Sunday, February 10, 2013

Lies About ‘Corporate Cash On The Sidelines’

As I think the EleBlog has pointed out at least once, the people who run AND work on Wall Street — which includes your local broker in Philadelphia or Tualatin — LIE.

They lie when they wake up in the morning (to their mirrors, just to practice). And they lie during the workday. And they lie at night.

One lie is: “There are trillions of dollars of corporate cash on the sidelines.”

John Hussman — who writes weekly missives that I read every week, but post very infrequently here — had one last Monday that included this graphic:


In other words: Yes, the NON-FINANCIAL corporations out there have plenty of cash on the sidelines. But it’s really not all that much more than they had in 2010 or 2011. At the same time, the amount of debt on the balance sheets of these corporations has SOARED.

Or, to say it another way: The Wall Streeters, all of them, lie. Except for John Hussman (and a few others).



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