heartland Institute and their 9th International Conference on Climate Change, to be held July 7–9 at Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas. Consider the conference in the background of the “pause” in global warming, which is 15-years-going-on-20 as shown in the graph below.


As Ross McKitrick recently explained.

The absence of warming over the past 15 to 20 years amidst rapidly rising greenhouse gas levels poses a fundamental challenge to mainstream climate modeling…. Climatologist Judith Curry of Georgia Tech recently observed “If the 20-year threshold is reached for the pause, this will lead inescapably to the conclusion that the climate model sensitivity to CO2 is too large”.

Climate Change 2014 Conference

Back to Heartland and Climate Change 2014. “Meet the leaders of think tanks and grassroots organizations who are speaking out against global warming alarmism,” the conference invitation states. “Don’t just wonder about global warming … understand it!”



A preliminary schedule for the event is here. There are 10 plenary addresses and 21 break-out sessions with approximately 60 speakers.

Speakers already confirmed include Fred Singer, Craig Idso, Willie Soon, Roy Spencer, Marc Morano, Christopher Monckton, and Anthony Watts. Other speakers (bios here) include:

  • Dr. Roy Spencer, principal research scientist for the University of Alabama
  • Dr. Habibullo Abdussamatov, Space Research Sector of the Pulkovo Observatory
  • Joe Bastardi, chief forecaster at Weatherbell Analytics
  • Hon. George Christensen, member of the Australian Parliament
  • Sonja Boehmer-Christiansen, editor of Energy & Environment, a peer-reviewed science journal
  • Dr. Patrick Michaels, director of the Center for the Study of Science at the Cato Institute
  • John Coleman, founder of The Weather Channel
  • Dr. Craig Idso, founder and former president of the Center for the Study of Carbon Dioxide and Global Change
  • Dr. Anthony Lupo, professor of atmospheric science, University of Missouri
  • Dr. S. Fred Singer, emeritus professor of environmental sciences, University of Virginia
  • William Kininmonth, climatologist, Australasian Climate Research Institute
  • Dr. Jennifer Marohasy, biologist, Centre for Plant and Water Science, Central Queensland University
  • Lord Christopher Monckton, former science advisor to Margaret Thatcher and chief policy advisor to the Science and Public Policy Institute
  • Dr. Hal Doiron, a retired NASA rocket scientist who worked in the Apollo Program
  • Anthony Watts, chief meteorologist for KPAY-AM radio and publisher of “Watts Up With That,” the most-read climate blog in the world

Kudos to Heartland 

Heartland’s free-market orientation led Joseph Bast, its founder, into climate-change science, economics, and policy. Criticism from the alarmist climate establishment led Heartland to issue a Reply to Critics to rebut charges that it is a ‘front group’ or anti-science. Instead:

Heartland’s mission is to discover, develop, and promote free-market solutions to social and economic problems. Such solutions include parental choice in education, choice and personal responsibility in health care, market-based approaches to environmental protection, privatization of public services, and deregulation in areas where property rights and markets do a better job than government bureaucracies.

I remember well the 2008 International Conference on Climate Change in New York City. The watershed event brought hundreds of scholars and many more observers together for the first time, all critical of the climate alarmist/policy activist machine.

It was a real morale booster for the foes of climate neo-Malthusianism. It gave new voice and resolve to both the ‘ultra-skeptics’ and the ‘global lukewarmers.’  We all saw, correctly, the new central planning in the name of climate protection, for planning the climate was really the new rational for planning the economy.

I analogized how the New York City event was the Mont Pelerin moment of the climate-change movement. In 1947, this meeting brought together free-market scholars from around the world who hardly knew that there was still such a movement. This was during the heyday of Keynesianism and socialist planning. At the 2008 event, a lot of folks found out that they were part of a big movement, a silent majority of scientists who are dependent on government grants and who are not slave to a religious view of ‘stable’ climate.

Have a great conference!


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Fighting Executive Fiat on Climate

“EPA’s actions routinely violate the Information Quality Act…. The closed circle of well-paid ‘peer reviewers’ employed by EPA, coupled with its close relationships with numerous Big Green environmentalist pressure groups, hardly satisfies [IQA] requirements. Worse, EPA consistently drags its feet on responses to FOIA requests….”

The Food and Drug Administration requires that companies seeking approvals of medical product meet high standards for the quality, integrity, and transparency of data and information submitted in support of applications. Missing information means products won’t be approved; improprieties in studies or submissions mean companies and employees can face fines, jail, or other penalties.

What if the same standards applied to government agencies regarding the scientists and institutions they hired or utilized? Their taxpayer-supported work affects virtually every American.

Last year, according to the Competitive Enterprise Institute, Congress enacted 72 new laws, while federal agencies promulgated 3,659 new rules. The Code of Federal Regulations now stands at more than 175,000 pages. Each year, these rules cost American businesses and families $1.86 trillion – equal to a hidden $15,000 tax on every family. State and local jurisdictions add still more taxes and regulations.

More Regulation After Bad

It’s hardly surprising that America’s economy shrank by 1% the first quarter of 2014, our labor participation rate is a miserable 63% and real unemployment stands at 14% (and much worse for blacks and Hispanics). Keynesian economics did not work in the 1930s; and it has not worked in our time. Little wonder that a recent Gallup poll found that 56% of respondents said the economy, unemployment, and dissatisfaction with government was the most serious problems facing our nation – versus 3% who said environmental issues was the most important problem (with climate change only a small segment of that).

Yet the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has issued another round of draconian restrictions on coal-fired power plants, once again targeting carbon dioxide emissions. EPA rules now effectively prevent the construction of new plants and require the closure of older facilities. By 2030 they will cost 224,000 jobs, force US consumers to pay $289 billion more for electricity, and lower disposable incomes for American households by $586 billion, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce calculates.

Many Means to More Government

Meanwhile, Congress continues to enact laws that let Executive Branch agencies interpret and enforce legislation via volumes of regulations. When questions or challenges arise, the courts defer to agency discretion, even when agencies ignore or rewrite statutory provisions. Congress too rarely provides effective oversight, budgetary constraints or amendments to rein in agency excess and assert its proper role vis-à-vis the Judicial and Executive Branches, in a tripartite system of checks and balances.

Some legal philosophers call this “post-modernism.” President Obama’s constitutional law professor called it “the curvature of constitutional space.” Others say it helps ensure standardization with UN, EU or international “norms.” Others might well call it neo-colonialism – under which an uncompromising American ruler and his agents control citizens by executive fiat, to slash fossil fuel use, fundamentally transform the US Constitution, economy and social structure, and redistribute wealth and political power.

Even worse, in the case of climate change, this process is buttressed by secrecy, highly questionable research, contrived peer reviews, crony-capitalism, outright dishonesty, and an absence of accountability.

Climate Disconnect

Fewer than half of Americans believe climate change is manmade or dangerous. Many know that Australia, Canada, China, India and even many European countries are revising policies that have crippled their economies, industries and families with renewable energy and fossil fuel requirements.

They understand that even eliminating coal and petroleum use in the United States will not lower atmospheric carbon dioxide levels or control a climate that has changed often throughout Earth’s history. They know anti-hydrocarbon policies are severely impacting American competitiveness, jobs, economic growth, civil rights, pursuit of happiness, and the health and welfare of poor and unemployed families.

Nonetheless, President Obama and EPA chief Gina McCarthy are determined to slash reliance on coal, even in 20 states that rely on this fuel for half to 95% of their electricity. The President has said electricity rates will “necessarily skyrocket,” coal companies will face bankruptcy. And if Congress does not act on climate change and cap-tax-and-trade, he will by other means. Ms. McCarthy has similarly said she “didn’t go to Washington to sit around and wait for congressional action.”

Cronies Benefit, Not the Children

A forced shift to a renewable energy future will certainly benefit activists and crony capitalists who support their energy agenda, whereas few impacted families and communities are part of their voter base. But they also know “pollution” and “children’s health” resonate much better than “climate disruption” among voters – and put Republicans and other critics on the defensive.

So now, besides railing about carbon dioxide and climate stabilization, they are claiming that shutting down coal-fired power plants will produce important “ancillary” benefits: reduced asthma rates among children, because more soot will be removed from our air. It is a false, disingenuous argument.

But facts are facts. Steadily improving air pollution controls have sent sulfur dioxide emissions from U.S. coal-fired power plants tumbling by more than 40% and particulate emissions (the alleged cause of asthma) by more than 90% since 1970, says air quality expert Joel Schwartz, even as coal use tripled.

In fact, asthma rates have increased, while air pollution has declined – underscoring that asthma hospitalizations and outdoor air pollution levels are not related. The real causes of asthma are allergies, a failure to expose young children to sufficient allergens to cause their immune systems to build resistance to airborne allergens, and lack of sufficient exercise to keep lungs robust, health experts explain.

Crony Nonprofits

The American Lung Association vigorously promotes the phony pollution/asthma link. However, EPA’s $24.7 million in grants to the ALA over the past 15 years should raise questions about the association’s credibility and integrity on climate and pollution.

EPA also channels vast sums to its “independent” Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee, which likewise rubberstamps the agency’s pollution claims and regulations. Since 2000, 15 CASAC members received $180.8 million in EPA grants; its seven executive committee members got $80.2 million of this.

Moreover, even EPA’s illegal studies on humans have failed to show harmful effects from pollution levels the agency seems determined to impose. Other EPA rules are based on epidemiological data that the agency now says it cannot find. (Perhaps they fell into same black hole as Lois Lerner’s missing IRS emails.)

EPA’s onerous new mercury standards are based largely on Faroe Island studies that have no relevance whatsoever to Americans. EPA’s CO2 rulings are based on garbage-in, garbage-out computer models that are fed simplistic assumptions about human impacts on Earth’s climate, and on one-sided IPCC and US National Assessment analyses that outside scientists have shown are faulty and misleading.

Missing: Costs from Regulation

In numerous instances, EPA’s actions completely ignore the harmful impacts that its regulations will have on the health and well-being of millions of Americans. EPA trumpets the wildly exaggerated (or fabricated) benefits its rules will supposedly bring – as by preventing alleged runaway global warming, agricultural collapse, flooded coastal cities and disastrous hurricanes that it falsely blames on rising atmospheric carbon dioxide levels. Meanwhile, the agency refuses to assess even obvious harm from unemployment, soaring energy costs and reduced family incomes.

EPA’s actions routinely violate the Information Quality Act. The IQA is intended to ensure the quality, integrity, credibility and reliability of any science used by federal agencies to justify regulatory actions.  Office of Management and Budget guidelines require that agencies provide for full independent peer review of all “influential scientific information” used as the basis for regulatory action. The law and OMB guidelines also direct federal agencies to provide adequate administrative mechanisms for affected parties to review agency failures to respond to requests for correction or reconsideration of scientific information.

The closed circle of well-paid “peer reviewers” employed by EPA, coupled with its close relationships with numerous Big Green environmentalist pressure groups, hardly satisfies these requirements. Worse, EPA consistently drags its feet on responses to FOIA requests – and all these agencies and groups are actively engaged in attacking and silencing anyone who questions any aspect of the “dangerous manmade climate change” tautology.

World-renowned scientists like Lennart Bengtsson and liberal American University adjunct professor (and Institute for Policy Studies associate fellow) Caleb Rossiter are only the most recent examples of this.

Repeated and persistent violations of law, misrepresentations of fact, and actions that would be prosecuted for fraud if committed by private citizens or companies must no longer be permitted to determine laws and policies on the energy that improves and safeguards our lives. A closed circle of EPA and IPCC reviewers – many with ideological and/or financial interests in the outcome – must no longer be allowed to rubberstamp junk science that is used to justify federal diktats.

Actions Required!

What should pro-liberty, pro-science individuals and constituencies to do in the face of minority, activist, illegal government emanating from the Executive Branch?

Governors, state and federal legislators, attorneys general, and citizen and scientific groups can:

  • File FOIA and IQA legal actions, to gain access to all data, computer codes, climate models and studies use to justify pollution and climate regulations;
  • Subject all such information to proper peer review by independent scientists, including significant numbers of experts who are skeptical of alarmist pollution and climate change claims;
  • Demand that new members be appointed to CASAC and other peer review groups, and that they represent a broad spectrum of viewpoints, organizations and interests;
  • Scrutinize the $2.5 billion currently earmarked for the USGCRP and its programs, reduce the allocation to compel a slow-down in EPA’s excessive regulatory programs, and direct that a significant portion of that money support research into natural causes of climate change; and
  • Delay or suspend any implementation of EPA’s job-killing carbon dioxide regulations, until relevant questions are answered, and genuine evidence-based science is restored to the regulatory process.

Only in this manner can the United States expect to see a return to proper and essential separation of powers, checks and balances, economic and employment growth – and the quality, integrity, transparency and accountability that every American should expect in our government.


Paul Driessen is senior policy analyst for the Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow ( and author of Eco-Imperialism: Green power – Black death.


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A Guide to Outdoor Electrical Outlets

There is a good chance that you use outdoor electrical outlets at some point during the year. That being said, there are some areas that will naturally make more use of this type of outdoor receptacle. When used properly, an outdoor electrical outlet can be a very handy thing to have. It allows you to power devices and appliances that you would normally be unable to use outdoors. How much do you know about the electrical outlets that are on the outside of your property?

For the most part, an outdoor electrical socket is exactly the same as the outlets within your home. In most cases, an outdoor receptacle is a 120v, three-pronged grounded outlet that the majority of our appliances plug into. You can find them on exterior walls, on decks, by pools and sometimes on important pieces of equipment such as pumps and other exterior appliances. Naturally, outdoor outlets are more popular in warmer and more temperate climates. These areas lend themselves to more time spent outside, which makes them incredibly useful.

What Can I Use It For?

The simple answer to this question is that you can use them for anything that you would normally power inside. This type of outlet is very popular for stereos, lights, fans and anything else that might be necessary outside. When used in conjunction with an outdoor kitchen, they can be used to power blenders, microwaves, hot plates and more. With the popularity of electrical lawn devices on the rise, it is also a great place to plug in electric mowers, weed trimmers and blowers.

Are Outdoor Outlets Safe?

As with anything else, outdoor receptacles are as safe as the person using them. Although it may seem less safe to use electricity outside, it is actually very safe to do so. In fact, most outdoor outlets have special protections in place to ensure that they remain as safe as possible. One of the most common ways that they are protected is by using GFCI outlets, rather than standard electrical outlets. GFCI outlets are equipped with special sensors that can detect small changes in electrical current and shut the power off if necessary. This will help you from accidental electrocution if there is a short, if something comes into contact with water and more. To further protect your outlets, it is common practice to cover them so that they are protected from wind, rain, dirt and other elements.

All in all, an outdoor electrical outlet is a great way to increase the versatility of your outdoor spaces. Whether you are using it to power your electric lawn equipment, special lighting or any other equipment, there is an unlimited number of uses for these outlets. If you need additional outlets on your home, or if you just don’t have any to begin with, get in touch with your local electrician. They can not only advise you on safe placement and usage, but install them fairly quickly and efficiently.



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Glendale Surge Protection Will Keep You Grounded

Increasingly, Glendale residents find themselves more and more dependent on electrical devices in this modern world. Our DVD players, gaming systems, microwaves and of course our computers are important to our quality of life and communication with our family, friends and in some cases, work contacts.

Considering also that these electronic devices are not always cheap to replace and contacting a Glendale electrician isn’t an option to fix these devices, it is a good idea to consider the following in an effort to prevent damage from electrical surges or spikes.

What is an electrical surge or spike?

Electrical surges or spike events are typically defined as a “large current/voltage transients that occurs in an electrical signal or the power-line.”

Basically, it’s when the power line gets hit with a little extra “juice” for a few nanoseconds, due either externally to something like a lightening strike or internally due to  a device that require extra energy to turn on, like a refrigerator or air conditioning unit.

What is the best way to protect my sensitive electronics?

Keep electrical devices unplugged when not in use. Electrical surges can be devastating to any electronic that is plugged in to an outlet, even if the machine is turned off.

A common way to protect many of your electronics is to use a “power strip” that contains surge protection circuitry. They are available at many Glendale office and home supply stores and are usually clearly marked with surge protection status.

Use caution in using surge protectors, however. As they absorb energy from surges, they can wear out over time. Replace them every three years or when the “protected” light that comes on most of them goes out.

By using just a little bit of caution, you can save your sensitive electronics from an early death and save your phone calls to a Glendale electricial contractor for the big stuff.


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Switch to energy efficient lighting in your business and save Money!

Did you know if you change the lights in your business to more energy efficient fixtures, APS and SRP will pay for a portion of the project? We provide a free audit and consultation with no obligation. You have nothing to lose, except energy costs! Let us help you save money! Call 602-943-6120 to get […]


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5 Simple Steps to Winterize Your Home

We all know how important it is to stay warm during the colder months of the year. But, did you know: harsh, blistery cold winter days can have a significant effect on both your home and your wallet?

By following a few quick, simple steps—by spending little to no money at all—you could ultimately knock hundreds of dollars off your utilities bills in the long run.

1. Turn down your water heater

Lowering the temperature of your water heater can reduce your water heating costs by up to 10 percent. Most conventional water heaters are set by installers to 140 degrees Fahrenheit, but lowering the temperature to 120 degrees Fahrenheit would still work appropriately.

2. Make a draft snake

According to the U.S. Department of Energy, incoming drafts can waste up to 30 percent of your energy use! To make a draft snake, simply place a rolled bath towel (or a similar material) under a drafty door to keep the cool air from coming in. This will help both you and your home stay warm.

3. Be aware of your thermostat

For every degree that you lower your thermostat during heating season, you’ll save up to 3 percent on your heating bill. While it’s easy to just set it and forget it, turning the heat down when you leave your home is one of the easiest ways to save money. In remembering to do so, the average family can save up to $180 per year in the winter months!

4. Use caulking and weather stripping

According to the U.S. Department of Energy, finding ways to avoid simple leaks can reduce a home’s energy efficiency by about 30 percent each year. To caulk or weather strip properly, take a close look at places where two different building materials meet (think: corners, along foundations and where pipes and wires exit) and seal where necessary.

Always remember, if you have any questions, feel free to contact us.


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Sunday, June 29, 2014

LED Light Strips Transform Your Home by Electrician in Santa Monica

As you explore different lighting options for your kitchen, you may want to check out LED light strips. You can have the strips installed virtually anywhere. If you have ever seen LED lighting, you know it is very bright. Amazingly, the bulbs are super small and extremely energy efficient. If you are looking for a […]

The post LED Light Strips Transform Your Home by Electrician in Santa Monica appeared first on The Electric Connection.


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Electrician Royal Palm Beach

Electrician Royal Palm Beach

(561) 366-2415


We certainly have been in essence the exceptionally marvelous electricians you need to have for your own home or your residence in Royal Palm Beach, Florida. Primarily we have electricians with more than 4 decades of experience. Choose us at this time as your very own strongly respected electrician. Southern Coast Electrical integrates a whole slew of electric replacement solutions for dwellings including companies throughout the Royal Palm Beach area. For the past eleven years we unquestionably have presented unmatched solutions as well as applied a deal of unparalleled expertise. Are solutions are extraordinary by any other service provider in Royal Palm Beach.

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Electrician Royal Palm Beach

As a Electrician Royal Palm Beach we offer residential, commercial and business enterprise driven services. For anyone who is configuring the house where you are situated, or perhaps making it safer or you simply need some troubleshooting and/or repair work completed, Southern Coast can easily supply the electrical upgrade solutions you need. Our professional technicians are experts in the electrical trade, and we are able to in a flash get you rolling. Every bit of our standards for a Electrician Royal Palm Beach are of the highest quality you can expect.

Call us today for a Electrician Royal Palm Beach, hometown men and women receive the best quotes! Don’t look anymore for a Electrician Royal Palm Beach just get hold of us and we will get out their as soon as today!


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When to Replace Smoke Alarms

 When to Replace Smoke Alarms  In the January-February edition of the NFPA Journal, a publication of the National Fire Protection Association - The Authority on Fire, Electrical & Building Safety, writer Amy Lebeau wrote an article entitled "Close to Home - A friends near miss, and a viral challenge to improve smoke-alarm awareness".   In Amy's NFPA article she tells a story of her friend Brook, who recently had a serious fire in her home. And Brook's 2 children smelled the smoke first and got their mom, grandmother and their baby brother out of the house.   The scarier part, was that when Amy heard Brook tell the story, Amy asked Brook if she heard smoke detectors go off in the home, and Brook said, "no". Amy goes on to say that Brook and her husband thought they had adequate coverage with smoke detectors all over the house, in the necessary spots. What they didn't realize is that they did not work.   Smoke detectors need to be changed at minimum every 10 years. A smoke alarms ability to detect smoke becomes less reliable over the years, making it more likely that it won't respond when its needed most!   Amy Lebeau then polled her friends to see if any of them knew about smoke detectors life span of 10 years. None of them did, they were all over the map.   Amy suggests the following. 1. Know the importance of testing your smoke alarms monthly. 2. Have an interconnected smoke alarm system in the home, meaning if one detector alarms the presence of smoke, they all alarm. 3. Have both ionization and photo-electric type smoke alarms, this means having two different detection methods for redundancy and accuracy. 4. Replace them every 10 years minimum. 5. Have a detailed home fire escape plan.   At Cooper Electric we specialize in providing our customers with adequate smoke detector coverage. Our residential department can help you with questions and product information. Add this detail on your next electrical service call, while we are already in your home, to provide you with great value!  

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Don’t Buy: Harbor Breeze Decatur canopy not remote-compatible

Small canopy doesn’t accommodate remote transceivers well. Fan blade bracketa use (4) screws instead of (3). Blades mount top of motor. Pain in the -/;/-/:

Licensed Electrician Robert Monk
Don’t Buy: Harbor Breeze Decatur canopy not remote-compatible
Copyright Robert Monk, 2012


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GFCI Outlets–Why You Need Them Explains Electrician in Glendale

If you have never heard of or seen the outlets that are in new homes or office buildings, you are missing out on something that could potentially save you or a family member’s life. A GFCI outlet is an added layer of safety when it comes to dealing with two things that never mix well—water […]

The post GFCI Outlets–Why You Need Them Explains Electrician in Glendale appeared first on The Electric Connection.


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Swimming Pool and Spa Hazards

Pools and spas come in every shape and size. Swimming pools range in size from wading pools for young children, to Olympic sized pools that accommodate many people. Spas also come in different sizes and can accommodate many people at a time. They all require some sort of electrical connection to keep the working properly. Electric pumps, filters, heaters, and lighting all play a part in their day-to-day operation and maintenance.


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Electrician North Palm Beach

Electrician North Palm Beach

(561) 366-2415


We certainly are actually for any intents and needs the astonishingly out of this world electricians you need to have for your own home or your home in North Palm Beach, Florida. Particularly we unquestionably provide electricians with more than 4 decades of experience. Choose us at this time as your very own new strongly respected electrician. Southern Coast Electrical forms a great number of electric replacement solutions for dwellings including companies throughout the North Palm Beach area. For the past ten years we not surprisingly have provided optimum solutions as well as applied a deal of unparalleled expertise. Are solutions are extraordinary by any other service provider in North Palm Beach.

Electrician North Palm Beach

Electrician North Palm Beach

As a Electrician North Palm Beach we offer residential, commercial and business enterprise driven services. For anyone configuring the home where you are situated, or perhaps making it safer or you simply need some troubleshooting and/or repair work completed, Southern Coast can easily supply the electrical upgrade solutions you need. Our professional technicians are experts in the electrical trade, and we are able to in a flash get you rolling. Every bit of our standards for a Electrician North Palm Beach are of the highest quality you can expect.

Call us today for a Electrician North Palm Beach, hometown men and women receive the best quotes! Don’t look anymore for a Electrician North Palm Beach just get hold of us and we will get out their as soon as today!

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Perfect Electric and Air Office Tour With Owner Bob Frank – Electrical Contractor Broward

Bob Frank, owner of Perfect Electric and Air Services, is giving a tour of the perfect electric office and installations. Perfect Electric and Air Services has been serving South Florida with all electrical and air conditioning needs for the last 35 years. Perfect Electric Services is a residential electrical contractor and commercial electrician contractor offering dependable, honest, [...]


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Saturday, June 28, 2014

11 Ways to Save on Energy Costs During Winter in Florida

We all know how unpredictable Florida’s winter weather can be—one day it might be cool, breezy and in the low sixties and, before you know it, you’re at the beach frolicking in the sun and sand. Ultimately, varying temperatures can make it difficult for you to say money. But don’t forget to take advantage of the cooler temps!

Listed below are a few quick, simple and effective ways to help you gain control over your energy usage and save on electrical costs in your home—even as the weather regularly switches from hot to cold.

  1. Cool your home at 78 degrees or warmer with the thermostat fan switched to auto. For additional savings, raise your thermostat to 82 degrees or warmer when you’re not home.
  2. Turn off your air conditioning unit and open your windows when the outside temperatures drop down to the low 70s and upper 60s. Take advantage of Florida’s cool—but not too cool—winter days and nights!
  3. Heat your home at about 60 degrees or cooler with the thermostat fan switched to auto. To save even more, turn your heater off when you’re away from home.
  4. Reduce your water heater temperature from 140 degrees to 120 degrees. This is the recommended temperature setting according to the U.S. Department of Energy and can save you about $7 each month.
  5. Clean or replace your air conditioning filter regularly to help your unit run more efficiently while significantly trimming cooling costs.
  6. Turn off your ceiling fan when you leave a room. A fan that runs all the time costs up to $7 a month!
  7. Use your dishwasher to conserve energy. Avoid pre-rinsing dishes and see savings up to $70 a year. Run your dishwasher at night, when the temperatures are a little cooler, to avoid heating up your house when it’s already warm outside.
  8. Limit the time you run your pool pump. During the summer, it’s recommended to keep it on for about six hours a day while it’ll only need to run for about four hours a day during the winter months.
  9. Adjust the water level on your washing machine to match the load size—especially when using hot water.
  10. Clean the lint filter in your dryer before every load to dry your clothes faster. Again, try to only run your dryer when you’re not worried about heating up your home.
  11. Use the auto sensor function on your dryer to conserve energy. This will prevent you from over-drying your clothes.

Always remember, if you have any questions, feel free to contact us.


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Exit Signs

What is an essential fixture in your business that you never really notice until you need it? Exit signs! These signs are always on and if you still have old incandescent exit signs, they are burning up a lot of energy. Why not consider replacing them with 3 Watt LED exit signs? Not only will […]


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Mancave Credit

We recently did work on a man cave project with Tony Siragusa.

todd resch man cave1 Mancave Credit

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construction electrician able electric auto electrical repair construction electrical

Perfect Electric and Air Office Tour With Owner Bob Frank – Electrical Contractor Broward

Bob Frank, owner of Perfect Electric and Air Services, is giving a tour of the perfect electric office and installations. Perfect Electric and Air Services has been serving South Florida with all electrical and air conditioning needs for the last 35 years. Perfect Electric Services is a residential electrical contractor and commercial electrician contractor offering dependable, honest, [...]


electrical repair commercial electric electric contractor

What to Look for When Hiring an Electrician–Pasadena Residents Need to Know

When you need an electrician it can be difficult to scan through the listings online and pick just the right one. You just never know what you are getting. It’s not like there is an app for that. You need to have an idea of the qualifications you should look for before you hire somebody […]

The post What to Look for When Hiring an Electrician–Pasadena Residents Need to Know appeared first on The Electric Connection.


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LED Light Strips Transform Your Home by Electrician in Santa Monica

As you explore different lighting options for your kitchen, you may want to check out LED light strips. You can have the strips installed virtually anywhere. If you have ever seen LED lighting, you know it is very bright. Amazingly, the bulbs are super small and extremely energy efficient. If you are looking for a […]

The post LED Light Strips Transform Your Home by Electrician in Santa Monica appeared first on The Electric Connection.


electricians general contractor electrical supply

6 Simple Energy Savings Tips by Electrician in Glendale

Doesn’t it always feel like no matter how well you budget and save, you are always looking in your bank account for just a few extra dollars? Maybe you have already buttoned down your spending and can’t really find any other places in the budget where you can cut back. An electrician in Glendale is […]

The post 6 Simple Energy Savings Tips by Electrician in Glendale appeared first on The Electric Connection.


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Electrical Components Compromised By Flood Waters

Seaside Heights, N.J. - Officials determined that the electrical fire which claimed 50 businesses in the Jersey Shore communities, was caused by electrical components. Investigators said the fire began under a building due to failed electrical equipment. "During the storm, this wiring and these connection became fully submerged in water," Ocean Country Prosecutor Joseph Coronato said in a news conference. "Over time, degradation of this wiring and these connections occurred." They urged that homeowners and other businesses affected by water to have their wiring inspected for similar issues.

 Electrical Components Compromised By Flood Waters

Here in Cincinnati, similar instances can happen with flooded basesments, or homes that have water leaks in upper floors that trickle down to lower levels, causing damage to wiring inside the walls. After a flood in the home or a business, even minor leaks or toilet over flows, a CurrentSAFE test of your electrical system can prevent electrical failures caused by components that are compromised during a flood. Degradation of electrical materials that are negatively effected by exposure to water are hazards. These types of things can be found and eliminated with the CurrentSAFE process.

Disaster Recovery is key, and our CurrentSAFE professionals understand the importance of returning the home and electrical system to the specific state your house was in before disaster occurred. We are knowledgeable in helping consult you on the processes that follow these types of unfortunate events.

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Copyright © Cooper Electric [Electrical Components Compromised By Flood Waters], All Right Reserved. 2014.


general contractor electrical supply electrical engineer

Friday, June 27, 2014

Contemporary Modern Lighting Illuminates Any Home

Decorating your home can be quite a challenge if you are not up to the task. You need to decide on the color that you want for your walls. You need to consider the tiles you will put on the floor. You also have to give some thought to the lighting fixtures you will have installed. Given that every decision you make is vital in giving you the design of your home that you desire, the number of contemporary modern lighting fixtures available is enough to confuse anyone in their quest to make the right decision.

Of course, you will find that your tastes and personal preferences will naturally come into play. Then there is also the issue of the current design or style of your home. In short, zeroing on the exact style that you want for your interiors is difficult enough. How much more could finding the right contemporary modern lighting fixture be? It sure does not help that today’s contemporary modern lighting fixtures comes in a wide variety of shapes and colors. Nevertheless, putting all that difficulty aside, you just need to read this article so that you can get a few ideas that will enlighten you (pun intended) regarding all the ways you can light up your home.

So, how do you pick the right contemporary modern lighting fixture for your home? the following are some helpful hints which you can use.

- Floor lamps 
Modern homes can benefit from contemporary floor lamps. These floor lamps are made from different materials – wood, metal and combinations of both. If you want something interesting, you can go for those with unusual yet attractive designs. Just be sure to pick floor lamps that go well with the other pieces that are present in the room. Dare to be creative? Pick floor lamps with bold colors. They will surely provide illumination as well as liven up your room.

- Side lamps 
For lamps to adorn side tables, you can opt for contemporary side lamps. These lighting solutions can give an otherwise drab room a dash of color. Of course, when you want some vibrancy in the room, you have to choose acrylic side lamps that come in different shades – blue, red, pink, orange, purple, and loads more! Then there are chrome side lamps that go well with chrome furniture. If you are not one to experiment, you can pick side lamps with wooden designs. These go well with wooden furnishings.

- Chandeliers and ceiling lights 
There are now more options to choose from when it comes to chandeliers and ceiling lights. You can take your pick from different designs to complement the room you intend to install a chandelier in. Plus, your room can get a whole new look when you pick interesting ceiling lights to give you the illumination you need.


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Is Solar Right for Your Home?

Putting a solar array on your home can be quite an expensive up front cost. This is why people like me and groups like the Nevada Clean Energy Project (CEP) are working to get Public Utilities Commission (PUC) and our representatives in Carson City and Washington DC to provide more incentives and possibly even low [...]


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Electrician West Palm Beach

Electrician West Palm Beach

(561) 366-2415

We are presently the astonishingly magnificent electricians that you should have for your own home or your residence in West Palm Beach, Florida. Essentially we have electricians with more than 4 decades of experience. Choose us at this time as your very own strongly respected electrician. Southern Coast Electrical integrates a whole slew of electric replacement solutions for dwellings including companies throughout the West Palm Beach area. For the past eleven years we unquestionably have presented unmatched solutions as well as applied a deal of unparalleled expertise. Are solutions are extraordinary by any other service provider in West Palm Beach.

Electrician West Palm Beach

Electrician West Palm Beach

As a Electrician West Palm Beach we offer residential, commercial and business enterprise driven services. For anyone who is configuring the house where you are situated, or perhaps making it safer or you simply need some troubleshooting and/or repair work completed, Southern Coast can easily supply the electrical upgrade solutions you need. Our professional technicians are experts in the electrical trade, and we are able to in a flash get you rolling. Every bit of our standards for a Electrician West Palm Beach are of the highest quality you can expect.

Call us today for a Electrician West Palm Beach, hometown men and women receive the best quotes! Don’t look anymore for a Electrician West Palm Beach just get hold of us and we will get out their as soon as today!


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When do I need a home electrical service change ? Broward Electrician

Bob Frank, owner of Perfect Electric and Air Services, in discussing in this video tips on how to indentify the need for an electrical service change for your home. There are factors that increase electrical hazards and potential exposure to serious electrical issues that homeowners, at least most of them, wouldn’t be able to spot. Perfect [...]


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What YOU Can Do to Reduce Pollution?

What YOU Can Do to Reduce Pollution?


The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has prepared this fact sheet to answer some of the most common questions about reducing emissions from private vehicles.


This is an important concern, as cars are a major source of air pollution in the United States. Vehicle emissions contribute to health and environmental problems such as urban smog, air toxics, and global warming. Yet individual driving habits make a big difference in the amount of pollution a car produces.


Three easy things you can do to help keep emissions as low as possible are:


• Avoid unnecessary driving

• Maintain your car properly

• Drive your car wisely


By combining these strategies, you can very effectively reduce the amount your car pollutes. And there are additional benefits — your car will last longer and you will save money.


Avoid Unnecessary Driving

The most effective way to reduce emissions from your vehicle is to use it less.

Vehicle travel in this country is doubling every 20 years. Traffic trends that see

more and more cars driving more and more miles will soon begin to outpace

technological progress in vehicle emission control.


Several options are available to help you reduce the amount you drive. These

include consolidating trips, telecommuting, carpooling, using public transit, and choosing clean transportation alternatives such as biking or walking.

By planning errands, you will get the most out of time you do spend behind the wheel. For example, call ahead to confirm that the product you need is in stock before you drive to the store. Plan to do several tasks when you go somewhere.


Drive to a central location and park. Then walk between nearby destinations.

Ridesharing can be an ideal way to reduce your personal contribution to pollution.


Every time you share a ride and eliminate a trip, you help the environment. Try pairing up for trips to work or to social events — even an occasional carpool or ride on public transportation will make a difference.


Biking or walking to your destination creates no pollution at all. And you’ll

increase your fitness level at the same time.

About the Author:
<p> will teach you how to build solar &amp; wind power systems foryour home within a weekend.</p><p>Check It Now: <a rel=”nofollow” onclick=”javascript:_gaq.push(['_trackPageview', '/outgoing/article_exit_link']);” target=”_blank” href=””>Why to Buy DIY solar power Kit?</a></p>
Article Source

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Contemporary Modern Lighting Illuminates Any Home

Decorating your home can be quite a challenge if you are not up to the task. You need to decide on the color that you want for your walls. You need to consider the tiles you will put on the floor. You also have to give some thought to the lighting fixtures you will have installed. Given that every decision you make is vital in giving you the design of your home that you desire, the number of contemporary modern lighting fixtures available is enough to confuse anyone in their quest to make the right decision.

Of course, you will find that your tastes and personal preferences will naturally come into play. Then there is also the issue of the current design or style of your home. In short, zeroing on the exact style that you want for your interiors is difficult enough. How much more could finding the right contemporary modern lighting fixture be? It sure does not help that today’s contemporary modern lighting fixtures comes in a wide variety of shapes and colors. Nevertheless, putting all that difficulty aside, you just need to read this article so that you can get a few ideas that will enlighten you (pun intended) regarding all the ways you can light up your home.

So, how do you pick the right contemporary modern lighting fixture for your home? the following are some helpful hints which you can use.

- Floor lamps 
Modern homes can benefit from contemporary floor lamps. These floor lamps are made from different materials – wood, metal and combinations of both. If you want something interesting, you can go for those with unusual yet attractive designs. Just be sure to pick floor lamps that go well with the other pieces that are present in the room. Dare to be creative? Pick floor lamps with bold colors. They will surely provide illumination as well as liven up your room.

- Side lamps 
For lamps to adorn side tables, you can opt for contemporary side lamps. These lighting solutions can give an otherwise drab room a dash of color. Of course, when you want some vibrancy in the room, you have to choose acrylic side lamps that come in different shades – blue, red, pink, orange, purple, and loads more! Then there are chrome side lamps that go well with chrome furniture. If you are not one to experiment, you can pick side lamps with wooden designs. These go well with wooden furnishings.

- Chandeliers and ceiling lights 
There are now more options to choose from when it comes to chandeliers and ceiling lights. You can take your pick from different designs to complement the room you intend to install a chandelier in. Plus, your room can get a whole new look when you pick interesting ceiling lights to give you the illumination you need.


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