Monday, February 25, 2013

AWED Energy & Environmental Newsletter: 2/18/13

The Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions (AWED) is an informal coalition of individuals and organizations interested in improving national, state, and local energy & environmental policies. Our basic position is that technical matters like these should be addressed by using real science.

Instead of a science-based approach, our energy and environmental policies are typically written by those who stand to economically or politically profit from them. As a result, anything genuinely science-based in these policies is usually inadvertent and accidental.

A key element of AWED’s efforts is public education. Towards that end, every 3± weeks we put together a newsletter to balance what is found in the mainstream media about energy and environmental matters. We very much appreciate MasterResource for their assistance in publishing this information.


An important, new, professionally made film about wind energy is Wind Rush. Although the director makes the obligatory inaccurate statements about wind energy “benefits” (the media has to be balanced!), the message is inescapably that wind is not everything it’s made out to be.

I’ve updated my page about fixing the RPS situation. We will be working with citizens where the political atmosphere is receptive to fixing some of these charades. If you have solid evidence that your state is such a case, please let us know by emailing me, ASAP.

More reports about greed energy economics:

Another PTC storm Brewing.

A fine article on the underreported costs of wind energy

Another US tactic being proposed to subsidize the wind industry

An important FERC case: Windpower Tax.

Wind Energy as a major electricity Consumer.

Very important Ontario matter re wind energy costs.

Wind in your hair, sun on your skin – and ebb in your wallet.

Economist Kevin O’Leary (Shark Tank) nails wind energy.

Obama Unveils His Economy-Killing Cap-And-Tax Plan.

The List of Green Energy Failures.

European wind energy facing subsidy and legal issues.

Germany and Spain Move to Curb Green-Energy Supports

Wind Turbine collapses.

More reports about turbine health matters:

I may have mentioned this before but this is an exceptionally well done critique of the Massachusetts “health” report, by an MIT PhD with impeccable credentials. As he accurately says: it’s all about the science — and what they did was junk.

Very important Canadian Turbine Health Study Update

A Wisconsin state agency rejects a wind development due to noise concerns.

Wind turbine complaints foreboding.

Global Wind Energy — The Human Impact

More reports about turbine wildlife matters:

Two US Senators call the Justice Dept hypocritical re turbines bird kills.

A fine piece about environmental hypocrisy.

Miscellaneous energy reports:

A NH state agency rejects a wind application based on aesthetics.

Falmouth (MA) Selectmen vote to take turbines down.

Committee of Heath (MA) citizens conclude that wind is a waste.

Hawaii wind project defeated by citizens.

Some lessons from wind energy in NY.

A site to report government or wind energy malfeasance.

Windpower Propaganda — at a School Near You?

Nuclear power is our only hope, or, the greatest environmentalist hypocrisy of all time

Al Gore’s Nuclear Hypocrisy.

A good assessment of the reign of Dr. Chu.

Britain has enough shale gas for 1500 years.

Methane Hydrates and the Potential Natural Gas Boom.

World Coal Consumption.

Solar Industry Grapples with Hazardous Waste.

A short video about the problems with ethanol.

Wind energy facing challenges in Texas.


Some recent articles of interest on manmade global warming —

More breaks in the IPCC front.

Global Warming: Manmade or Not? is a superior summary of the AGW situation.

Real Sustainability vs Activist Sustainability.

Peer-Reviewed Survey Finds Majority Of Scientists Skeptical Of Global Warming Crisis.

Emergent Phenomena.

Another Climate Driver Just Discovered.

A new study about how volcanoes may affect AGW.

Forecasters Often Use Unscientific Computer Models.

In their Own Words, Alarmists Debunk Their Science.

Al Gore is Losing the Bet so far.

A report worth reading: Climate of Deception?

Climate change or global luke-warming?

Point-by-Point Climate Rebuttal of Obama Talk.

Obama’s Climate Team.

EPA’s Secret And Costly “Sue And Settle” Collusion With Environmental Organizations


Some other recent articles of general interest —

Least expensive Obamacare plan is set for $20,000 per year.

This is a related, Must See short video: Doorbell.


Please pass this information on to other open-minded, science-oriented people. To be on the email list for related AWED mailings, please email physicist john droz.


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