The Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions (AWED) is an informal coalition of individuals and organizations interested in improving national, state, and local energy & environmental policies. Our basic position is that technical matters like these should be addressed by using Real Science. It’s all spelled out at, which is a wealth of energy and environmental resources.
A key element of AWED’s efforts is public education. Towards that end, every 3 weeks we put together a newsletter to balance what is found in the mainstream media about energy and environmental matters. We appreciate MasterResource for their assistance in publishing this information.
Greed Energy Economics:
Maine high court overrules state PUC approval of huge wind energy deal
NJ PUC rejects offshore wind project as uneconomical
Denmark ready to scrap offshore wind farms due to cost
Spanish Utility blames renewables for €2.0bn loss
German Utility blames renewables for €2.7bn loss
Wind Energy: German data shows what the Dutch found out years ago
European Governments ripping up renewable contracts
2015 US Budget Plan includes permanent PTC
Bloomberg: PTC Dead This Year
Renewable Energy Mandates will continue to fail…costing us money and jobs
New Hampshire Town passes 3 mile Property Value Guarantee
Study: Natural gas should stay cheap for a long time
The environmental movement suffers its biggest defeat since Climategate
How Economic Arguments Against Nuclear Highlight Environmentalist Delusions
Vinalhaven Electric Rates: Gone Up Since Wind Turbines Turned On
Wind power line proposal irks some Midwest farmers
Survey: 66% think turbines make Scotland a less appealing place to visit
Veterans Affairs wind turbine, built for $2.3 million, stands dormant
Hawaii: $340 M in Solar Credits in last 10 years
Turbine Health Matters:
Low-frequency noise: a biophysical phenomenon
Health authorities admit ‘wind turbine syndrome’ is real
Maine Superior Court rules against state agency
Massachusetts Wind Turbine Corruption & Health
Bylaw Sought for Noisy Turbines
One year later, acoustical study at a standstill
The U.S. Office of Noise Abatement and Control
Turbine Wildlife Matters:
Killing Wildlife In the Name of Climate Change
Wind Turbine Bird Killings, Disinformation Continues in California
Miscellaneous Energy News:
Vermont Town Votes Against Wind Turbines
Three New Hampshire Towns Vote Against Wind Turbines
Pennsylvania wind project cancelled after local opposition
80th Ontario municipality to pass a resolution opposing wind turbine development
Farmers object to wind turbines, survey says
You Know You Live Too Close to a Wind Project When…
Amherst Island (Ontario) group files wind energy lawsuit
Renewable Energy Expert: Offshore Wind has ‘Over Promised’
Judge Issues Mixed Ruling on Cape Wind
A new US Senate report on the EPA: Fraud, Deceit and Secret Science
Biofuels do more harm than good, UN warns
Fracking: Greener than “green”
Ohio Fracking Operation Halted Following Area Earthquakes
Ruling Gives Natural Gas Edge to Replace Nuclear Energy in California
UK backs off buying wind energy from Ireland
I recommend the movie: Blue
Desert Solar Power Plant a Risk to Air Safety
There are Better Ways to Cut Carbon than Wind
Manmade Global Warming Articles:
Startling news from the American Physical Society
Why we argue climate change: ‘Settled science’ isn’t necessarily so
Earth is Safe from Global Warming say the Men who put a Man on the Moon
Archive: Why climate change is good for the world
How the Global Warming Scare Began: John Coleman video
More Scientists Debunking Climate Change Myths
Climate Change a very low priority to US citizens (Gallup Poll)
Public apathy on climate change is a cause for celebration, not concern
California drought in context (Dr. Curry)
Professor Calls For Climate Change ‘Deniers’ To Be Imprisoned
Multiple US agencies adjusting climate data to show global warming
Our proposed national energy slogan is “All of the Sensible” (in contrast to the absurd “All of the Above”). Once legislators have grasped that concept, the foolishness of the “leveling the playing field” idea also becomes apparent. (Should the 18-wheeler trucks and golf cart playing field be leveled?) Additionally we should be using the term “unreliables” when speaking of renewables. Please pass these on. [U.S. citizens should make sure to get up-to-speed with what is on our PTCFacts.Info pages, as the PTC is still a political issue.]
Please pass this information on to other open-minded, science-oriented people. If you know anyone who would like to get AWED emailings periodically, please email me.
Thank you for your support.
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