Becoming more energy efficient not only helps the environment, but it also definitely does some good for your wallet, and nowadays, everyone was to know how to save.
As we search for ways to decrease our energy use, it’s not uncommon to wonder what energy efficient measures will actually save you money.
We all know energy use skyrockets around the holidays. This season, taking a few extra steps to reduce your energy usage can mean big savings in the long run.
Switch your twinkle lights to LED lights.
A 2003 study conducted by the U.S. Department of Energy determined that Americans consume about 2,220 GWh (gigawatt hours) of electricity each holiday season by using standard incandescent holiday lights.
The same study also found that if 20 percent of American households switched to LED lights, they’d save 440 GWh of electricity during the estimated 30-day holiday season.
Insulate your home.
Heating and cooling can account for up to 44 percent of household energy use. But did you know: proper insulation slows the rate at which heat escapes during the cold winter months?
Take a look at your insulation and plug up any leaks or cracks in your house. You can also go the extra step by replacing windows with more energy-efficient models!
Use your fireplace & burn better wood.
When the cold does strike, keep heat in by taking advantage of your fireplace and cozying up to a crackling fire! You can save money by avoiding turning on your heat AND save a tree by burning some all-natural, man-made logs instead.
Java-Logs are the greenest option. Made entirely from coffee grounds, these logs are 100 percent natural and their ashes are compostable. And when you’re not using the fireplace, close the flue and block the fireplace to prevent heat from escaping.
Always remember, if you have any questions, feel free to contact us.
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