Monday, March 3, 2014

4 Energy Myths That Could Be Costing You

Becoming more energy efficient not only helps the environment, but it also definitely does some good for your wallet. Nowadays, everyone was to know how to save, and as we search for ways to decrease our energy use, it’s not uncommon to have some doubts about what you hear. What energy efficient measures will actually save you money?

Here are some of the top home energy myths that could actually be costing you:

Energy efficiency equals energy conservation.

While efficiency, in general, refers to using less energy to perform a specific task, conservation—by definition—means reducing the need for energy through behavior and habit changes. An example of energy efficiency would be switching your incandescent bulbs to CFLs whereas training yourself to turn off lights and fans when you leave a room is an example of conserving energy. Both can potentially save you money in the long run, but you’re more likely to see the direct effects of making it a habit to use less electricity than switching to CFLs.

Turning an appliance off actually turns it off.

Many home appliances and electronic devices continue to use power after the “on” button is switched to “off.” Despite being “off,” many devices will continue to use as much energy as if they were on. This is called “standby power”. The only way to actually stop these devices from guzzling energy is to unplug them from your outlet. To be energy smart, connect a handful of energy-sucking devices to a power strip or extension cord to unplug all of them at once for added convenience!

Dimming lights will cut lighting costs in half.

Although dimming your lights does use less power, savings may be less than expected. When your lights are dimmed, the voltage drops and the filament in the bulb becomes cooler. This actually causes an overall loss in efficiency instead of lowering your electric bill. To become more energy smart, turn lights off when you leave a room.

Leaving lights, fans and electronic devices on uses less energy than turning them on, off and then on again.

Usually, the small surge of power needed to start a device once it’s off consumes much less power than when a device that is left on. Simply put, leaving on lights, fans and electronic devices such as TVs when you’re not around to enjoy wastes energy! Make sure you turn lights and fans off every time you leave a room (keep in mind: fans cool people, not rooms) and unplug your electronics before leaving your house for the day.

Closing vents will help lower heating and cooling costs.

Because heating and cooling systems balance their load throughout the duct system, closing a vent in a room throws off the system’s balance. Why? Pressure can cause build up in your home’s duct work, resulting in leaks and reducing in the overall amount of air circulating throughout your home. To see a difference in your utilities, raise your air before you leave your home for the day.

Questions? Feel free to contact us!


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