Did you know: Avoiding peak hours can help you save money on your electricity bill? Just as there are off-peak cell phone rates and airline fares, there are off-peak periods when the cost of electricity is low. In fact, electricity rates can change by as much as 40 percent during peak hours during the day.
With peak hours typically falling between 2 p.m. and 5 p.m. daily– when everyone else is obliviously soaking up the benefits of electricity– there are ways to avoid peak hours, potentially saving you money by becoming more aware of your energy use.
To take advantage of the high price periods, follow these simple tips during peak hours:
Household chores
Washing dishes and laundry by hand or saving your wash for the early morning or late evening/night hours is a good alternative. Not only do dryers and washing machines eat up electricity, they can heat up your home, causing your air conditioning to work harder than it should.
In the kitchen
Instead of turning to your stove top or oven, feast on no-cook sandwiches, salads or other meals that won’t heat up your kitchen. Preparing food during off-peak hours and saving for later or firing up the outdoor grill are both good ways to avoid using electricity and producing unnecessary heat in your home.
Air conditioning
Temporarily change your thermostat to a warmer setting, instead using fans to circulate the air in your home.
Keep in mind: Not all companies charge higher rates during peak hours. Get smart and do some digging! Check your bill or call your electric company to see just exactly how you’re charged for your use. Any information they can provide on time-of-use plans is always helpful. The savings add up!
Source: http://powergenerationinc.com/electrical-savings-101-avoiding-peak-hours/
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