Saturday, May 31, 2014

Utility Solar Rankings (for 2013)

From A bit of it:

Top 10 Utilities by Watts-Per-Customer

  1. Sterling Municipal Light (MA) 831 W
  2. San Diego Gas & Electric (CA) 461 W
  3. Silicon Valley Power/City of Santa Clara (CA) 427 W
  4. Arizona Public Service (AZ) 368 W
  5. Hawaiian Electric Company (HI) 329 W
  6. Pacific Gas & Electric (CA) 281 W
  7. Hawaii Electric Light Co. (HI) 182 W
  8. Maui Electric Company Ltd. (HI) 178 W
  9. Kaua’i Island Utility Cooperative (HI) 167 W
  10. Imperial Irrigation District (CA) 159 W


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Is This The Truth?

A post to ZeroHedge claims that gasoline consumption in the U.S. has fallen by nearly 75% since 1998. See it here.


While this “confirms” the EleBlog’s own “we’re in a Depression” idea, something just doesn’t smell right about this factolito.

Take it with half a grain of salt, maybe . . .


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Electrical Safety Tips For Your Home – Electrical Contractor Fort Lauderdale

There are many different ways to prevent potential fires in your home due to electrical hazards. Bob Frank, owner of Perfect Electric and Air located in Fort Lauderdale, is giving, in these video,electrical safety tips on how to properly use extension cords and when to use them. Extension cords should be for temporary use and it [...]


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Electrician Palm Beach Gardens

Electrician Palm Beach Gardens

(561) 366-2415

We have been basically the exceptionally marvelous electricians you need have for your own home or your residence in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida. Essentially we have electricians with more than 4 decades of experience. Choose us at this time as your very own strongly respected electrician. Southern Coast Electrical integrates a whole slew of electric replacement solutions for dwellings including companies throughout the Palm Beach Gardens area. For the past eleven years we unquestionably have presented unmatched solutions as well as applied a deal of unparalleled expertise. Are solutions are extraordinary by any other service provider in Palm Beach Gardens.

Electrician Palm Beach Gardens

Electrician Palm Beach Gardens

As a Electrician Palm Beach Gardens we offer residential, commercial and business enterprise driven services. For anyone who is configuring the house where you are situated, or perhaps making it safer or you simply need some troubleshooting and/or repair work completed, Southern Coast can easily supply the electrical upgrade solutions you need. Our professional technicians are experts in the electrical trade, and we are able to in a flash get you rolling. Every bit of our standards for a Electrician Palm Beach Gardens are of the highest quality you can expect.

Call us today for a Electrician Palm Beach Gardens, hometown men and women receive the best quotes! Don’t look anymore for a Electrician Palm Beach Gardens just get hold of us and we will get out their as soon as today!


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Safe Wiring Leads to a Safe Summer of Fun in the Water

As you know, water and electricity don't mix. That's why electrical safety is so important when dealing with swimming pools, hot tubs and Jacuzzis. Here's a comprehensive list of related issues, codes, and safety devices used to wire these summer water items and the areas around them.


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What YOU Can Do to Reduce Pollution?

What YOU Can Do to Reduce Pollution?


The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has prepared this fact sheet to answer some of the most common questions about reducing emissions from private vehicles.


This is an important concern, as cars are a major source of air pollution in the United States. Vehicle emissions contribute to health and environmental problems such as urban smog, air toxics, and global warming. Yet individual driving habits make a big difference in the amount of pollution a car produces.


Three easy things you can do to help keep emissions as low as possible are:


• Avoid unnecessary driving

• Maintain your car properly

• Drive your car wisely


By combining these strategies, you can very effectively reduce the amount your car pollutes. And there are additional benefits — your car will last longer and you will save money.


Avoid Unnecessary Driving

The most effective way to reduce emissions from your vehicle is to use it less.

Vehicle travel in this country is doubling every 20 years. Traffic trends that see

more and more cars driving more and more miles will soon begin to outpace

technological progress in vehicle emission control.


Several options are available to help you reduce the amount you drive. These

include consolidating trips, telecommuting, carpooling, using public transit, and choosing clean transportation alternatives such as biking or walking.

By planning errands, you will get the most out of time you do spend behind the wheel. For example, call ahead to confirm that the product you need is in stock before you drive to the store. Plan to do several tasks when you go somewhere.


Drive to a central location and park. Then walk between nearby destinations.

Ridesharing can be an ideal way to reduce your personal contribution to pollution.


Every time you share a ride and eliminate a trip, you help the environment. Try pairing up for trips to work or to social events — even an occasional carpool or ride on public transportation will make a difference.


Biking or walking to your destination creates no pollution at all. And you’ll

increase your fitness level at the same time.

About the Author:
<p> will teach you how to build solar &amp; wind power systems foryour home within a weekend.</p><p>Check It Now: <a rel=”nofollow” onclick=”javascript:_gaq.push(['_trackPageview', '/outgoing/article_exit_link']);” target=”_blank” href=””>Why to Buy DIY solar power Kit?</a></p>
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Solar powered yard care: green and quiet

I don’t know why people move to the suburbs and then hire noisy, gas-powered landscapers to blast the peace and quiet they’re supposedly seeking there. […]

Licensed Electrician Robert Monk
Solar powered yard care: green and quiet
Copyright Robert Monk, 2012


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The Risk of Federal Pacific - FPE - Panels

 The Risk of Federal Pacific   FPE   Panels

Circuit Breakers Defined

A circuit breaker is defined as an electrical switch, designed to protect an electrical circuit from damage caused by an overload or short circuit. A circuit breaker is meant to detect a fault condition of these types and interrupt current flow by "tripping".

FPE Circuit Breakers

The problem with FPE Stab-Lok circuit breakers is that when an unsafe condition, such as an overload or short circuit occurs, the FPE breakers fails to "trip" which is what a circuit breaker is designed to do in an electrical system.

Federal Pacific Hazards

This hazard worsens for double pole breakers. Double pole breakers are used on higher load circuits, such as for a clothes dryer. Under certain conditions it is possible for one leg of these circuits to attempt to trip the breaker, resulting in a jammed breaker which at minimum will afterward not trip under any load condition, or worse yet cause a high risk failure.

federal pacific breakers 300x269 The Risk of Federal Pacific   FPE   Panels

The FPE Dilemma

Although documentation of persistent hazards, and real life loss exist, there are still individuals that chose to ignore the warning signs. For example, some people try assuming a position that the "since the home has not burned to the ground in the last 25 years, how could someone predict that it will". Well, despite what some people postulate even with proof of the contrary, that FPE panels are hazards, this still can be a bone of contention. At Cooper Electric, we want our customers to be aware of any existing hazards.

FPE panels which are found in existing houses, 25 years and older, can/have burned homes down. As recently as, August of 2012 a Federal Pacific Electric Panel started a fire that burned a home down in the Wyoming Neighborhood of Cincinnati. The structure caught fire at the FPE panel in the garage of the home on Chisholm Trail and damage was estimated at $240,000. The home was over 25 years old.

FPE use

FPE panels were popularly used in home construction in the 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s. The US Consumer Product Safety Commission has deemed them prone to failures, but has not recalled them. However, FPE had their UL Listings revoked in the 1980s.

Furthermore, incompetent handymen who install used FPE circuit breakers as band-aid fixes to replace failed FPE circuit breakers are not solving a more complex problem of the entire panel itself.

The variables of the conditions of the circuit breakers, how much load the circuit will be under, and IF the breaker will trip... all become part of the RISK that you are taking on with an FPE panel. The best solution for an FPE circuit breaker, is to replace the entire panel. A new panel from a proven manufacturer, who are still in busienss and have not been in litigation nor class action lawsuits for the lack of safety with their product, such as Federal Pacific Electric. Check out Inspectapedia for info.

At Cooper Electric the panels and breakers we install have a Lifetime Manufacturers Warranty, and our workmanship for the installation of the panel is backed with a 10 year warranty.

Information on FPE Stab-Lok Panels

For additional information on Federal Pacific FPE Hazards

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Friday, May 30, 2014

Leviton occupancy sensing CFL lamp holder light fixture

Retrofit installations often cost less if we can leave out the manual switch, and in the long run an automatic occupancy- or light-sensing fixture can […]

Licensed Electrician Robert Monk
Leviton occupancy sensing CFL lamp holder light fixture
Copyright Robert Monk, 2012


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Save money and energy with CFLs

What kind of light bulbs are you using? Switching from incandescent to compact fluorescent lamps (CFL) can save you money in different ways. You may think you’re saving money by buying an inexpensive incandescent bulb rather than a more expensive CFL, but how many times will you have to replace that incandescent in the time […]


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“No Bad Lettuce” Theory of Management

I was sitting in a restaurant one day eating a salad for lunch. This salad was full of wilted lettuce and inedible chunks from the center of the head. It really made me quite disappointed with the restaurant and they never did get much of my business after that. Why was a little bad lettuce […]


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Licensed Electrical Contractor Hiring Check List

Starting that new electrical project?  Here’s a good check list put out by Hawaii’s Department of Commerce & Consumer Affairs (DCCA) that is helpful when looking for an electrician, or any other trade person. Hiring a Contractor Checklist Are you planning to remodel your home? This checklist will help you make sure you’ve done everything you need […]


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Employees & Orange Trees

Many years ago, we and a very large and mature orange tree planted in our front yard from an orchard where a builder was developing a new subdivision. The irrigation had been cut off years before and the builder was trying to keep these many trees alive with a garden hose. As you could imagine, […]


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Defending the Indefensible: The National Climate Assessment Cherry Picks to Validate Models

It’s become almost common knowledge that global climate computer models used to project future temperatures based on assumptions about greenhouse gas emissions miss the mark. So common that much of the American public even knows it.


But the National Climate Assessment released May 6, 2014, uses them anyway to predict future climate changes and their impact for the United States.


How does it defend that? By claiming that the models “do a good job at reproducing the broad features of the present climate and changes in climate, including the significant warming that has occurred over the last 50 years” (p. 809, FAQ-R).


How does it substantiate that claim? With this graphic:

Climate Model and Temperature Change


There are three big problems.


First, the claim was that the models “do a good job at reproducing the broad features of the present climate and changes in climate, including the significant warming that has occurred over the last 50 years.” But the graphic shows only 25 years, 1980–2005.


Second, as Dr. Roy Spencer, Principal Research Scientist in climatology at the University of Alabama, puts it, global climate models … are known to have essentially zero skill for regional (e.g. U.S.) predictions.” This means the moderately good fit between observed and modeled temperatures in the NCA’s graphic is likely to be mere coincidence. This is all the more likely since the globe as a whole was warming from 1980 through 1997 (excluding the anomalous 1998, extra warm because of an exceptionally strong El Niño).


Third, although not explicitly stated, the claim is that global climate models “do a good job.” But the graphic shows only North America. Global surface is 21 times North American. If the whole globe is warming, it’s likely that particular regions are warming; but the reverse isn’t true. Showing, then, that North America was warming (and only for half the period in question) doesn’t imply that the models’ predictions of warming for the whole world are reliable.


So how do the models do for the whole world? Not well, as this graphic by Dr. John Christy, Distinguished Professor of Atmospheric Science and Director of the Earth System Science Center at the University of Alabama in Huntsville, shows.  

Global Midtropospheric



In short, to justify its claim that the models “do a good job” for the world over a 50-year period, the National Climate Assessment depicts data for less than a twentieth of the world over a half the time. In other words, it cherry picks both chronologically and geographically.


As if that weren’t bad enough, it then uses the global climate models, which have “essentially zero skill for regional (e.g. U.S.) predictions,” to predict climate not just for the United States as a whole (for which they have “essentially zero skill”) but for nine sub-regions (for which therefore they have even less skill). Result: Its predictions are not credible.



E. Calvin Beisner, Ph.D., is Founder and National Spokesman of The Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation, of which Dr. Roy W. Spencer is a Senior Fellow.


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When to Replace Smoke Alarms

 When to Replace Smoke Alarms  In the January-February edition of the NFPA Journal, a publication of the National Fire Protection Association - The Authority on Fire, Electrical & Building Safety, writer Amy Lebeau wrote an article entitled "Close to Home - A friends near miss, and a viral challenge to improve smoke-alarm awareness".   In Amy's NFPA article she tells a story of her friend Brook, who recently had a serious fire in her home. And Brook's 2 children smelled the smoke first and got their mom, grandmother and their baby brother out of the house.   The scarier part, was that when Amy heard Brook tell the story, Amy asked Brook if she heard smoke detectors go off in the home, and Brook said, "no". Amy goes on to say that Brook and her husband thought they had adequate coverage with smoke detectors all over the house, in the necessary spots. What they didn't realize is that they did not work.   Smoke detectors need to be changed at minimum every 10 years. A smoke alarms ability to detect smoke becomes less reliable over the years, making it more likely that it won't respond when its needed most!   Amy Lebeau then polled her friends to see if any of them knew about smoke detectors life span of 10 years. None of them did, they were all over the map.   Amy suggests the following. 1. Know the importance of testing your smoke alarms monthly. 2. Have an interconnected smoke alarm system in the home, meaning if one detector alarms the presence of smoke, they all alarm. 3. Have both ionization and photo-electric type smoke alarms, this means having two different detection methods for redundancy and accuracy. 4. Replace them every 10 years minimum. 5. Have a detailed home fire escape plan.   At Cooper Electric we specialize in providing our customers with adequate smoke detector coverage. Our residential department can help you with questions and product information. Add this detail on your next electrical service call, while we are already in your home, to provide you with great value!  

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Thursday, May 29, 2014

5 Simple Steps to Winterize Your Home

We all know how important it is to stay warm during the colder months of the year. But, did you know: harsh, blistery cold winter days can have a significant effect on both your home and your wallet?

By following a few quick, simple steps—by spending little to no money at all—you could ultimately knock hundreds of dollars off your utilities bills in the long run.

1. Turn down your water heater

Lowering the temperature of your water heater can reduce your water heating costs by up to 10 percent. Most conventional water heaters are set by installers to 140 degrees Fahrenheit, but lowering the temperature to 120 degrees Fahrenheit would still work appropriately.

2. Make a draft snake

According to the U.S. Department of Energy, incoming drafts can waste up to 30 percent of your energy use! To make a draft snake, simply place a rolled bath towel (or a similar material) under a drafty door to keep the cool air from coming in. This will help both you and your home stay warm.

3. Be aware of your thermostat

For every degree that you lower your thermostat during heating season, you’ll save up to 3 percent on your heating bill. While it’s easy to just set it and forget it, turning the heat down when you leave your home is one of the easiest ways to save money. In remembering to do so, the average family can save up to $180 per year in the winter months!

4. Use caulking and weather stripping

According to the U.S. Department of Energy, finding ways to avoid simple leaks can reduce a home’s energy efficiency by about 30 percent each year. To caulk or weather strip properly, take a close look at places where two different building materials meet (think: corners, along foundations and where pipes and wires exit) and seal where necessary.

Always remember, if you have any questions, feel free to contact us.


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Energy Efficiency Rated Appliance Tags

When an appliance is giving you trouble, seems to be running too long, or is just is older than dirt, it is time to update to a more energy efficient model of the vast appliance lines. When you enter an appliance store, you may notice that many of the appliances have a yellow tag attached to them. This tag tells you the energy rating and estimated cost per year to run this appliance. By doing your due diligence, you'll be able to make an informed decision on the appliance that "for the money" will save you money year to year and actually pay for itself in energy savings versus the old, outdated appliance you own now.


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Wind Generation is the Future Renewable Type of Energy

The future of power generation is going to be greatly influenced by the Wind.Wind is the Types of Renewable Energy that uses a wind turbine to generate the electricity. By the end of 2009 wind generation accounted for the generation of 159.2 gigawatts, which is about 2% of the worlds electricity required. Going forward wind generation has the technical potential to produce 40 times it current electricity generation.


There is a wide range of wind turbines available for many suppliers and they fall into two categories just like most other things around the world.  There is a range of domestic wind generators ranging from 100 watts up to 1 Kilowatt and a much wider range of commercial units that range from 600 Kilowatts to 5 Megawatts however wind turbines with the rated output of 1.5 to 3 Megawatts are most commonly used in the commercial wind farms around the world.


Regardless of the rated output wind turbines use exactly the same method to generate an electricity supply. Basically they use they do exactly opposite to an electric motor. An electric motor uses a supply of electricity to energize a coil of wire (the armature) that is contained in a magnetic field this causes the armature to turn therefore supplies a source of mechanical energy. Now a wind turbine on the other hand takes it energy source from the wind and using the blades to mechanically turn the armature within the magnetic field. This movement within the magnetic field induces an electrical current in the windings, which can be used to feed into the main power grid or into a battery bank in the case of a stand-alone system.


The rate of electricity generated is proportional to the speed at which the turbine turns. Before installing a wind generator you need to do some research into whether or not the location that you live in is suitable. You need to have what as known as clean wind meaning that there is no interference to the flow of wind into the generator like trees mountains builds etc. It is also a good idea to install some wind monitoring equipment and study the amount of wind you can actually take advantage of. You may find that your location is not suitable for a wind generator and you may need to look at other types of renewable energy like Solar Panels.



The use of wind generators for the creation of electricity is growing across the globe by a staggering rate of 30% per year. The fact that people are using the power of the wind it is making Wind Turbines one of the forefront in the Types of Renewable Energy and as the need for more electricity and the need to reduce greenhouse gases there will be more research and development conducted to better the technology that we are already using to make wind turbines more efficient and cheaper to construct.  As they find was to make them cheaper the more people will choose to use them making it a win win situation for use and the environment.

About the Author:
If you would like to learn more about renewable Energy and you are a bit of a DIY kind of a person Have a read about my experiences with different Types of Renewable Energy.
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Measures to Save Electricity Quickly

Measures to Save Electricity Quickly


There are two ways to save electricity quickly. First, efficiency improvements can be made to the energy-using equipment such that consumers receive the same services but with less electricity consumed. (These are sometimes called “technical fixes”) In these situations the end user is barely (or not at all) aware that improvements have been made. In the second case, the

energy consumer takes deliberate measures to reduce energy use through changes in operations or procedure which may also cause inconvenience and result in a loss of service or amenity. These are typically called “behavioral” changes.


Technical Efficiency Measures


The technical measures to save electricity quickly are similar to those used to save electricity slowly except that they may be implemented with greater intensity by combining them with special subsidies or delivery schemes. Three examples are described below.


Retrofits—especially retrofits of large, energy-using facilities—are attractive targets during an electricity crisis. About 8% of industrial electricity is used to make compressed air, much of which is lost through leaks (Rosenberg 2003).


The compressed air systems therefore represent a source of major savings. California supported inspections and tune-ups of compressed air facilities in factories. Retrofits of eight factories yielded verified savings of 2 MW.


Lighting replacements have been the most frequently used retrofit strategy. Replacing incandescent light bulbs with compact fluorescents (CFLs) was used in Brazil, California, and New Zealand. California consumers installed nearly eight million CFLs during the crisis period, resulting in almost 500 MW of demand reduction (Pang 2003).


California cities replaced millions of traffic lights with LED lamps, each saving about 80 watts. California aggressively encouraged consumers to replace older appliances with new units qualifying for the Energy Star endorsement of high efficiency Fuel switching offers large electricity savings.


Electricity is often used to heat air or water, especially in the residential sector and in sparsely populated areas.


There are numerous opportunities to burn wood, oil, or natural gas directly to obtain the desired heat. Homeowners in Norway and New Zealand, for example, reverted to existing wood stoves and boilers for space and water heating.


Fuel switching is an important electricity-savings measure because it removes the homes’ largest electricity-consuming end uses.


The greatest benefits from fuel switching will generally occur during shortages caused by cold weather but some measures can also save summer peak power. For example, Brazilians replaced in-line electric shower heaters with gas-fired units, thus saving about 3 kW electrical demand per unit.


Effectiveness of Technical Measures


Technological modifications require an existing infrastructure in order to deploy the products in a short time, stretching from the manufacturer capable of quickly expanding production to skilled personnel to install them.


In most cases, there will not be enough time, or the infrastructure is inadequate, to establish new efficiency improvement and retrofit programs large enough to reduce demand significantly.


Norway, for example, addressed its electricity shortage by establishing programs to install heat pumps, energy management systems, and wood pellet stoves.


Skilled personnel were overwhelmed and it is unlikely that these measures cut Norway’s electricity demand during the crisis. On the other hand, California already had an established network to deliver its “saving electricity slowly” programs.


This network, while still inadequate, was able to rapidly increase activities during the crisis and deliver significant electricity savings. Regions that are vulnerable to temporary electricity shortfalls should consider their programs to “save electricity slowly” as a kind of insurance policy that will also serve as the backbone of a team to save electricity during a crisis.

About the Author:
<p> will teach you how to build solar &amp; wind power systems foryour home within a weekend.</p><p>Check It Now: <a rel=”nofollow” onclick=”javascript:_gaq.push(['_trackPageview', '/outgoing/article_exit_link']);” target=”_blank” href=””>Why to Buy DIY solar power Kit?</a></p>
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Solar Manifes-two

Due to the increasing number of individuals who have contacted us regarding our pages/posts and those who have chosen to bookmark our website for future reference. We felt it was necessary to add new material to help keep the content fresh and to keep people commenting and sharing which was the original reason we set [...]


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The Rush To Export Natural Gas Is A Fool’s Errand

That’s the contention of this post.

It’s not an unsupported assertion. There are facts in the thing. I’ve seen these facts before.

It’s possible that it is true, so you might want to get some background — by reading this (and other things on the subject).

There are 2 possibilities:

1. Our country will build LNG export facilities which will, shortly after they go into operation, run out of natural gas to export. This would be bad for the people who finance these facilities (which might include taxpayers, for all we know at this moment).

2. The LNG export facilities will be FED in the future, no matter what the overall supply of natural gas is in the U.S. This means the price of natural gas to U.S. citizens and companies will go bananas on the upside. Not good for anyone, really.

3. The article is wrong.

- – - – -

LNG export has gained ground in recent weeks with the idea that we (the U.S.) can replace the Russians as a gas supplier to the Europeans. Apparently, if this article is right, we will be doing at at our own expense.

Most devastating factolito in the article: CURRENTLY, the U.S. “is still a net importer of natural gas.”

With all of the encouragement of the idea of building LNG facilities AND the blahblahblah about “energy independence,” I did not know that.

Did you?


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Old Kitchens Made Modern with Electrician in Pasadena

Have you ever walked into your kitchen and tried to use the toaster only to discover it had been unplugged. Then you remember you unplugged it because you needed to use the can opener and didn’t want to unplug the Crockpot, interrupting your dinner. If you have ever experienced anything like this, then you probably […]

The post Old Kitchens Made Modern with Electrician in Pasadena appeared first on The Electric Connection.


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200A underground service squeezed in closet

This project in society hill involved a challenging upgrade from 100A underground to 200A underground service. The existing equipment was framed into a closet in a […]

Licensed Electrician Robert Monk
200A underground service squeezed in closet
Copyright Robert Monk, 2012


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Wednesday, May 28, 2014

DIY: Doing electrical work on your own?

“That looks easy to fix,”  you might say, when you see a problem with your electrical wiring.  Many people enjoy doing their own work on their homes.  If they have the skills and tools, the DIY project can be very rewarding.  It’s a great way to save money and feels good to have done it […]


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Save Money On Your Electric Bill

SRP and APS provide rebates for your business to change its T12 lamps to more energy efficient T8 lamps. They are giving away money to help you save money on your electric bill! If you think it’s too good to be true, call us today and let us do a free energy audit on your […]


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Save money and energy with CFLs

What kind of light bulbs are you using? Switching from incandescent to compact fluorescent lamps (CFL) can save you money in different ways. You may think you’re saving money by buying an inexpensive incandescent bulb rather than a more expensive CFL, but how many times will you have to replace that incandescent in the time […]


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Surge Protection on Kauai

; Kauai’s electrical grid surges affect the life span of our computers, appliances, and other electronic equipment. Power surges can also completely roast the internal electronic parts during a storm or utility fault. What you need: Installing a whole house surge protector by a licensed electrician will greatly decrease the risk of power surge destruction. […]


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Energy Audit

This article is an excerpt from an email to an energy audit client that I performed as a courtesy service to help clients become aware of easy ways to save energy at home: It was a pleasure meeting you in person today, thank you for the opportunity to help you lower your energy consumption. Just [...]


licensed electricians residential electrician electrician company

Save Money On Your Electric Bill

SRP and APS provide rebates for your business to change its T12 lamps to more energy efficient T8 lamps. They are giving away money to help you save money on your electric bill! If you think it’s too good to be true, call us today and let us do a free energy audit on your […]


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ABB & Power-One — Rebranding + Maybe (?) A Bit Of Trouble

From a 5/13/14 report:

Power technology group ABB made a $1 billion solar commitment with its purchase of the number-two solar PV inverter manufacturer Power-One in April 2013. Last week, the Swiss company announced that it finalized the integration, and all Power-One components will now display ABB branding


. . . .according to an ABB customer, a 60-day global stop shipment on all Power-One Trio (1000-V DC) inverters due to a “hardware-based manufacturing flaw” was implemented early last week, at exactly the same time as the rebranding announcement.


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Why We Perform Annual Gear Cleaning...

photo11 225x300 Why We Perform Annual Gear Cleaning... A large horse power Motor failed in the facility and the facility replaced the motor and the wiring between the motor and the starter. However, during Cooper Electric's Annual Gear Maintenance and Cleaning we found that the actual source of the problem was a bad electrical termination on the C phas, inside of the distribution gear, which was actually the cause of the large horse power motor failure. Had we not found this and they started up the new motor, in all likelihood they would have destroyed yet another new motor.

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Copyright © Cooper Electric [Why We Perform Annual Gear Cleaning...], All Right Reserved. 2014.


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Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Greens Going Gas (emissions data, economics speak for themselves)

The safety and importance of hydraulic fracturing are not just industry talking points. They are conclusions embraced by virtually everyone, outside of a narrow subset of political activists who refuse to let science and facts get in the way of their extreme agenda.


For many years, environmental activists have pushed for bans, moratoria, or other restrictions on hydraulic fracturing (“fracking”), alleging the process is a threat to public health and the environment. But in recent months, increasing numbers of environmentalists have distanced themselves from the “ban fracking” agenda.

Many have even embraced shale gas on environmental grounds, revealing how extreme and marginalized the campaign to restrict hydraulic fracturing has become.

“Environmentalists who oppose the development of shale gas and fracking are making a tragic mistake,” wrote Richard Muller last year. Muller, a physicist and climate expert at the University of California-Berkeley, was viciously attacked by activist groups like Greenpeace, but Muller’s position may actually be more in line with a growing public understanding of the environmental benefits of shale gas.

Going for Gas

In April, the Environmental Protection Agency released data showing U.S. greenhouse gas emissions had fallen 10 percent since 2005, attributable in large part to increased use of natural gas. Hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling have unlocked a 100-year supply of natural gas, making the fuel more affordable for power generation and household energy use.

“Responsible development of natural gas is an important part of our work to curb climate change,” said U.S. EPA administrator Gina McCarthy last August. McCarthy also said natural gas has been a “game changer with our ability to really move forward with pollution reductions that have been very hard to get our arms around for many decades.”

Owing to its ability to reduce emissions, the former executive director of Greenpeace in the U.K., Stephen Tindale, is now encouraging his fellow environmentalists to embrace shale gas. In a May 8th blog post entitled The climate case for shale gas,” Tindale wrote that “climate campaigners should support fracking for shale gas.”

The Breakthrough Institute (BTI) – an environmental organization headquartered in Oakland, Calif., co-founded by two individuals recognized by TIME Magazine asheroes of the environment– has come to a similar conclusion.

“Not since European deployment of nuclear power in the 1970s and 1980s has any country achieved such rapid decarbonization as the United States has in the last five years thanks to cheap natural gas,” BTI analysts wrote last summer. In a separate report, BTI concluded that “natural gas is a net environmental benefit at local, regional, national, and global levels,” citing reductions in both greenhouse gases emissions and localized air emissions.

Pennsylvania Example

The declines in non-GHG emissions specifically have delivered noticeable public health benefits. In Pennsylvania, home to the massive Marcellus Shale – which has catapulted the Commonwealth into the second largest gas-producing state in the country – the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) recently released an emissions inventory that linked shale gas with lower air pollution. From the DEP’s release:

“Significantly, since 2008, when unconventional drilling across the state began quickly increasing, cumulative air contaminant emissions across the state have continued to decline. …

“‘It is important to note that across-the-board emission reductions in emissions can be attributed to the steady rise in the production and development of natural gas, the greater use of natural gas, lower allowable emissions limits, installation of control technology and the deactivation of certain sources,’ said [DEP Secretary Chris] Abruzzo.”

According to DEP, these reductions represent “between $14 billion and $37 billion of annual public health benefit.”

A Few Holdouts

As with any energy option, there are risks that accompany shale development, which must be carefully managed. Anti-fracking activist groups such as Food & Water Watch and Americans Against Fracking insist that these risks cannot be mitigated, and therefore shale development must be banned entirely.

“Fracking is inherently unsafe and we cannot rely on regulation to protect communities’ water, air and public health,” writes Food & Water Watch. The coalition of anti-fracking groups known as Americans Against Fracking makes a similar argument: “Regulations alone won’t protect us from this toxic, polluting process – we need to ban fracking now.”

Going the Other Way

Less ideological environmentalists, however, disagree that a ban is the only way to address those risks.

Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Fred Krupp, president of the Environmental Defense Fund, recently explained in the New York Times how increased natural gas use “improves public health” and brings with it a “climate benefit” by reducing carbon dioxide emissions. Krupp and Bloomberg examined several potential risks, but nonetheless concluded that any issues constitute a “data acquisition and management problem – the kind that we know we can solve.”

That’s similar to the position of numerous officials in the Obama administration, who stress that any risks associated with shale development are manageable. In defending that position, White House climate advisor John Podesta has even suggested that groups pushing the “ban fracking” agenda areimpractical.”

Even the League of Conservation Voters, whose “National Environmental Scorecard” is the most well-known national litmus test for judging how “green” members of Congress are, has rejected “ban fracking” activism.

“We don’t support banning fracking,” LCV President Gene Karpinski said at a recent event hosted by POLITICO. Michael Shellenberger, president of the Breakthrough Institute, said Karpinski’s statement constitutes “progress.”

Carl Pope, former chairman of the Sierra Club – an organization that now runs the anti-frackingBeyond Natural Gas” campaign – has even called for more shale gas development in Europe.

“We should help Poland extract abundant, local — thus affordable — shale gas, creating competition for the Russians,” Pope wrote earlier this year.


To be sure, many of these environmentalists do not embrace shale gas without nuance, and some have even called for additional federal regulations that could ultimately restrict development. But what should be clear is that the “ban fracking” agenda is far from mainstream, as it has been marginalized even within the environmental community.

The safety and importance of hydraulic fracturing are not just industry talking points. They are conclusions embraced by virtually everyone, outside of a narrow subset of political activists who refuse to let science and facts get in the way of their extreme agenda. It’s little wonder, then, why U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) said recently that “Democrats throughout the country have supported fracking.”


This piece was published yesterday at Energy In Depth.


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Is Solar Right for Your Home?

Putting a solar array on your home can be quite an expensive up front cost. This is why people like me and groups like the Nevada Clean Energy Project (CEP) are working to get Public Utilities Commission (PUC) and our representatives in Carson City and Washington DC to provide more incentives and possibly even low [...]


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Memorial Weekend: Let’s Go!

“Beginning with the Memorial Day weekend and throughout the summer, Americans will spend their hard-earned dollars traveling to visit family, friends, and the great outdoors. Meanwhile, Big Oil will be making huge profits off of these travel expenditures on fuel, while at the same time fighting for decreased public health and climate-change protections.”

Center for American Progress (and Climate Progress), one year ago.

Get a life. Get happy. The automobile and the open road are freedom and environmentalism-on-wheels to escape the concrete to visit the great outdoors.

So forget the spin and go for a spin!

Each year, MasterResource celebrates the beginning of the peak-driving season knowing that our free-market philosophy is about energy abundance and affordability. And there is little to apologize for.

Oil, gas, and coal have been/are being technologically transformed into super-clean energy resources. Carbon-based energies are growing more abundant, not less. And energy/climate alarmism is losing steam on all fronts (except the shouting).

The real energy sustainability problem is statism, not free consumer choice. As Matt Ridley concluded: “There is little doubt that the damage being done by climate-change policies currently exceeds the damage being done by climate change.” As Alex Epstein is telling each one of us to tell our neighbors: I Love Fossil Fuels.

Energy is the master resource. Motorized transportation is freedom-of-movement. So, like that old Shell commercial said, Let’s Go!

Here are some pictures to capture the spirit of the open road:




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