Saturday, February 2, 2013

Guest Editorial: JH Kunstler

Posting weekly at his blog, James Howard Kunstler is a “peak oil” believer, an advocate of planning to go local (as things will change), and a thorn in the side of the comfortable.

Here’s the final paragraph of his most recent post, which resonates with some of the stuff EleBlog’s proprietor has come to think (see the tectonic plates post):

Apparently, there are moments in history when nations just get lost. I maintain that things would go a whole lot better for us if we acknowledge what is actually going on, namely: a major shift of direction into economic contraction after 200-plus thrilling years of expanding energy resources and easy-to-get material riches.

It’s in the nature of this world that things cycle and pulse, and we have entered a certain phase of the cycle that demands certain responses. We have to make the scale of human activities smaller, finer, simpler, and more rooted to the local particulars of place.

We have to let go of WalMart and globalism and driving cars incessantly and attempting to manage the affairs of people half a world a way… and we just can’t imagine engaging with this endeavor. That is true poverty of imagination.


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