’s periodic newsletter keeps readers updated on the latest news in the wind energy industry!
facts, analysis, exposure of wind energy’s real impacts
Issue: 2013-06-15
Filed under | Oklahoma
The permit application acknowledges that up [to] three bald eagles a year could be killed by the development over the 40-year life of the project.”I can’t come up with the words in English or Osage to put a value on how important these (eagles) are to us and to our everyday survival,” said Scott BigHorse, assistant chief for the Osage Nation. more…
Filed under | Canada
In an unprecedented move in Ontario, Transport Canada has ordered the removal of eight wind turbines in close proximity to the Chatham Municipal Airport. Chatham-Kent Essex MP Dave Van Kesteren confirmed the action Friday morning. more…
Boards vote to shut turbines down at night. Give developer 30 days to fix noise
June 13, 2013 by Peggy Aulisio in South Coast Today
Filed under | Massachusetts
“Health Board Chairman Peter DeTerra made the motion to shut the turbines down. He said the town has received more than 450 complaints from more than 45 households. Mr. DeTerra said the turbines should be “shut down as a public health nuisance.” more…
CA wind facilities want permits that will allow them to harm eagles
June 13, 2013 by Chris Clarke in ReWire
Filed under | USA| California
The existence of the permit applications was revealed by FOIA requests by Oklahoma journalist Louise Red Corn, and shared Thursday in a web-based seminar held by the American Bird Conservancy (ABC). The 102.5-megawatt Shiloh IV Wind project applied for its take permit in March 2012, and the other three projects have applied in the last six months. more…
June 13, 2013 by Danica Kirka in Associated Press
Filed under | Energy Policy
In an annual review of the world energy market, BP PLC said growth in energy consumption slowed to 1.8 percent from 2.4 percent in 2011. Demand continued to grow in China and India, which together accounted for almost 90 percent of the global increase. But even growth in developing countries was slower than it has been over the last decade. more…
David Cameron hints at further cuts to green energy subsidies
June 13, 2013 by Rowena Mason in The Telegraph
Filed under | UK
The Prime Minister said he would “think very carefully” about green subsidies for energy sources such as wind farms and solar panels, as they “end up on consumer bills”. He admitted that fuel bills are being driven up by green subsidies, even though the Department of Energy and Climate Change largely blames the rising cost of gas for soaring energy costs. more…
Merkel warns on energy costs
June 13, 2013 by Jan Hromadko in Wall Street Journal
Filed under | Germany
Speaking at an energy conference in Berlin, Ms. Merkel said she still supports further expansion of renewable energy such as wind and solar power to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. But she said the costs need to be contained as global rivals are benefiting from lower energy prices. Utility executives welcomed her recognition, but criticized her for remaining vague on specifics. more…
Governor to get bill to study changes to way Northern Pass, wind farms are sited
June 13, 2013 by Garry Raymo in New Hampshire Union Leader
Filed under | New Hampshire
Senate Majority Leader Jeb Bradley, R-Wolfeboro, said it is “absolutely essential” to have a study, particularly of projects like Northern Pass and the wind farms proposed around the Newfound Lake area.”This can’t happen fast enough because we don’t have good siting criteria,” he said. more…
Merkel vows to rein in renewable subsidies
June 13, 2013 by Vera Eckert and Madeline Chambers in Reuters
Filed under | Germany
Merkel’s policy to wean Europe’s biggest power market off fossil fuels and to embrace renewables has led to a boom in green energy sources, but ballooning costs have led to calls for cuts to feed-in tariffs and for industry to pay more.”Dealing with the renewable energy reform is the most urgent of the energy topics, in my view.” more…
A federal appeals court found last week that it’s unconstitutional for Michigan to discriminate against out-of-state renewable electricity – a decision being described as giving a major edge to clean power in the legal fight over the future of the U.S. grid. more…
Wind Wise Massachusetts: Wind turbines adversely affect health, new studies show
June 12, 2013 by Wind Wise Massachusetts
Filed under | Noise
In The Journal of Laryngology and Otology, the authors reported in March that “there is ample evidence of symptoms arising in individuals exposed to wind turbine noise.” “…there is an increasing body of evidence suggesting that infrasound and low frequency noise (caused by the wind turbines) have physiological effects on the ear.” more…
Baldwin County crafts ordinance that prohibits wind farms
June 12, 2013 by Thyrie Bland in All Alabama
Filed under | Alabama
An effort by a Charlottesville, Va., company to put a wind farm in Baldwin County might be coming to a grinding halt. Vince Jackson, director of the county’s Planning and Zoning Department, has crafted an ordinance that would prohibit wind projects like the one APEX Wind Energy has proposed for southern Baldwin County.
Planners all tied up on Stop & Shop turbine
June 12, 2013 by Emily Clark in Wicked Local Plymouth
Filed under | Massachusetts
The DEP had concerns that the proposed 275-foot wind turbine might exceed sound limit guidelines during the winter. So, the agency recommended three possible actions be taken: The applicant could withdraw its proposal without prejudice; recommend the Zoning Board of Appeals deny the requested special permit for the project; or Stop & Shop Supermarket Company LLC could implement mitigation measures. more…
Mass CEC releases shadow flicker study results
June 11, 2013 by Kathryn Gallerani in Wicked Local Kingston
Filed under | Massachusetts
Of these 808, according to the results, 188 are expected to realistically receive greater than 10 flicker hours per year and 54 are expected to realistically receive greater than 30 flicker hours per year. more…
Lowell wind towns challenge noise reports, seek hearings
June 11, 2013 by Robin Smith in Orleans County Record
Filed under | Vermont
An attorney for the towns of Albany and Craftsbury say that violations in noise limitations from Lowell wind turbines are endangering neighbors’ health and creating a public nuisance. And the towns are asking for more indoor testing to make sure that noise levels inside homes are not higher than allowed. more…
Windfarm industry fears consequences of Coalition turbine noise policy
June 11, 2013 by Lenore Taylor in The Guardian
Filed under | UK
The yet-to-be-released resources policy is set to require all windfarms to provide “real-time” noise monitoring, with the findings immediately publicly available, so nearby residents concerned about the alleged health impact of windfarms can compare the results with strict state government noise controls. The Coalition resources spokesman, Ian Macfarlane, will also try to introduce the measures before the election with a private members bill. more…
Wind power firm hires thugs to protect site
June 10, 2013 by J. Michael Cole in Taipei Times
Filed under | Asia
The white shirts were obviously on edge, ready to snap – and they did the next day, on Saturday, during another protest near the site. Video footage obtained by the Times shows a larger number of white shirts pulling at and dragging protesters away, both near the site and atop the ridge. more…
Fairhaven halts overnight use of turbines
June 10, 2013 by Ariel Wittenberg in South Coast Today
Filed under | Massachusetts
The Fairhaven Board of Health voted unanimously to shut down the town’s two wind turbines between 7 p.m. and 7 a.m. beginning tonight. …the board of selectmen also voted to put the turbines’ developers on 30 days notice because state testing of the turbines revealed that the turbines not only violated state noise regulation but also violated the contract between developers and the Board of Selectmen. more…
County, townships fight turbine ruling
June 7, 2013 by Matt Sanctis in Springfield News-Sun
Filed under | Ohio
On Wednesday, county commissioners and trustees from Goshen, Union and Urbana townships met in executive session and then voted to ask Kevin Talebi, Champaign County prosecutor, to seek a rehearing with the siting board on the decision. more…
Wind farms are a ‘complete scam’, claims the Environment Secretary who says turbines are causing ‘huge unhappiness’
June 7, 2013 by Matt Chorley in Daily Mail
Filed under | UK
The Conservatives have taken a tougher line on wind farms in recent months, and this week unveiled plans to give communities a powerful ‘veto’ over controversial new onshore developments. Schemes will have to gain local residents’ consent before a planning application can even be made, effectively handing them the power to prevent turbines being erected. more…
Minister throws out plans for giant wind farm in Highlands
June 7, 2013 by David Ross in The Herald Scotland
Filed under | UK
Dunbeath Wind Energy wanted to build 17 turbines near Dunbeath, a Caithness coastal village, only for ministers to reject the proposal due to the impact on the countryside.Energy Secretary Fergus Ewing found that the project, between Berriedale Water and Dunbeath Water, would have adversely affected the landscape. more…
Energy company quits Dunnigan Hills wind farm project
June 7, 2013 by Don Frances in Daily Democrat
Filed under | California
A Texas energy firm has abandoned its bid to build hundreds of wind turbines in Dunnigan Hills, according to a letter to one of the landowners.”In the end, we were not able to secure a partner,” said Patrick Buckley of Pioneer Green Energy, in a letter to Charlie Schaupp explaining why the company was pulling out. more…
‘It breaks my heart; Resident recalls living near turbines
June 6, 2013 in Grimsby Lincoln News
Filed under| Canada
Barbara Ashbee and Dennis Lormand lived 457 metres from an industrial wind turbine in Amaranth, Ont. for seven months before the wind company bought them out of their home. Despite signing a non-disclosure agreement, Ashbee is sharing her story in hopes of convincing the province to put a stop on wind energy development. more…
Legislators seek offshore wind power restrictions
June 6, 2013 by Glenn Puit in Traverse City Record-Eagle
Filed under | Michigan
Reps. Ray Franz, R-Onekama, and Greg MacMaster, R-Kewadin, co-sponsored House Bill No. 4778 this week. The bill would prevent Michigan from entering into a lease or deed for the siting, placement or construction of a wind turbine on Michigan’s unpatented or submerged lands. The legislation also would prevent leasing similar lands for an electric transmission line – a critical component for offshore wind projects in the Great Lakes. more…
Timbertop Wind: SEC declines taking jurisdiction from Temple and New Ipswich
June 6, 2013 by Ashley Saari in Monadnock Ledger-Transcript
Filed under | New Hampshire
According to counsel for the SEC, Mike Iacapino, the committee made its decision based on the fact that the towns of New Ipswich and Temple have ordinances in place that deal with the pertinent issues, and the committee wasn’t inclined to assert jurisdiction under those circumstances, among other considerations. more…
Wind farm seeks permit to avoid fines in case of eagle deaths
June 6, 2013 by Jarrel Wade in Tulsa World
Filed under |Oklahoma
Opponents of the permit, including conservationists and tribes in the area, say they aren’t against “green” energy investments. However, they are firmly against the placement of the planned 94-turbine wind farm, which is surrounded within five miles by several active bald eagle nests. …”If you look at one site, it’s not that big of a deal, but you look at all the sites … collectively, you’re looking at a huge impact,” more…
Wind farm’s 60-day appeal term expires
June 6, 2013 by Elaine Blaisdell in Cumberland Times-News
Filed under | Maryland
The proposed Fourmile Ridge wind project in eastern Garrett County has gone beyond the 60-day appeal process for the Federal Aviation Administration’s interim decision in? February that all 24 proposed wind turbines are presumed to be a hazard to air navigation. more…
‘Big Wind’ opponents on Lanai launch TV commercial offensive against Castle & Cooke
June 6, 2013 by Duane Shimogawa in Pacific Business News
Filed under | Hawaii
Lanai’s “Big Wind” opponents are going on the offensive via a television commercial, in which they take aim at Castle & Cooke Hawaii Inc.’s planned 200-megawatt project that would utilize an undersea cable to pump electricity back to Oahu. more…
End of hated wind farms that ruin our countryside amid growing backlash over green energy
June 6, 2013 by Macer Hall in The Daily Express
Filed under | UK
Eric Pickles’s Department for Communities and Local Government will announce that planning laws are to be amended so that “consultation with local communities” is compulsory before wind farm developers can even formally apply for planning permissionIt means local authorities will get powers to block possible developments early in the planning process. more…
Tackling organised crime in a bid to secure investor confidence in wind
June 6, 2013 by Rachana Raizada in Renewable Energy World
Filed under | Europe
The DIA’s aggressiveness in clamping down on organised crime is widely lauded but investor confidence is far from being restored. An industry insider who has observed investment funds shying away from Italy believes the country risk is just too high when the political instability and the reduced incentive schemes announced in 2012 are added in. …The mafia allegations and potential for random asset seizures hasn’t helped – companies wanting to sell their wind farms in Sicily aren’t finding buyers. more…
No permits filed with state for Wild Meadows wind project
June 6, 2013 by Dan Seufert in New Hampshire Union Leader
Filed under | New Hampshire
The Spain-based wind-power company that drew public outcry with its proposed wind farm project for the ridgelines near Newfound Lake and Mount Cardigan has not filed for permits for the project with the state. more…
Locals to get veto power over wind farms
June 6, 2013 by Robert Winnett in The Telegraph
Filed under | UK
Senior Conservatives claim the move will effectively end the spread of the controversial turbines which have been blamed for blighting picturesque landscapes. Ministers will announce that residents will have to be consulted over new wind farms with applications barred if there is significant opposition. Councils are currently prevented from even considering applications for larger turbines. more…
Lowell Mountain Ridgeprotectors demand hearings on GMP bat-taking application
June 6, 2013 by Robin Smith in Caledonian Record
Filed under | Vermont
Ridgeline wind project opponents want hearings on a permit application by Green Mountain Power to allow the deaths of a small number of endangered or protected bats each year by Lowell wind turbines. more…
PMLD appeals to governor about utility costs, turbine issues
June 6, 2013 by Phyllis Booth in The Landmark
Filed under | Massachusetts
Princeton Municipal Light Department manager Brian Allen has written to Governor Deval Patrick, noting that the failed wind turbine project has contributed significantly to the town’s high utility costs. He is seeking financial support from the state. …PMLD is a municipal utility with a $3 million budget and the turbine cost was approximately $1.2 million of that budget in 2012. “The utility does not have the ability to sustain itself with those types of losses.” more…
Province announces overhaul of FIT program for renewable energy projects; Officials doubt new MOE process will help
June 5, 2013 by Barb McKay in Kincardine Independent
Filed under | Canada
“It remains to be seen just how, or if, this new direction will have any impact on Pattern and Samsung’s project, which already has Feed-in-Tariff approval,” Clarke said. “Going forward, if there will be a more inclusive process that engages municipalities, that’s fine, but what does it mean for current projects?” …”The devil will be in the details.” more…
Wind turbine decision delayed over heritage issues
June 5, 2013 in News Letter
Filed under | Ireland
Alex Attwood said the reason a final decision had not yet been issued on the long standing proposal to erect a single 60 metre turbine close to Lough Patrick indicated that concerns about the land’s religious significance were being factored in. more…
U.S. to lease federal waters for commercial offshore wind energy
June 5, 2013 by John M. Broder in The New York Times
Filed under | USA
The federal government will hold the first lease sale for commercial offshore wind energy projects at the end of July, the Interior Department announced on Tuesday. …In 2010, federal officials approved the fiercely contested offshore wind farm known as Cape Wind after nine years of battles with Massachusetts residents. more…
Turbine opponents say fight is not over; Battle may shift to Board of Health
June 5, 2013 by Scott A. Giordano in The Bulletin
Filed under | Massachusetts
“The decision to take the turbines down still stands but there is not yet a way to pay for it. The ball is surely in the selectmen’s court and in the state’s court. The state, ultimately, has a large responsibility to help the town solve this problem but are paralyzed by the politics involved.” more…
Local expert weighs in on wind farm concerns
June 5, 2013 by Carol Broeder and Shar Porier in Arizona Range News
Filed under | Arizona
In a March 25 letter to the County Planing and Zoning Commission, the Arizona Department of Game and Fish (AZGF) “states specific concerns and recommendations for birds, bats, and other wildlife in connection with the Red Horse 2 wind energy project, including a recommendation of two years of data collection as part of the site evaluation and pre-construction monitoring,” he said. more…
Ontario ends controversial FIT programme
May 31, 2013 by Diane Bailey in Windpower Monthly
Filed under | Canada
Ontario is dropping its feed-in tariff (FIT) programme and will change its local content regulations for wind and solar farms following the World Trade Organization (WTO) ruling that they contravened international trade law.Energy minister Bob Chiarelli, announced on Thursday that the province will develop a competitive procurement process for renewable energy projects larger than 500kW in size. more…
Big Wind SLAPPs Critic
June 12, 2013 in National Review
Filed under| Canada
What’s at stake here? For Wrightman and other anti-wind activists, the issue is freedom of speech and their right to fight to protect themselves and the value of their homes from the noise and other issues that come with having 500-foot-tall turbines in their neighborhoods. Regardless of your feelings about wind energy, NextEra’s SLAPP suit against Wrightman should be condemned. She is simply exercising her rights. more…
Our Turn: Towering trees, not transmission towers
June 9, 2013 in Concord Monitor
Filed under | New Hampshire
New Hampshire’s forests, lakes and scenic landscapes are central to our state’s identity. …But recent land purchases by Northern Pass project developers suggest that a potential route for transmission towers and lines may attempt to cross land protected by the Connecticut Headwaters easement.That would unnecessarily jeopardize some our state’s most treasured land. more…
Legal bullies: Wind turbine corporation picks ridiculous excuse to go after environmentalist
June 8, 2013 in Edmonton Sun
Filed under | Canada
A $32 billion energy corporation has filed a massive lawsuit against an Ontario environmentalist named Esther Wrightman. It’s a SLAPP suit: Strategic litigation against public participation.It’s not really about legal arguments. It’s about crushing Wrightman with legal bills and burning up her time, so she can’t spend time campaigning against them. more…
The U-turn on wind turbines won’t stop their march over every hill and valley
June 6, 2013 in The Guardian
Filed under | UK
In my experience most supporters of turbines change their mind when they actually see them. I cannot believe Cameron would be happy if the villagers of Ellesborough took his bribe and put turbines on the Chilterns above Chequers. These things are not just in someone’s “back yard”, they are in the back yards of all Britain. The gulf has never been so wide between the rural landscape and the perception of it by ministers and commentators, who mostly live in London and holiday abroad. more…
Critique of the MA DEP “Wind Turbine Health Impact Study, Report of Independent Expert Panel,” January 2012
June 5, 2013 by Dr. Raymond S. Hartman
Filed under | Massachusetts
Dr. Ray Hartman prepared this detailed critical review of the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MA DEP) “Wind Turbine Health Impact Study, Report of Independent Expert Panel,” released January 2012. Dr. Hartman demonstrates the fallacy of using the findings of the DEP study to justify wind turbine siting. An excerpt… more
The environmental impact of increasing wind penetrations in a thermally dependent electric system
June, 2013 by A. Sopinka
Filed under | Canada
Alberta’s electricity grid is characterized as deregulated and thermally dependent with a growing number of wind power facilities. Using a model to simulate both the unit commitment and economic dispatch decisions of the system operator, the total net CO2 reductions that result from the addition of wind energy into a… more
Wind turbine sound prediction – the consequence of getting it wrong
June, 2013 by William Palmer
Filed under | Canada
Wind turbines are rapidly increasing in number. In this paper, the example of the province of Ontario, Canada
will be used. The Global Wind Energy Council tracks the world wide installed wind turbines, showing a 10-fold
increase in the 10 years from 2001 to 2011 to nearly 240,000 MW. In Ontario the… more
will be used. The Global Wind Energy Council tracks the world wide installed wind turbines, showing a 10-fold
increase in the 10 years from 2001 to 2011 to nearly 240,000 MW. In Ontario the… more
- Osprey New Home see… Filed under | New York
- Taking on tubrine towers watch… Filed under | Canada
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