Monday, March 31, 2014

TexasWorld: Freedom, Room for All (a mental experiment)

To illustrate that the world is not in any meaningful way overpopulated, Julian Simon noted that if everyone in the world moved to Texas, each person would still have about 1,800 square feet of living space. Enough room for a family of four to live in an average size house with a front and back yard.

Since Simon made these calculations in The Ultimate Resource 2, the world’s population has grown. Recalculating for a world of 6 billion is 1,500 square feet per person, which still leaves 6,000 square feet for a family of four (a still comfortable 60- by-100-foot lot, with plenty of space for multiple story living).

But what about the roads, parks, lakes, shopping malls, my students ask? If I say everyone in the world could live in Texas, they want to know about the amenities. Yes, the free-market system has an astonishing ability to respond to the unexpected, from everyday shifts in demand to hurricanes and other disasters. But if everyone moved to Texas, could markets coordinate the efforts and ingenuity of millions of entrepreneurs and businessmen in building the necessary infrastructure, homes, apartments, etc.?

Markets provide the information about relative scarcity and prices provide the incentives for millions or billions of people to coordinate their responses. F. A. Hayek’s seminal article, “The Use of Knowledge in Society,” uses a disaster to tell its story of the power of prices and market. It starts with a flood in a copper mine in Chile.

So the importance of explaining how markets help society deal with emergencies is to help inoculate people against government “emergency measures” the next time a disaster strikes.


A separate reason why this kind of thought experiment is useful follows from the distortions caused by decades of interventionist immigration policies in America and around the world. When libertarians argue for open immigration and for the U.S. to remove immigration barriers, a difficult issue is the practical one of adjustment from the status quo to a free system.

People respond to calls for ending U.S. immigration restrictions by saying that if we opened the borders now, millions of immigrants would flood in from Mexico and South America, and tens of millions might quickly travel here from China and India. How could markets handle that?

Well, that many wouldn’t “flood” in, but if they did markets would adjust, and most people, Americans as well as others around the world, would be better off for it. The point of economic analysis and population-oriented thought experiments is to illustrate why and how.


Another reason to spend time with futuristic scenarios is to promote understanding of the optimistic perspective on technology, on market economies and on people. Most of the problems people associate with “over” population or population growth are really problem caused by the lack of the rule of law, clearly defined property rights, and enforceable contracts.

Problems in New York City like high rents and a shortage of housing have their origin in long-standing rent controls, housing regulations, and other government interventions that restrict new housing. Traffic congestion and a creaky, cranky transit system is caused by government’s mismanaged monopoly roads and mass transit. So the main congestion problems of daily life in New York City would be solved with private property, enforceable contracts and open markets.

Back to Texas

The problems of daily life in west Texas are not so easily solved. West Texas has lots empty land–empty of people. Even the cattle are lonely. Across tens of thousands of square miles of often beautiful scenery, are few cities and towns. West Texas cities like Lubbock, Amarillo, San Angelo and Midland are like oases in the desert.

Texas was a better place in 2010 with 25 million people than in 2000 with 21 million people, or 1980 with 14.2 million or 1960 with 9.6 million or 1900 with 3 million. I simply argue Texas would be a better place still in 2015 with 6 billion people living free and living large.

I’ve visited Aix-en-Provence in the south of France for Summer University and Institute for Economic Studies-Europe seminars for college students. The city is beautiful and densely populated. Narrow cobblestone roads run between six- to eight-story apartment buildings, most with shops on street level. The main street through town, a marvelous wide boulevard feature fountains and endless cafes.

If I were building a housing development and tourist attraction in Texas, I would invite thousands of stone masons and other construction workers to build this part of paradise in a freer state in a for-now freer country.

In Texas, freedom is a stronger tradition than in most of the country. For one thing the federal government owns very little land in Texas, unlike the rest of the country and especially the west were the federal government owns 50% of the land. Texas came into the union as a sovereign state, so most land stayed or became private property.

Viva Las Vegas

Have you been to Las Vegas lately? It is not just a place for gambling. It is becoming a place for tourists as well. Perhaps Las Vegas looked at a map of the U.S. twenty years ago, noticed many Indian reservations, and expected stiff competition for future gamblers.

But Las Vegas seems like an odd place for a tourist destination, unless you have never seen a desert before. The nearby mountains are beautiful at sunrise and sunset. But like Aix-en-Provence, the tourist attraction is not the countryside, it is the city and it’s buildings and shops and boulevards and people.

Las Vegas now has buildings and shops and boulevards to attract tourists. You can visit Venice, Paris, New York, Ancient Egypt and Rome. In the Venetian you can ride in a gondola to the piazza and sit “outside” in the cool midday air sipping cappuccino. P.J. O’Rourke says it has everything Venice does, except the stink.

The Paris Casino has a mini-Eiffel Tower great breads from French pastry shops and buffets of fine French foods. Many of the workers are from French-speaking Romania however, so lack the skill of delivering an authentic French insult.

So I would try to impress upon the Texas government the brilliance of this strategy of inviting the world’s great cities to relocate to Texas.

First we would have to assure investors that Texas would have the population to fill millions, even billions of new homes and apartments. And for that Texas could apply, as Iowa has, for a waiver from federal immigration restrictions. Iowa’s population dropped nearly 5% from 1980 to 1990. Restrictive immigration policies have contributed to the reduced population in hundreds of Midwestern cities and towns. So Iowa and many other less-populated cities, including many in update New York are trying to attract more immigrants.

In Texas we would need hundreds of billions of dollars in housing construction and infrastructure in order to accommodate billions of new immigrants. The good news is that there are hundreds of millions of really poor people in the world who are looking for work. They don’t know it maybe, but they are really looking for freedom, and looking for freedom to work in all the wrong places. They should look in Texas. They should have cards that read “Have Poverty; Will Travel.”

So new Texas World cities could be constructed with world labor. Texas is a big enough place, and with enough coastline, I would recommend establishing Charter Cities and Startup Cities along the Texas coast. New port city to compete with Galveston and Houston. The new charters could be based on those that have worked so well for Hong Kong and Singapore, still among the freest city in the world. Let Hong Kong investors finance this new city and port. And they could easily find millions of people to begin construction.

In fact, construction could be financed in part by the impoverished Chinese immigrants themselves. In 2000 the going rate for getting to New York illegally from China was around $40,000. Offer Texas citizenship to anyone investing $40,000 in this new Hong Kong, Texas. Ten million Chinese immigrants would bring 400 billion investment dollars to Texas. That should be enough to get things started.

Of course, most impoverished Chinese people don’t have $40,000. They borrow it confident they will be able to find work in New York City and other thriving U.S. cities, save enough in a few years to pay back their transport creditors.

In and around new Texas Startup Cities would be factories and farms providing jobs and food. Elsewhere in Texas would be New Bombay and New New Delhi, maybe along new hi-tech corridors like I-35 between Austin and San Antonio. Millions of highly educated and English-speaking people from India would bring inexpensive programming skills as well as hundreds of other skills to Texas (while their parents run the motels).

Americans have long liked to believe they are a special people, somehow uniquely capable and deserving of the stunning wealth created and enjoyed in America. But it is liberty that is unique to America and the western world of the last couple hundred years. Rose Wilder Lane tries to describe this astonishing force of nature, the power of free people in the beginning of her book, The Discovery of Freedom:

China to Texas

One of the interesting things about TexasWorld is the boost in worldwide growth rates that Texas freedom could ignite. Academics and commentators get excited when they average growth rates in China of 7% or 8%. But every Chinese immigrant to the U.S. enjoys an individual economic growth rate of maybe 1000% the first year: from $100 a month income to $1,000 and then maybe another 100% the second year to $2,000 a month.

Chinese people moving to the U.S. can be a more effective a way to boost prosperity and economic development than shipping capital to China.

Perhaps the greatest loss of human prosperity over the sixty years was the billion Chinese locked up in China under communist rule. How many billions of hours of creative human endeavor were lost? How many hundreds of millions of lifetimes of business achievement and entrepreneurship lost? How many tens of millions of lifetimes stolen from engineering development, medical research and scientific discovery? We should reflect not only on how miserably these billion plus Chinese people have lived under Communist rule but also how much the world lost when these minds and bodies were mostly isolated from the world.

China could have easily followed the course of Singapore in 1950. The president of Singapore was also a communist, but he inadvertently deregulated the Singapore economy and discovered the benefits of markets. Chinese in China could have had the same per capita income as Chinese in Singapore, Hong Kong and Taiwan.

This gives us a sense of what would result from liberating hundreds of millions of Chinese not over the next decades as China hopefully liberalizes, but over next two or three years with entrepreneurial Chinese people living free in Texas.

The first generation of hard labor and long hours can offer their children (plural!) advanced educations as engineers, research scientists and entrepreneurs. (Everyone time I chatted with workers in Chinese restaurants when I lived in Houston, they were working on engineering degrees at area colleges.)


TexasWorld is a mental experiment of how one great free state can take on the world for fun and profit. 

If Las Vegas can do it, Texas can. If China cannot do it, Texas can.


Gregory Rehmke, Program director for Economic Thinking, is a leading educator of high school students through debate programs.  He can be reached at


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I am often amazed by the things some home builders due to shave just a few dollars out of the construction costs of a new home. In our home, we have nice brass chandeliers at the entry and dining area and similar wall mount brass lighting fixtures in the hallways. On the ceilings of the […]


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“No Bad Lettuce” Theory of Management

I was sitting in a restaurant one day eating a salad for lunch. This salad was full of wilted lettuce and inedible chunks from the center of the head. It really made me quite disappointed with the restaurant and they never did get much of my business after that. Why was a little bad lettuce […]


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I’ve been getting questions lately about the documentation I provide during my electrical construction projects, so here is a guide to site surveys, estimates, quotes, […]

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‘Gully’ Formed On Mars – In Three Years. No Water, But . . . ???



A NASA spacecraft has spotted a big gully on Mars, a feature that appears to have formed only within the last three years.


While the Mars gully looks a lot like river channels here on Earth, it likely was not carved out by flowing water, NASA officials said


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U.S. National Academy of Sciences: Doubling Down on Climate Alarmism (and taking science down a notch with it)

“The NAS … should be an organization that promotes careful examination of all factors involving climate change and not take sides on areas of controversy.  Global temperature history and lack of climate model validation demonstrates lack of objectivity.  Merging of science with politics may damage trust in the scientific community for decades.”

Last month, the United States National Academies of Sciences (NAS) issued the following news release inviting the public to a joint meeting with the UK Royal Society:

Join NAS and The Royal Society for the Launch of a Joint Publication on Climate Change Science

On Thursday, February 27th, the U.S. National Academy of Sciences and The UK’s Royal Society cordially invite the public to the release of Climate Change: Evidence & Causes, a new publication produced jointly by the two institutions. Host Miles O’Brien from the PBS Newshour will guide a discussion about the publication with authors Dr. Eric Wolff of the University of Cambridge (UK lead), Dr. Inez Fung of the University of California, Berkeley (US lead), Sir Brian Hoskins* of the Grantham Institute for Climate Change, and Dr. Benjamin Santer* of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. Dr. Ralph J. Cicerone, President of the National Academy of Sciences, and Professor Sir Paul Nurse,* President of the Royal Society, will kick off the event. The publication, which is written by a UK-US team of leading climate scientists and reviewed by climate scientists and others, is intended as a brief, readable reference document for decision makers, policy makers, educators, and other individuals seeking authoritative information on some of the questions that continue to be asked. The publication makes clear what is well-established and where understanding is still developing. It echoes and builds upon the long history of climate-related work from both national academies, as well as on the newest climate-change assessment from the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. The event will be held on February 27 from 10:00-11:30 EST at the National Academy of Sciences building at 2100 Constitution Ave., NW, Washington DC or via webcast.  For more information, and to register to attend, go to our website. The publication and webcast will be available at and at *by videoconference

Following this announcement is reference to a video by NAS on “The Abrupt Impacts of Climate Change” A new video

The video features Prof. Jim White, of the University of Colorado (Boulder), as speaker.  Prof. White presents as fact a United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on climate Change (UNIPCC) chart of a 3 foot rise in sea level predicted by 2100.  This is followed by statements of possible greater than 3 foot sea level rise by the end of the century.  A 3 foot rise in sea level in 30 years is given as an example of abrupt climate change.  Prof. White points out a sea level rise of 6 inches may have caused subway flooding in New York City by the October 2012 Hurricane Sandy.

Déjà Vu–1932 Perhaps Prof. White was influenced by the May 15, 1932, New York Times article predicting a huge rise in sea level during the 1910-1940 increase in global temperatures–Next Great Deluge Forecast By Science.  One scientist quoted a sea level rise of 50 feet and another scientist quoted 151 feet.  Hurricane Sandy took place on a day of a full moon.  A six inch increase in storm surge height was reported due to the moon’s additional gravitational pull.  Does NAS consider events happening on a full moon an abrupt climate change impact? Experimental data show a sea level rise of 11 inches the past century with a reduced rate the past decade.  Is this another example of NAS abrupt climate change impact? Temperature Alarmism Amid the Pause Not to be outdone by Prof. White, the Royal Society had a video by Prof. Eric Wolff of the University of Cambridge who stated climate change is happening and global temperatures will increase by 5.4 to 9 degrees F. by the end of the century.  It does not take a genius to observe climate change is always happening.  The large temperature increase by 2100 is another UNIPCC computer model fantasy. All UNIPCC statements about climate change are based on computer models that predict increased global temperatures as time progresses.  None of these computer models show the pause in global warming the past 15 years (1998-to present) with atmospheric carbon dioxide levels increasing 8 percent.  In addition, computer models can’t explain global warming from 1910-1940 without increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide levels; followed by a slight decline in global temperatures from 1945 to 1975 and increasing global temperatures from 1975-1998, at the same rate as the 1910-1940 increase, when atmospheric carbon dioxide levels increased about 16 percent.  Another problem with computer models is they predict a hot spot in the upper atmosphere from latitudes 30 degrees South to 30 degrees North that have shown to be non-existent by decades of radiosonde and satellite temperature measurements.  Climate models are not accurate enough for policy decisions. The Other Side A thorough coverage of global temperatures, climate model failures, and errors in IPCC Reports is found on the Internet from a group of scientists, the Nongovernmental International Panel On Climate Change, and their most recent report Climate Change Reconsidered II:  Physical Sciences. Another report by Popular Technology lists 1350 + peer-reviewed papers challenging global warming by categories such as Arctic, sea level rise, temperatures, etc. The fallacy of NAS joining the movement to stop fossil fuel use from global warming fears is outlined by Australian Prof. Garth Paltridge, emeritus professor at the University of Tasmania, in his essayClimate Change’s Inherent Uncertainties“  in the February 1, 2014 Quadrant magazine. Prof. Paltridge wrote the following:

The trap was fully sprung when many of the world’s major national academies of science (such as the Royal Society in the UK, the National Academy of Sciences in the USA and the Australian Academy of Science) persuaded themselves to issue reports giving support to the conclusions of the UNIPCC. The reports were touted as national assessments that were supposedly independent of the IPCC and of each other, but of necessity were compiled with the assistance of, and in some cases at the behest of, many of the scientists involved in the IPCC international machinations. In effect, the academies, which are the most prestigious of the institutions of science, formally nailed their colours to the mast of the politically correct.

Since that time three or four years ago, there has been no comfortable way for the scientific community to raise the spectre of serious uncertainty about the forecasts of climatic disaster. It can no longer use the environmental movement as a scapegoat if it should turn out that the threat of global warming has no real substance. Conclusion: NAS, Cleanse Thyself It can no longer escape prime responsibility if it should turn out in the end that doing something in the name of mitigation of global warming is the costliest scientific mistake ever visited on humanity. The current redirection of global funds in the name of climate change is of the order of a billion dollars a day. And in the future, to quote US Senator Everett Dirksen, “a billion here and a billion there, and pretty soon we’ll be talking about real money”. The NAS shows the lack of judgment written by Prof. Paltridge.  It should be an organization that promotes careful examination of all factors involving climate change and not take sides on areas of controversy.  Global temperature history and lack of climate model validation demonstrates lack of objectivity.  Merging of science with politics may damage trust in the scientific community for decades. The future may show embarrassment for many in the scientific community.  Videos by NAS and Royal Society members on climate change impacts will be entertainment of scientists gone wild—but at our expense with their big budgets and bad policy.  —————- James H. Rust is a professor of nuclear engineering and a policy adviser of The Heartland Institute.


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‘Gully’ Formed On Mars – In Three Years. No Water, But . . . ???



A NASA spacecraft has spotted a big gully on Mars, a feature that appears to have formed only within the last three years.


While the Mars gully looks a lot like river channels here on Earth, it likely was not carved out by flowing water, NASA officials said


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Sunday, March 30, 2014

The Great Ceiling Fan Debate

Since the 1800's, the great debate has been on about which way a ceiling fan should turn to either cool in the summer or warm in the winter. I've heard many people argue until they are blue in the face over who is right and who is wrong. Before we have anymore Hatfields and McCoys battles, let me set the records straight.


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  Want to Buy a Building? I’m looking for partners to buy a crazy beautiful old industrial building at 51xx Florence Ave. Asking price is $109,000. […]

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Electrical Safety Tips For Your Home – Electrical Contractor Fort Lauderdale

There are many different ways to prevent potential fires in your home due to electrical hazards. Bob Frank, owner of Perfect Electric and Air located in Fort Lauderdale, is giving, in these video,electrical safety tips on how to properly use extension cords and when to use them. Extension cords should be for temporary use and it [...]


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The Danger of Aluminum Wire and FPE Electrical Panel – Electrical Contractor Broward

 Bob Frank, owner of Perfect Electric and Air, talks about the danger of having aluminum wire in your house and the need to perform a electrical service change. Also, Bob discusses the hazard in the FPE and Zinsko electrical panels and why the homeowner should consider the change. For more information clcik on Electrical Contractor [...]


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Old Kitchens Made Modern with Electrician in Pasadena

Have you ever walked into your kitchen and tried to use the toaster only to discover it had been unplugged. Then you remember you unplugged it because you needed to use the can opener and didn’t want to unplug the Crockpot, interrupting your dinner. If you have ever experienced anything like this, then you probably […]

The post Old Kitchens Made Modern with Electrician in Pasadena appeared first on The Electric Connection.


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Saturday, March 29, 2014

Stay Powered During Power Outage with Electrician in Santa Monica

You have probably heard of standby generators in the past, but have probably also assumed those were things that folks who lived way out of town needed. Unfortunately, as has been proven this winter, power outages are not reserved for those who live in rural areas. Storms don’t pick and choose where they hit. Anybody, […]

The post Stay Powered During Power Outage with Electrician in Santa Monica appeared first on The Electric Connection.


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Wearable Computing In Construction — Coming By 2019?

Screen Shot 2014-03-29 at 6.45.07 AM

That’s the net-net of a survey by McGraw-Hill Construction, reported here. I’m hoping that link is still active — MHC sometimes posts articles for a short while and then hides them behind a paid firewall. IT IS WORTH A READ!!!

From the article:

More than 260 readers weighed in on a question that asked which technologies would be in wide use in construction and how soon? As the graphic below explains, 73.3% expect real-time performance tracking to be in common use within five years, followed by 18% who expect to see it adopted widely within a decade.

About 46% identified wearable computing and pervasive computing systems as just around the corner, while some 33% say it will be closer to 10 years before their use is widespread. Some 20% of the 260 replies voted for autonomous machinery and robotics as the next widespread tool on jobsites in five years.

When asked how much data interaction and technology use will influence productivity, 50% (130) of survey respondents said it would enhance productivity only slightly; however, 33% (87) said the changes would enhance productivity greatly. The rest chose “inhibit greatly,” “inhibit slightly” or “no effect.”


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TexasWorld: Freedom, Room for All (a mental experiment)

To illustrate that the world is not in any meaningful way overpopulated, Julian Simon noted that if everyone in the world moved to Texas, each person would still have about 1,800 square feet of living space. Enough room for a family of four to live in an average size house with a front and back yard.

Since Simon made these calculations in The Ultimate Resource 2, the world’s population has grown. Recalculating for a world of 6 billion is 1,500 square feet per person, which still leaves 6,000 square feet for a family of four (a still comfortable 60- by-100-foot lot, with plenty of space for multiple story living).

But what about the roads, parks, lakes, shopping malls, my students ask? If I say everyone in the world could live in Texas, they want to know about the amenities. Yes, the free-market system has an astonishing ability to respond to the unexpected, from everyday shifts in demand to hurricanes and other disasters. But if everyone moved to Texas, could markets coordinate the efforts and ingenuity of millions of entrepreneurs and businessmen in building the necessary infrastructure, homes, apartments, etc.?

Markets provide the information about relative scarcity and prices provide the incentives for millions or billions of people to coordinate their responses. F. A. Hayek’s seminal article, “The Use of Knowledge in Society,” uses a disaster to tell its story of the power of prices and market. It starts with a flood in a copper mine in Chile.

So the importance of explaining how markets help society deal with emergencies is to help inoculate people against government “emergency measures” the next time a disaster strikes.


A separate reason why this kind of thought experiment is useful follows from the distortions caused by decades of interventionist immigration policies in America and around the world. When libertarians argue for open immigration and for the U.S. to remove immigration barriers, a difficult issue is the practical one of adjustment from the status quo to a free system.

People respond to calls for ending U.S. immigration restrictions by saying that if we opened the borders now, millions of immigrants would flood in from Mexico and South America, and tens of millions might quickly travel here from China and India. How could markets handle that?

Well, that many wouldn’t “flood” in, but if they did markets would adjust, and most people, Americans as well as others around the world, would be better off for it. The point of economic analysis and population-oriented thought experiments is to illustrate why and how.


Another reason to spend time with futuristic scenarios is to promote understanding of the optimistic perspective on technology, on market economies and on people. Most of the problems people associate with “over” population or population growth are really problem caused by the lack of the rule of law, clearly defined property rights, and enforceable contracts.

Problems in New York City like high rents and a shortage of housing have their origin in long-standing rent controls, housing regulations, and other government interventions that restrict new housing. Traffic congestion and a creaky, cranky transit system is caused by government’s mismanaged monopoly roads and mass transit. So the main congestion problems of daily life in New York City would be solved with private property, enforceable contracts and open markets.

Back to Texas

The problems of daily life in west Texas are not so easily solved. West Texas has lots empty land–empty of people. Even the cattle are lonely. Across tens of thousands of square miles of often beautiful scenery, are few cities and towns. West Texas cities like Lubbock, Amarillo, San Angelo and Midland are like oases in the desert.

Texas was a better place in 2010 with 25 million people than in 2000 with 21 million people, or 1980 with 14.2 million or 1960 with 9.6 million or 1900 with 3 million. I simply argue Texas would be a better place still in 2015 with 6 billion people living free and living large.

I’ve visited Aix-en-Provence in the south of France for Summer University and Institute for Economic Studies-Europe seminars for college students. The city is beautiful and densely populated. Narrow cobblestone roads run between six- to eight-story apartment buildings, most with shops on street level. The main street through town, a marvelous wide boulevard feature fountains and endless cafes.

If I were building a housing development and tourist attraction in Texas, I would invite thousands of stone masons and other construction workers to build this part of paradise in a freer state in a for-now freer country.

In Texas, freedom is a stronger tradition than in most of the country. For one thing the federal government owns very little land in Texas, unlike the rest of the country and especially the west were the federal government owns 50% of the land. Texas came into the union as a sovereign state, so most land stayed or became private property.

Viva Las Vegas

Have you been to Las Vegas lately? It is not just a place for gambling. It is becoming a place for tourists as well. Perhaps Las Vegas looked at a map of the U.S. twenty years ago, noticed many Indian reservations, and expected stiff competition for future gamblers.

But Las Vegas seems like an odd place for a tourist destination, unless you have never seen a desert before. The nearby mountains are beautiful at sunrise and sunset. But like Aix-en-Provence, the tourist attraction is not the countryside, it is the city and it’s buildings and shops and boulevards and people.

Las Vegas now has buildings and shops and boulevards to attract tourists. You can visit Venice, Paris, New York, Ancient Egypt and Rome. In the Venetian you can ride in a gondola to the piazza and sit “outside” in the cool midday air sipping cappuccino. P.J. O’Rourke says it has everything Venice does, except the stink.

The Paris Casino has a mini-Eiffel Tower great breads from French pastry shops and buffets of fine French foods. Many of the workers are from French-speaking Romania however, so lack the skill of delivering an authentic French insult.

So I would try to impress upon the Texas government the brilliance of this strategy of inviting the world’s great cities to relocate to Texas.

First we would have to assure investors that Texas would have the population to fill millions, even billions of new homes and apartments. And for that Texas could apply, as Iowa has, for a waiver from federal immigration restrictions. Iowa’s population dropped nearly 5% from 1980 to 1990. Restrictive immigration policies have contributed to the reduced population in hundreds of Midwestern cities and towns. So Iowa and many other less-populated cities, including many in update New York are trying to attract more immigrants.

In Texas we would need hundreds of billions of dollars in housing construction and infrastructure in order to accommodate billions of new immigrants. The good news is that there are hundreds of millions of really poor people in the world who are looking for work. They don’t know it maybe, but they are really looking for freedom, and looking for freedom to work in all the wrong places. They should look in Texas. They should have cards that read “Have Poverty; Will Travel.”

So new Texas World cities could be constructed with world labor. Texas is a big enough place, and with enough coastline, I would recommend establishing Charter Cities and Startup Cities along the Texas coast. New port city to compete with Galveston and Houston. The new charters could be based on those that have worked so well for Hong Kong and Singapore, still among the freest city in the world. Let Hong Kong investors finance this new city and port. And they could easily find millions of people to begin construction.

In fact, construction could be financed in part by the impoverished Chinese immigrants themselves. In 2000 the going rate for getting to New York illegally from China was around $40,000. Offer Texas citizenship to anyone investing $40,000 in this new Hong Kong, Texas. Ten million Chinese immigrants would bring 400 billion investment dollars to Texas. That should be enough to get things started.

Of course, most impoverished Chinese people don’t have $40,000. They borrow it confident they will be able to find work in New York City and other thriving U.S. cities, save enough in a few years to pay back their transport creditors.

In and around new Texas Startup Cities would be factories and farms providing jobs and food. Elsewhere in Texas would be New Bombay and New New Delhi, maybe along new hi-tech corridors like I-35 between Austin and San Antonio. Millions of highly educated and English-speaking people from India would bring inexpensive programming skills as well as hundreds of other skills to Texas (while their parents run the motels).

Americans have long liked to believe they are a special people, somehow uniquely capable and deserving of the stunning wealth created and enjoyed in America. But it is liberty that is unique to America and the western world of the last couple hundred years. Rose Wilder Lane tries to describe this astonishing force of nature, the power of free people in the beginning of her book, The Discovery of Freedom:

China to Texas

One of the interesting things about TexasWorld is the boost in worldwide growth rates that Texas freedom could ignite. Academics and commentators get excited when they average growth rates in China of 7% or 8%. But every Chinese immigrant to the U.S. enjoys an individual economic growth rate of maybe 1000% the first year: from $100 a month income to $1,000 and then maybe another 100% the second year to $2,000 a month.

Chinese people moving to the U.S. can be a more effective a way to boost prosperity and economic development than shipping capital to China.

Perhaps the greatest loss of human prosperity over the sixty years was the billion Chinese locked up in China under communist rule. How many billions of hours of creative human endeavor were lost? How many hundreds of millions of lifetimes of business achievement and entrepreneurship lost? How many tens of millions of lifetimes stolen from engineering development, medical research and scientific discovery? We should reflect not only on how miserably these billion plus Chinese people have lived under Communist rule but also how much the world lost when these minds and bodies were mostly isolated from the world.

China could have easily followed the course of Singapore in 1950. The president of Singapore was also a communist, but he inadvertently deregulated the Singapore economy and discovered the benefits of markets. Chinese in China could have had the same per capita income as Chinese in Singapore, Hong Kong and Taiwan.

This gives us a sense of what would result from liberating hundreds of millions of Chinese not over the next decades as China hopefully liberalizes, but over next two or three years with entrepreneurial Chinese people living free in Texas.

The first generation of hard labor and long hours can offer their children (plural!) advanced educations as engineers, research scientists and entrepreneurs. (Everyone time I chatted with workers in Chinese restaurants when I lived in Houston, they were working on engineering degrees at area colleges.)


TexasWorld is a mental experiment of how one great free state can take on the world for fun and profit. 

If Las Vegas can do it, Texas can. If China cannot do it, Texas can.


Gregory Rehmke, Program director for Economic Thinking, is a leading educator of high school students through debate programs.  He can be reached at


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Egg-Ceptional Relationships

If we have lived any life at all, we all carry deep within us pieces of this experience. We carry joys of past accomplishments along the pains of past defeats. We keep them inside, cautious about sharing them because they are very fragile, like an egg that once broken is never the same again. Sometimes, […]


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Make Your Own Power?

If you've ever wondered if there is a choice to powering your home or lessening your electric or heating bills through an alternative power source, these articles may be the starting point. Wind power, solar power and other forms of everyday free access power-generating supplies can be used to make power for your home in order to supplement the utility company feed that you currently have. Are you ready for an alternative power source?


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LED Maintenance Thoughts

. . . from Stan Walercyzk, writing for Architectural SSL magazine:

The entire world will have to change the way maintenance is done with LEDs. Why? LEDs don’t really burn out, they just get dimmer and dimmer over time, like mercury vapor.

I have been in numerous industrial building and warehouses with 1000W mercury vapor high bays, which only provide about five footcandles. I told the maintenance people that this is underlit for work productivity safety, but they point up to the high bays and state the lamps are on, so they will not do anything.

There are millions and millions of LED exit signs and kits that are older than 10 years old. Many of these no longer provide sufficient light per National Fire Protection Agency (NFPA) or other codes. I also point this out to maintenance people, and they usually tell me the signs are working, so they are not going to do anything.

Hopefully it will not take something like people dying in an industrial accident or from not getting out of a burning office building fast enough from too little light, which could also result in massive lawsuits and maybe even destroying some companies and organizations.


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How to Reduce Holiday Energy Use

Becoming more energy efficient not only helps the environment, but it also definitely does some good for your wallet, and nowadays, everyone was to know how to save.

As we search for ways to decrease our energy use, it’s not uncommon to wonder what energy efficient measures will actually save you money.

We all know energy use skyrockets around the holidays. This season, taking a few extra steps to reduce your energy usage can mean big savings in the long run.

Switch your twinkle lights to LED lights.
A 2003 study conducted by the U.S. Department of Energy determined that Americans consume about 2,220 GWh (gigawatt hours) of electricity each holiday season by using standard incandescent holiday lights.
The same study also found that if 20 percent of American households switched to LED lights, they’d save 440 GWh of electricity during the estimated 30-day holiday season.

Insulate your home.
Heating and cooling can account for up to 44 percent of household energy use. But did you know: proper insulation slows the rate at which heat escapes during the cold winter months?

Take a look at your insulation and plug up any leaks or cracks in your house. You can also go the extra step by replacing windows with more energy-efficient models!

Use your fireplace & burn better wood.
When the cold does strike, keep heat in by taking advantage of your fireplace and cozying up to a crackling fire! You can save money by avoiding turning on your heat AND save a tree by burning some all-natural, man-made logs instead.

Java-Logs are the greenest option. Made entirely from coffee grounds, these logs are 100 percent natural and their ashes are compostable. And when you’re not using the fireplace, close the flue and block the fireplace to prevent heat from escaping.

Always remember, if you have any questions, feel free to contact us.


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Friday, March 28, 2014

Electrical Home Inspection: Why should you hire a professional electrician for your electrical home inspection?

 Bob Frank, owner of Perfect Electric and Air Services, explains in this video some of the reasons for the need to hire a professional electrician to perform your electrical home inspection. Among other reasons, it is important to hire a professional electrician for your electrical home inspection due to their years of experience in the [...]


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“Killing Wildlife In the Name of Climate Change” (Part I: The Double Standard)

[Editor note: Robert Bryce, senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute for Policy Research, is a leading researcher and disseminator of the problems of ‘green’ energy. His February 25, 2014, testimony before the Senate Committee on the Environmental and Public Works follows today and tomorrow.]

The focus of this hearing is on the economic benefits of ecosystems and wildlife and how they “are valuable to a wide range of industries,” including tourism. The purpose is also to examine “how the Administration is preparing to protect” ecosystems “in a changing climate.” The facts show that federally subsidized efforts that are being undertaken to, in theory, address climate change, are damaging America’s wildlife.

Furthermore, those same efforts have, for years, been allowing an entire industry to avoid federal prosecution under some of America’s oldest wildlife laws. My discussion will focus largely on the wind-energy sector, an industry that has been getting federal subsidies since 1992, and the impact that the wind-energy business is having on wildlife. [1] There are two key questions that must be addressed:

* Are all energy providers getting equal treatment under the law when it comes to wildlife protection? The answer to that question is no. * Is widespread deployment of wind turbines an effective climate-change strategy? The answer, again, is no. [Part II of Bryce post tomorrow]

Part I; Energy companies are not being treated equally when it comes to enforcement of federal wildlife laws. I have been writing about the Migratory Bird Treaty Act and the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act since the late 1980s. [2] In the late 1980s and early 1990s, the US Fish and Wildlife Service brought hundreds of enforcement cases against the oil and gas industry in Texas, Oklahoma, and New Mexico, for violations of those laws. And rightly so. At that time, the Fish and Wildlife Service estimated that about 600,000 birds per year were being killed after coming in contact with illegal or improperly maintained pits in the oil fields. [3] In 2009, I resumed writing about the enforcement of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, (enacted in 1918)  and Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act (enacted in 1940) after groups like the American Bird Conservancy began calling attention to the threat that wind turbines were posing to birds and bats. [4] A July 2008 study of bird kills by wind turbines at Altamont Pass, California, estimated that the massive wind farm was killing 80 golden eagles per year. Those birds are protected by the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act. [5]

In addition to the eagle kills, the study, funded by the Alameda County Community Development Agency, estimated that about 2,400 other raptors, including burrowing owls, American kestrels, and red-tailed hawks – as well as about 7,500 other birds, nearly all of which are protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act – were being killed every year at Altamont. [6] In 2009, a biologist with the Fish and Wildlife Service estimated wind turbines were killing some 440,000 birds per year. [7]

The bird-kill studies in 2008 and 2009 underscored the pernicious double standard at work. In the late ‘80s, the Fish and Wildlife Service, found widespread violations of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act by the oil and gas industry. In response, it launched a multi-state, multi-jurisdictional crackdown on the oil and gas industry.

By 2009, the agency’s own biologists were finding that the wind industry was causing similar levels of wildlife mortality to what had occurred two decades earlier in the oilfield, and yet there were no prosecutions. There were no multi-state law-enforcement actions. Instead, there was widespread silence on the issue and what appeared to be the Interior Department’s issuance of a de facto get-out-of-jail-free-card for the wind industry because it had been deemed “green” by some advocates.

At the same time the wind industry was getting a free pass on bird kills, the Fish and Wildlife Service continued prosecuting traditional energy companies for violating the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. On July 10, 2009, Oregon-based PacifiCorp agreed to pay $1.4 million in fines and restitution for killing 232 eagles in Wyoming over a two-year period. The birds were electrocuted by the company’s power lines. [8]

In 2011, the Fish and Wildlife Service filed criminal indictments against three drillers who were operating in North Dakota’s Bakken field. One of those companies, Continental Resources, was indicted for killing a single bird, a Say’s phoebe. Brigham Oil & Gas was charged with killing two mallards and Newfield Production was indicted for the deaths of two mallards, one northern pintail, and one red-necked duck. [9] In 2012, investigators found that the Pine Tree wind project in California had killed at least six golden eagles. [10]

In early 2013, Jill Birchell, a special agent in charge with the Division of Law Enforcement of the Fish and Wildlife Service, told me that a total of nine golden eagles had been killed at the Pine Tree project. [11] A biological assessment of the Pine Tree project estimated that the wind project was killing some 1,595 birds, or about 12 birds per megawatt of installed capacity, per year. [12]

Given the number of dead eagles being found at Pine Tree, and the projections of other bird mortality, the obvious question is this: Why haven’t the owners of the Pine Tree project been prosecuted for violating the Migratory Bird Treaty Act and the Eagle Protection Act? I can only speculate as to why there hasn’t been a prosecution. But it’s worth noting that the Pine Tree project is owned by the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power. Prosecuting such a high-profile governmental entity for repeatedly violating some of America’s oldest wildlife-protection laws would be politically embarrassing. On its website, the LADWP claims that the Pine Tree facility is the “largest municipally owned wind farm in the US.” The agency also says the Pine Tree project “displaces at least 200,000 tons of greenhouse gases” per year.

In March 2013, a peer-reviewed study published in the Wildlife Society Bulletin, estimated that in 2012 alone, US wind turbines killed 888,000 bats and 573,000 birds. Those bird kills included 83,000 raptors. [13] In September 2013, some of the Fish and Wildlife Service’s top raptor biologists reported that the number of eagles being killed by wind turbines has increased dramatically over the last few years, going from two in 2007 to 24 in 2011. In all, the biologists found that wind turbines have killed some 85 eagles since 1997.

And Joel Pagel, the lead author of the report, told me that that the eagle-kill figures they used are “an absolute minimum.” Among the carcasses: six bald eagles. Pagel’s study was published just five months after the Fish and Wildlife Service issued a report which said flatly “there are no conservation measures that have been scientifically shown to reduce eagle disturbance and blade-strike mortality at wind projects.”

The Pagel study is key because it shows that as more wind projects have been built, more birds have been killed. In 2007, the US had about 17,000 megawatts of installed capacity. By 2011, that figure had nearly tripled to about 47,000 megawatts. [14] Over that time period, the number of documented eagle kills increased by a factor of 12. Furthermore, when I interviewed Pagel by phone shortly after his report was published in the Journal of Raptor Research, he told me that since he completed his report, he and his colleagues have documented additional eagle kills by wind turbines in Idaho, Montana, Nevada, and North Dakota. Pagel refused to say how many additional eagle-kills they’d confirmed, but said, “it’s quite a few.”

Pagel went on to say that there are now “14 states where eagles have been killed” by wind turbines. “That’s a very large geographical area,” he said, adding that more than half of the eagle carcasses “were found incidentally,” and that there were “no systematic surveys” of the wind projects by people who had been trained to look for dead birds. [15] To clarify that last comment: Pagel said that most of the dead eagles that have been killed by wind turbines were found by people who were not looking for them. Therefore, the actual total of dead eagles is likely far higher than what Pagel and his colleagues are reporting. “We don’t know how many eagles are being killed at wind farms,” Pagel said, “but it’s definitely more than what we have reported.”

The September report from Pagel and his colleagues appears to have embarrassed federal law enforcement authorities into finally take action against the wind industry.

On November 22, the Justice Department announced that it had reached a $1 million settlement with the owner of two Wyoming wind projects which had illegally killed golden eagles and other federally protected birds. The plea deal, with Duke Energy, marks the first time that the federal government has enforced the Migratory Bird Treaty Act against the wind industry. By bringing criminal charges against Duke – for killing 14 golden eagles and 149 other protected birds – the Justice Department ended the legal double standard on enforcement of the Act. It’s not at all clear what happens next.

Although the Fish and Wildlife Service says it has several active bird-kill investigations on other wind projects, no prosecutions have been announced. The situation got even murkier in December, when the Interior Department announced that it would consider granting some wind-energy companies permits that may allow them to kill or injure bald and golden eagles for up to 30 years without penalty.

A number of environmental groups oppose the 30-year permit deal, including the American Bird Conservancy, Conservation Law Center, and the National Audubon Society. Immediately after the deal was announced, Audubon issued a statement with the headline “Interior Dept. Rule Greenlights Eagle Slaughter at Wind Farms.”

The statement calls the permit deal “a stunningly bad move.” It also quotes the group’s president and CEO, David Yarnold: “Instead of balancing the need for conservation and renewable energy, Interior wrote the wind industry a blank check.” He went on, saying ” Let me be clear: there is no such thing as a free lunch, particularly when it comes to energy production. Every form of energy comes with positives and negatives.

What is problematic is the selective enforcement of our wildlife laws. If we are going to have a protected class of energy producers who are exempt from federal laws, then the Interior Department should make that policy clear. If the Justice Department and Interior Department are not going to enforce the law equally – if justice is not going to be blind – then perhaps policymakers should consider repealing our wildlife laws altogether. Before moving on, let me briefly mention the issue of bat kills.

Earlier this month, I interviewed Merlin Tuttle, one of the world’s foremost experts on bats. He told me “Anyone familiar with bat population biology is deeply concerned about the impact of wind turbines on the long term viability of a number of bat species.”

Tuttle, who is the founder of Bat Conservation International, as well as the Bats and Wind Energy Cooperative, said that bats have slow reproductive rates. [16] And while some wind-energy companies have been conscientious in their efforts to mitigate the impact of their facilities on bats, other companies have not. The result: “We are at great risk of needlessly creating new endangered species. We risk losing the benefits of bats to natural systems and agriculture.”  [17]

[1] Department of Energy, “Renewable Electricity Production Tax Credit” (undated).

[2] See Robert Bryce, “Crackdown Due on Foul Water Holes: Birds Fall Victim to Slime in 3 States,” Tulsa Tribune, November 17, 1989. See also, Robert Bryce, “Oil Waste Pits Trap Unwary Birds,” Christian Science Monitor, March 19, 1990.

[3] Robert Bryce, “Oil Waste Pits Trap Unwary Birds,” Christian Science Monitor, March 19, 1990.

[4] Robert Bryce, “Windmills Are Killing Our Birds,” Wall Street Journal, September 7, 2009.

[5] Fish and Wildlife Service data.

[6] Alameda County Community Development Agency, “Altamont Pass Wind Resource Area Bird Fatality Study,” July 2008, 1–3.

[7] Albert M. Manville II, “Towers, Turbines, Power Lines, And Buildings—Steps Being Taken By The U.S. Fish And Wildlife Service To Avoid Or Minimize Take Of Migratory Birds At These Structures,” Proceedings of the Fourth International Partners in Flight Conference: Tundra to Tropics 262–272, undated (2009), 268.

[8] Fish and Wildlife Service data.

[9] Christopher Helman, “Judge Throws Out Criminal Case Against Oil Companies for Killing Birds at Drilling Sites,” Forbes, January 18, 2012.

[10] Louis Sahagun, “US probes golden eagles’ deaths at DWP wind farm,” Los Angeles Times, February 16, 2012.

[11] Author phone interview with Birchell, March 4, 2013.

[12] Center for Biological Diversity press release.

[13] K. Shawn Smallwood, “Comparing bird and bat fatality-rate estimates among North American wind-energy projects,” Wildlife Society Bulletin, March 26, 2013.

[14] BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2013.

[15] Author phone interview with Pagel, September 16, 2013.

[16] For more on the BWEC, see here.

[17] Author interview with Tuttle by phone, February 17, 2014.


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Energy Eye™ HVAC Energy Management System

We are Kauai’s only: Factory Certified Installer Certified Technical Service Provider Distributor Energy Eye™ is helping hotels save from 15% to 35% on their guest room air conditioning expenses – GUARANTEED!   What is Energy Eye? It is an energy management system designed for hotel/resort rooms, offices, and condominiums to control your AC cooling based on room occupancy. […]


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Can The Aging Power Grid Handle The Load Of Electric Car Charging?

Can our power grid handle the additional demand by charging electric cars? With the invention of electric cars, there is a new hope of no pollution due to cars and a rechargeable means of transportation. However, utility companies fear the power demand that will be created if everyone drives one, may lead to widespread power outages and failure of aging power lines, transformers, and the power infrastructure. Can this new load demand be just too much for our power grid...

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