Monday, July 22, 2013

Overlooked repairs you might regret!

The electrical wiring in your home isn’t something that’s right there in front of your face. For that reason, it’s easy to forget all about it. When something goes wrong though, you’re sure to find out quickly. Thousands of house fires occur every year due to faulty wiring. Without being aware of the warning signs or taking the right precautions, you and your family could be at risk. Southern Coast in Boca Raton can help identify these issues.

Electrical issues are to blame in more than 53,000 fires that happen in households across the United States every year. Many different things can go wrong with an electrical wire. Arcing, which is when a luminous discharge of current leaps between two circuits, accounted for more than 37,000 home fires between 1999 and 2003, which gives you some idea of the magnitude of the problem. More than 500 people die due to faulty wires each year, and more than $1.4 billion in property damage occurs.

If you can’t readily see all of the wiring in your home, how are you supposed to know if it’s faulty? There are actually many telltale signs that there’s a problem, including:

  • Buzzing or Charred Switches and Outlets – They may also feel hot to the touch.
  • Flickering or Dimming Lights – This could be a sign that the circuits in your home are overloaded, or it could be a sign of faulty wiring.
  • Breakers are Tripped Frequently – Once in a while is normal, but if this happens a lot, it could be a sign that something is wrong.
  • Odor of Burning – If you detect something that smells faintly of overheated plastic but can’t figure out where it is, faulty wiring could be the culprit.

One of the simplest ways to protect yourself from faulty wiring and to avoid a home wiring fire is by having an experienced electrician inspect your home. Southern Coast Electrical Services specializes in these inspections in and around Boca Raton, West Palm Beach and Ft Lauderdale, Florida. If you ever see frayed or worn insulation, or if wires are otherwise visibly damaged, have them repaired right away. Before using appliances, always read manuals. Read sections about electrical safety carefully.


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