Wednesday, April 30, 2014

When Lightning Strikes Be CurrentSAFE

CurrentSAFE House 300x235 When Lightning Strikes Be CurrentSAFE
A CurrentSAFE - E.H.D. is the best test for your home's electrical system after a power surge or lightning strike.
CurrentSAFE is a comprehensive diagnosis of the home’s electrical system.  Utilizing this state-of-the-art equipment to test all of the wiring behind the walls ensures that any damage from the lightning strike is detected and pinpointed. CurrentSAFE's comprehensive inspection tests the integrity of your entire electrical system.
Not completing the CurrentSAFE Service leaves the home and homeowner at risk to an electrical fire if components that were damaged by the electrical surge remain undetected and unrepaired.
Lightning strikes and power surges have been known to damage the wiring itself which is concealed in the wall cavity. Often damaging the insulation of the wiring, and leaving the wiring susceptible to arcing.
If your home has experienced a lightning strike or power surge, we recommend you call us. Schedule our CurrentSAFE Specialist for a home visit today. Be sure your home electrical system is safe.

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Electrician Palm Beach Gardens

Electrician Palm Beach Gardens

(561) 366-2415

We have been basically the exceptionally marvelous electricians you need have for your own home or your residence in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida. Essentially we have electricians with more than 4 decades of experience. Choose us at this time as your very own strongly respected electrician. Southern Coast Electrical integrates a whole slew of electric replacement solutions for dwellings including companies throughout the Palm Beach Gardens area. For the past eleven years we unquestionably have presented unmatched solutions as well as applied a deal of unparalleled expertise. Are solutions are extraordinary by any other service provider in Palm Beach Gardens.

Electrician Palm Beach Gardens

Electrician Palm Beach Gardens

As a Electrician Palm Beach Gardens we offer residential, commercial and business enterprise driven services. For anyone who is configuring the house where you are situated, or perhaps making it safer or you simply need some troubleshooting and/or repair work completed, Southern Coast can easily supply the electrical upgrade solutions you need. Our professional technicians are experts in the electrical trade, and we are able to in a flash get you rolling. Every bit of our standards for a Electrician Palm Beach Gardens are of the highest quality you can expect.

Call us today for a Electrician Palm Beach Gardens, hometown men and women receive the best quotes! Don’t look anymore for a Electrician Palm Beach Gardens just get hold of us and we will get out their as soon as today!


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Air quality #fail indicates we should shift to renewable energy

Philadelphia Inquirer reports today that area air quality has improved over the past decade but still remains far worse than federal standards for safe air. […]

Licensed Electrician Robert Monk
Air quality #fail indicates we should shift to renewable energy
Copyright Robert Monk, 2012


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As I read recently in a magazine, Pele — the greatest soccer player in world history, maybe — was named after Thomas Alva Edison.

Actual name: Edson Arantes do Nascimiento.

A bit here.


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For Whom The Bell Tolls...Or Not?

Door bells are a convenient tool for announcing someone as arrived at your door. Depending on the chime, there are often different sounds for different doors to differentiate from one door to the other. When someone gets to your door they either knock or push a button to ring your door bell. When the button is pushed, it completes the door bell circuit and rings the bell. But what if the bell doesn't ring? What could possibly be wrong? Could it be operator error? Well maybe, but I would say it is a problem in the switch, wiring or the door bell itself. To find out for sure, you'll need to perform these door bell troubleshooting tips.


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Electrician Belle Glade

Electrician Belle Glade

(561) 366-2415

We certainly have been for all intents and purposes the exceptionally terrific electricians you need to have for your own home or your residence in Belle Glade, Florida. Mainly we certainly have electricians with more than 4 decades of experience. Choose us at this time as your actual strongly respected electrician. Southern Coast Electrical integrates a great number of electric replacement solutions for dwellings including companies throughout the Belle Glade area. For the past eleven years we unquestionably have presented unmatched solutions as well as applied a deal of unparalleled expertise. Are solutions are extraordinary by any other service provider in Belle Glade.

Electrician Belle Glade

Electrician Belle Glade

As a Electrician Belle Glade we offer residential, commercial and business enterprise driven services. For anyone who is configuring the house where you are situated, or perhaps making it safer or you simply need some troubleshooting and/or repair work completed, Southern Coast can easily supply the electrical upgrade solutions you need. Our professional technicians are experts in the electrical trade, and we are able to in a flash get you rolling. Every bit of our standards for a Electrician Belle Glade are of the highest quality you can expect.

Call us today for a Electrician Belle Glade, hometown men and women receive the best quotes! Don’t look anymore for a Electrician Belle Glade just get hold of us and we will get out their as soon as today!


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Glendale Surge Protection Will Keep You Grounded

Increasingly, Glendale residents find themselves more and more dependent on electrical devices in this modern world. Our DVD players, gaming systems, microwaves and of course our computers are important to our quality of life and communication with our family, friends and in some cases, work contacts.

Considering also that these electronic devices are not always cheap to replace and contacting a Glendale electrician isn’t an option to fix these devices, it is a good idea to consider the following in an effort to prevent damage from electrical surges or spikes.

What is an electrical surge or spike?

Electrical surges or spike events are typically defined as a “large current/voltage transients that occurs in an electrical signal or the power-line.”

Basically, it’s when the power line gets hit with a little extra “juice” for a few nanoseconds, due either externally to something like a lightening strike or internally due to  a device that require extra energy to turn on, like a refrigerator or air conditioning unit.

What is the best way to protect my sensitive electronics?

Keep electrical devices unplugged when not in use. Electrical surges can be devastating to any electronic that is plugged in to an outlet, even if the machine is turned off.

A common way to protect many of your electronics is to use a “power strip” that contains surge protection circuitry. They are available at many Glendale office and home supply stores and are usually clearly marked with surge protection status.

Use caution in using surge protectors, however. As they absorb energy from surges, they can wear out over time. Replace them every three years or when the “protected” light that comes on most of them goes out.

By using just a little bit of caution, you can save your sensitive electronics from an early death and save your phone calls to a Glendale electricial contractor for the big stuff.


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Profile: Electrical Distributor Turtle & Hughes

Industrial Distribution magazine put Turtle & Hughes on the cover of its March/April issue. Lots of good information, including this:

From a customer side, the technology question is a bit more complex. Turtle & Hughes is not the kind of company where a high SKU ecommerce site serves as an exact fit.

“In so many of our normal discretionary business transactions, there’s always a little bit of engineering that goes on in a phone conversation,” says Roessle. “It’s rarely a case where the customer has ten part numbers and the quantities; it’s always some twist or turn that happens in the discussion that doesn’t happen naturally in an electronic transaction.”

That said, Turtle & Hughes ecommerce strategy is like everything else they do — custom. “We’ll amplify our existing brand, and do it on a platform that’s going to enable transactional capabilities.”


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Tuesday, April 29, 2014

California Energy Update: Part V

• Green Power Keeps Shifting Costs to Ratepayers Who Don’t Use It
• What’s Best Way to Save Water and Energy During CA Drought?
• CA Desert Solar Tower Project Zoning Shifts Pollution to Las Vegas
• Appeals Court Rejects Nat Gas Power Plant on Same Day as Power Alert
• State Senate President Call for Carbon Tax on Gasoline
• L.A. Times Undermining of Climate Change Could Affect Court Fights
• Union Hires Pollster on Shifting to Municipal Power in Davis, California

Green Power Shifting Costs onto Ratepayers Who Don’t Use It

“Cost Shifting, a situation where the price of one product or service is higher than it should be in order to pay for losses on another product or service for which the price is too low.’”

– Cambridge Dictionaries Online

California Energy Markets recently reported that three California cities just won agreement from regulators to reclassify solar power transmission costs as distribution. The cities are Pasadena, Riverside and Azusa.

That means the cities reaped a 25 percent reduction in long-term solar power contracts. This seemingly bureaucratic fight over how electricity costs are divvied up provides another example of how the Golden State subsidizes “green” power behind the scenes and shifts its extraordinary costs onto all electric ratepayers.

Conventionally, electrical transmission is considered conveying electrons from a power plant to a substation; distribution everything from the substation to retail customers. But the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) has now redefined distribution as any power line less than 200 kV.

This is resulting in a lower wholesale power price from solar power plants in California’s Antelope Valley north of Los Angeles and in the Mojave Desert. This regulatory-created price discount allows solar power to better compete with wholesale natural gas prices by shifting the extra transmission line costs onto ratepayers who don’t use green power.

California Energy Markets found that the three cities cut the purchase price of 25-year solar power contracts from two 20-megawatt solar power plants for wholesale electricity from $0.095 to $0.07 per kilowatt-hour. That’s a 25 percent cut.

The 25 percent cost savings on the cities’ share of the wholesale price of electricity will be made up by other electric ratepayers within Southern California Edison’s service area being charged a higher transmission fee by California’s Independent Service Operator.

The higher fee will show up on customers’ electricity bills — which already are high.

Operational, overhead and transmission costs have to be added to the $.07 per kilowatt-hour charged for retail electricity to customers. For example, here are the charges for the electricity users in Pasadena:

Transmission: $0.08 per kilowatt-hour.
Distribution: $0.04 per kilowatt-hour.
Current energy charge: $0.12 per kilowatt-hour.
Total electricity charge: $0.20 per kilowatt-hour.

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What’s the Best Way to Save Water and Energy During CA Drought?

Multiple-choice quiz: which sector has the greatest potential for water and energy conservation during California’s compound drought and human-made water shortage?

A. Municipal water
B. Agricultural water
C. Environmental water

Municipal Water. A statistic that is frequently heard is that energy comprises 80 percent of a municipal water district’s operating costs, as Catherine Wolfram and David Zetland wrote in a March 3 op-ed in the Los Angeles Times (“Water Conservation’s Other Benefit: It’s a Power Saver”).

But government statistics show the actual cost is less than half that.

According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, energy costs are about 40 percent of total operating costs for municipal drinking water. The EPA further estimates that only 3 to 4 percent of all electricity consumption in the United States is used to provide drinking and wastewater treatment services.

A recent study by the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California reported:

“The California Energy Commission has estimated that the state’s energy consumption related to the conveyance, treatment, storage, and distribution of its water supply is approximately 19 percent of the total statewide energy usage.”

However, of the total energy use for municipal water, 14 percentage points go to heat, cool, treat, process and pump water on one’s own property. Thus, only 5 percent of energy consumption is directly related to the storage, conveyance, and treatment of municipal water.

So if you answered “A” above, you are wrong.

Agricultural Water. Another oft-repeated statistic is that agriculture uses “80 percent of all the state’s water.” For example, on Tuesday in Sacramento reported on the meeting in Merced of the Governor’s Drought Task Force. It quoted Felicia Marcus of the State Water Resource Board, who said, “It’s horrifying agriculture uses 80 percent of water in California so they are going to take 80 percent of the hit,” meaning conservation measures.

Not so. Those who propound this percentage don’t define what they mean by “all.”  So, is it:

• All rainfall — 194.2 million-acre feet?
• All system water — 82.1 million acre-feet?
• All water for human use — 43.1 million acre-feet?

When politicians and water experts say agriculture uses 80 percent of all water, they mean 80 percent of the smallest pool of water for human use. By defining “all water” as the smallest pool of water, the percentage of water used by agriculture thus is inflated to 80 percent.

On average, agriculture uses only 42 percent of all system water and only 17.7 percent of all average annual rainfall and imports, according to the California Department of Water Resources.

Agriculture uses 80 percent of potable water for human use, but not “all state water.” However, farms use raw water, not potable water.

Again, if you answered “B” above, you were also wrong.

Environmental Water. Oddly, where most of the water is allocated in California is to the environment, not farming or lawns and swimming pools.

In a wet year, 64 percent of all system water is dedicated to the environment — where it is flushed to the sea through rivers, mainly for fish runs. In California, water storage in reservoirs depends on capturing excess water in wet years to use during dry years. And where most of the system water goes to in wet years is to the environment. And wet years are the most important in California because they are when surplus water must be stored up for dry years.

When we think of “environmental water,” we think of water flowing by gravity in natural rivers, streams and lakes. But in a modern technological society, water has to be captured in storage reservoirs to prevent flooding and released to rivers for fish runs. In other words, water for the environment also has to use electricity. But water flushed to the ocean for fish runs does not drive hydropower turbines along the California Aqueduct when water is conveyed to Southern California cities. So environmental use of water also does not generate any cheap, clean hydroelectric power either.

So, if you answered “C” above, you were correct! Environmental use of water wastes the most water and energy in California, especially during wet years.

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Solar Tower Plant Zoning in CA Desert Causing Pollution in Las Vegas

“The CO2 intensity of U.S. coal heat combustion is 2,249 pounds per megawatt hour of electricity while conventional natural gas was 1,135 pound per megawatt hour. The new 377-megawatt Ivanpah Solar Tower Power Project in the Mojave Desert would now emit 30.85-tons of C02 per hour to pre-heat boilers during the night, during cloud covers, and before each operational day.”

The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation’s policy of zoning specified areas of the Mojave Desert for mass solar farms is emerging as a source of air pollution that could worsen smog in the city of Las Vegas. But how so you ask? Isn’t solar power clean energy?

The largest solar thermal power plant in the world is the 377-watt Ivanpah Solar Thermal Power Plant located in the California Mojave Desert 35-miles west of Las Vegas. Ivanpah just began generating electricity in February. It encompasses 4,000-acres of land with 173,400 heliostatic mirrors used to focus heat toward three central towers as tall as 40-story buildings, each driving a steam turbine to generate electricity.

However, on March 26, 2014, Ivanpah applied to the California Energy Commission and Air Resources Board for permission to burn natural gas to pre-heat its steam boilers for electricity generation five hours per day instead of one hour per day. This would result in 92,200 tons of C02 emissions per year, the equivalent of emissions from 16,500 cars.

However, according to an April 26, 2010 article in the Las Vegas Sun newspaper “New Wave of Solar Plants Could Worsen Air Quality,” there were 60 new solar plants planned to build out in the Ivanpah area, many of which would be solar thermal power plants.

Ivanpah is designed to replace so-called “dirty” coal-fired power plants of the Navajo Generating Station in Arizona and the Intermountain Power Plant in Utah that both serve the Los Angeles area.

So mass solar thermal power plants in the Mojave Desert will end up reducing relative regional air pollution in the Western U.S. but increase absolute local air pollution in the Las Vegas-Lake Mead area.

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Appeals Court Rejects Nat Gas Power Plant on Same Day as Power Alert

We do not find substantial evidence to support [the Public Utility Commissions’] finding that the Oakley [586- megawatt natural gas power plant] project is needed to meet specific, reliability risk.”

– Presiding Justice Barbara Jones, First District Court of Appeals in San Francisco, Feb. 6, 2014.

California is the original home of the movie industry.  But inventing an absurd scene such as occurred on Feb. 6 would be hard to invent for even a Hollywood move scriptwriter.

The First District Court of Appeals in San Francisco rejected an appeal by Pacific Gas and Electric of a lawsuit brought by green power providers and union-controlled The Utility Reform Network. The lawsuit opposed a new gas-fired power plant in the City of Oakley, located in the eastern portion of the San Francisco Bay. The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) had approved the siting of the new Oakley power plant.

But in California, truth is stranger than fiction or even a Hollywood movie script.

On February 7, California’s Independent System Operator, which regulates the state’s electricity grid, called for a rare voluntary emergency curtailment – or Flex Alert — in electricity use from 1 p.m. until 10 p.m. The unusual reason: the East Coast of the United States was demanding more natural gas than expected for heating and extra power backup due a “freeze off.” Another reason for the demand for natural gas in the Eastern U.S. was the expansion of green power that has increased the demand for natural gas during the hours when green power is not available.

The only major interstate natural gas pipelines stretching into California from the East are in Southern California. Thus, we are mainly talking about a curtailment of natural gas plants in the south half of the state. However, the grid alert was called statewide to free up gas from the rest of California to make up for the gas lost by Southern California.

The spot price for natural gas at the Southern California Border Hub shot up from about $5.00 per million BTUs (MMBtu) to more than $20.00, according to the website However, the Southern California Gas Company’s four underground natural gas storage facilities totaling 136 billion cubic feet of gas reserves protected against gas-supply imbalances, curtailments, and price arbitrage during the emergency crisis.

In California the courts are overruling approvals for natural gas power plants while the state’s grid operator calls for emergency curtailment of electricity use in order to convey natural gas to eastern states to meet the demands of a cold snap in weather. Don’t look for this story to be made into a Hollywood screenplay anytime soon however.

To read more go to:

State Senate President Calls for Carbon Tax on Gasoline

“A proposed new carbon tax would bring California’s already hefty 71.9 cents a gallon in gasoline taxes up to a whopping 83.9 cents a gallon. A 10-gallon fill-up at a service station even on a Toyota Prius would cost $8.39 in just taxes alone; taxes on a 30-gallon fill up of an SUV would run $25.17! The carbon tax on gasoline would raise $1.9 billion in estimated taxes per year. “ (Author)

California State Senate President Darrell Steinberg announced on Feb.20, 2014, that he is proposing a straight carbon tax on gasoline. His proposal would replace the provisions of the state’s Cap and Trade emissions permits program that are scheduled to kick-in on fuel suppliers for the first time next year. Under Steinberg’s proposal, California’s Cap and Trade program would remain untouched for stationary sources of emissions such as utilities, manufacturers, and food processors.

Cap and Trade is a program whereby the Air Resources Board regulates air pollution by auctioning pollution permits. Industries and utilities can choose to cut back their pollution to allowable levels or buy or trade pollution permits.

Steinberg’s carbon tax is a “carrots and sticks” proposal. It would offer carrots to:

• Environmentalists in the form of a direct carbon tax to reduce emissions even though Cap and Trade emissions auction permit fees are preferred by most state environmental organizations.
• A $600-tax credit to low-income wage earners to offset high gasoline costs, and
• Would provide the petroleum industry with a simple gasoline tax that it prefers to Cap and Trade emission auction permits.

The “stick” in Steinberg’s proposal is that he and the Democratic Party are hell-bent on railroading the unpopular High Speed Rail project through this year before the Democrats lose their supermajority in both houses of the legislature.

Can Steinberg create a legacy of the High Speed Rail Project before leaving office in November? Democrats are risking a lot of political capital to get their High Speed Rail project. But would voters want a High-Speed Rail project in return for higher gasoline prices?

The new carbon tax would bring California’s already hefty 71.9 cents a gallon in gasoline taxes up to a whopping 83.9 cents a gallon. A 10-gallon fill-up at a service station even on a Toyota Prius would cost $8.39 in just taxes alone; taxes on a 30-gallon fill up of an SUV would run $25.17! The carbon tax on gasoline would raise $1.9 billion in estimated taxes per year.

Meanwhile, the State Teacher’s Retirement fund still has $73.7 billion in “unfunded liabilities.” And support from the powerful teacher’s union would probably be needed to pass a gasoline tax for a luxury High Speed Rail jobs program over funding teacher’s pensions. And teachers commute to work and pay gasoline taxes.

For more see:

L.A. Times Drought Data Undermines Case for Global Warming in Courts

See LA Times California Drought History from Tree Ring Data

It wasn’t the intention of the Los Angeles Times, but the newspaper has provided historical drought data with implications for a U.S. Supreme Court case that was heard Monday, Feb. 24 — “U.S. Chamber of Commerce v. U.S. EPA.”

The case challenges whether the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency can expand its mission from reducing air pollution to fighting global warming without going back to Congress for authorization to do so. This has relevance for the California Air Resources Board and its similar shift from reducing carbon dioxide emissions to the more obscure task of fighting “climate change.”

Assembly Bill 32, the state’s far-reaching environmental law, is known as the Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006. But CARB changed the focus of AB32 with the release of its “Climate Change Scoping Plan” in 2008.

Experts were retained by the Times to reconstruct 1,000 years of climate records from tree ring data (“Severe Drought? California Has Been There Before,” Feb. 23). Thick rings indicate wet climate and tree growth and narrow rings dryness and less growth.

A chart showing the 1,000-year record of “wetter than average” and “drier than average” years indicates that 1580 was the driest year on record. California had a severe dry spell from 1976 to 1977. But the only years that were drier were prior to 1580. This data refutes the contention that industrialization has resulted in either significant global warming or vaguely defined climate change.

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Electrical Workers Union Hires Pollster on Municipal Power in Davis, California

Opinion Poll. “Something that supposedly shows what the majority of the people want. Something that has nothing to do with what the people need.”   (The Urban Dictionary)

An opinion poll sponsored by the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers found a plurality of Davis voters, 47 percent, opposed creating a municipal electric utility. The poll was conducted by the independent Fairbank, Maslin, Maullin & Associates.

IBEW spokesperson Hunter Stern said:

“Davis voters see through the false promises. Politicians promise green power at not greater cost. But voters understand that’s just empty rhetoric. Davis deserves safe, reliable power that is truly green. This plan is not it, and voters know it.”

FMM&A, as the polling firm calls itself, sent the union a memo concluding (boldface and underline in original):

“Overall, the survey found that voters are satisfied with the services provided by PG&E, and are strongly inclined to oppose a proposal for the City of Davis to take over the electric utility. An overwhelming majority of voters are satisfied with PG&E – particularly with the utility’s reliability. Voters are not confident that the City of Davis could do a better job, and perceive PG&E as both the better service and also more likely to achieve clean energy goals. When asked directly, a plurality of voters would oppose a City of Davis takeover of the electric utility, and anticipate that such a takeover would have a negative impact on the City budget, electricity rates, and service reliability.”

Results of Union Poll on City of Davis Takeover of PG&E

Yes – 34%
No – 47%
Undecided – 19%

Marin County and the San Joaquin Valley Power Authority have already uncoupled itself from PG&E and established its own municipal Energy Authority. City and County of San Francisco elected officials are opposed to opting out of electric service from PG&E, despite strong advocacy in favor of the proposal by special interest groups. Sonoma County is in the process of opting out of PG&E and creating its own municipal electric service called Sonoma Clean Power

(See here: 

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Advantages of Garage Organization Systems

Think about this: you are about to go to work, but suddenly, you realize you have to get through six inches of snow just to get to your car. This is because your garage is too messed up to have the slightest space just for your car.

If you think the mess in your garage is too much already, think about this: garage organization. A neat and clean garage is guaranteed to make you happy. Think of looking for something you might need in just a short while. To achieve a garage like this, you need garage organization systems. If you have a garage organization system, you could store everything you have in your garage easily. Just invest a little in organizing your garage to make things work for you. Here are just a few advantages of garage organization systems:

1.  You will not get wet from walking through the snow to get to your car because your car is simply inside your garage now.

2.  Your car gas consumption will be much lesser. The reason for this is that you will not have to run your car just to heat it up or cool it down because it has either been too cold or hot from being outside all day or night.

3.  You could also save more money because you do not have to rent an extra storage space or unit just to store all of the stuff that you could store in your garage.

So save up just a little money and start finding the perfect system for you.

About the Author:
Devoting some time and effort to garage organization systems can save you headaches in the long run. Get more help for your garage at
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Electrician Greenacres

Electrician Greenacres

(561) 366-2415

We certainly are actually for all intents and needs the remarkably out of this world electricians you need to have for your own home or your home in Greenacres, Florida. Mainly we unquestionably provide electricians with more than 4 decades of experience. Choose us at this time as your own personal strongly respected electrician. Southern Coast Electrical forms a great number of electric replacement solutions for dwellings including companies throughout the Greenacres area. For the past ten years we not surprisingly have provided optimum solutions as well as applied a deal of unparalleled expertise. Are solutions are extraordinary by any other service provider in Greenacres.

Electrician Greenacres

Electrician Greenacres

As a Electrician Greenacres we offer residential, commercial and business enterprise driven services. For anyone who is configuring the house where you are situated, or perhaps making it safer or you simply need some troubleshooting and/or repair work completed, Southern Coast can easily supply the electrical upgrade solutions you need. Our professional technicians are experts in the electrical trade, and we are able to in a flash get you rolling. Every bit of our standards for a Electrician Greenacres are of the highest quality you can expect.

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What YOU Can Do to Reduce Pollution?

What YOU Can Do to Reduce Pollution?


The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has prepared this fact sheet to answer some of the most common questions about reducing emissions from private vehicles.


This is an important concern, as cars are a major source of air pollution in the United States. Vehicle emissions contribute to health and environmental problems such as urban smog, air toxics, and global warming. Yet individual driving habits make a big difference in the amount of pollution a car produces.


Three easy things you can do to help keep emissions as low as possible are:


• Avoid unnecessary driving

• Maintain your car properly

• Drive your car wisely


By combining these strategies, you can very effectively reduce the amount your car pollutes. And there are additional benefits — your car will last longer and you will save money.


Avoid Unnecessary Driving

The most effective way to reduce emissions from your vehicle is to use it less.

Vehicle travel in this country is doubling every 20 years. Traffic trends that see

more and more cars driving more and more miles will soon begin to outpace

technological progress in vehicle emission control.


Several options are available to help you reduce the amount you drive. These

include consolidating trips, telecommuting, carpooling, using public transit, and choosing clean transportation alternatives such as biking or walking.

By planning errands, you will get the most out of time you do spend behind the wheel. For example, call ahead to confirm that the product you need is in stock before you drive to the store. Plan to do several tasks when you go somewhere.


Drive to a central location and park. Then walk between nearby destinations.

Ridesharing can be an ideal way to reduce your personal contribution to pollution.


Every time you share a ride and eliminate a trip, you help the environment. Try pairing up for trips to work or to social events — even an occasional carpool or ride on public transportation will make a difference.


Biking or walking to your destination creates no pollution at all. And you’ll

increase your fitness level at the same time.

About the Author:
<p> will teach you how to build solar &amp; wind power systems foryour home within a weekend.</p><p>Check It Now: <a rel=”nofollow” onclick=”javascript:_gaq.push(['_trackPageview', '/outgoing/article_exit_link']);” target=”_blank” href=””>Why to Buy DIY solar power Kit?</a></p>
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A Guide To Choosing Ceiling Lights For Your Bathroom

Have you ever heard the saying ‘a change is as good as a holiday’? There is plenty of truth to this statement; take, for example, changing the ceiling lights in your bathroom – this small act alone could make it feel like a whole new space. There is more to this decision, however, than just walking into a showroom, pointing at a fixture you like and saying ‘that one’. Use this guide to ensure that you are making the right choices for your bathroom in regards to San Gabriel Valley lighting.

Our bathrooms need to be functional above everything else, and the ceiling lights that you ultimately choose for your space will help to determine with this is the case. There is no point in installing a fixture that looks stunning if it prevents you from completing all of the tasks that you would normally undertake in the space, such as shaving and applying make up. This is not to say, however, that homeowners should forget about the aesthetics of their lighting fixtures – instead, it is about finding a balance.

One way to achieve this is by choosing ceiling fixtures that you can easily adjust in both direction and levels of illumination.

  • Illumination: the best way to control the level of illumination in your bathroom is by installing dimmer switchers in conjunction with your ceiling lights. You could also opt for the traditional fixture that includes both heat and normal lights. Whilst this only gives you the choice of two levels of brightness, it may be sufficient for your needs.
  • Direction: the best way to control the direction of lighting in your bathroom is by installing ceiling lights that are mounted into moveable supports. Halogen and LED lights are often mounted in this way, and their fixtures allow you to point the lights in the direction that you need the most illumination (such as over the vanity or the shower stall).


Thankfully, there is plenty of aesthetically pleasing ceiling lights out there that also achieves adequate illumination that can be dimmed or brightened and directed to a certain area. Recessed lights and downlights sit flush with the ceiling and appear as if they’re not even there during the day, whilst a chandelier will make a luxurious and elegant statement. If going for a ‘wow-factor’ fixture, such as a pendant or chandelier, it is recommended that you do the rest of your bathroom as minimalist as possible to avoid overpowering the space.



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Electrical Components Compromised By Flood Waters

Seaside Heights, N.J. - Officials determined that the electrical fire which claimed 50 businesses in the Jersey Shore communities, was caused by electrical components. Investigators said the fire began under a building due to failed electrical equipment. "During the storm, this wiring and these connection became fully submerged in water," Ocean Country Prosecutor Joseph Coronato said in a news conference. "Over time, degradation of this wiring and these connections occurred." They urged that homeowners and other businesses affected by water to have their wiring inspected for similar issues.

 Electrical Components Compromised By Flood Waters

Here in Cincinnati, similar instances can happen with flooded basesments, or homes that have water leaks in upper floors that trickle down to lower levels, causing damage to wiring inside the walls. After a flood in the home or a business, even minor leaks or toilet over flows, a CurrentSAFE test of your electrical system can prevent electrical failures caused by components that are compromised during a flood. Degradation of electrical materials that are negatively effected by exposure to water are hazards. These types of things can be found and eliminated with the CurrentSAFE process.

Disaster Recovery is key, and our CurrentSAFE professionals understand the importance of returning the home and electrical system to the specific state your house was in before disaster occurred. We are knowledgeable in helping consult you on the processes that follow these types of unfortunate events.

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Monday, April 28, 2014

Al Gore Soldiers On (false alarmism, hypocrisy make for a rejected public message)

“The Koch brothers and the others who operate the way they do have worked overtime to put fear in the hearts of Republicans that if they as much as breathe a favorable breath about solving the climate crisis they’re going to get a well-financed primary opponent. And so they’re all running scared.” 

- Al Gore, quoted in Darren Samuelsohn, “Al Gore Is Not Giving UpPolitico Magazine, April 24, 2014.

“I think Al Gore’s done more to hurt this cause than he has to help it…. There are a lot of Democrats who don’t want to get within 10 miles of Al Gore on climate policy, because … he doesn’t mind turning the economy upside-down because of sort of a religious zeal he has.”

- Lindsey Graham (R-SC), quoted in Jean Chemnick, “Graham says Gore to Blame, not Obama, for Congress’ Antipathy toward Climate Bill,” E&E News, June 23, 2011.

It was called “a rare, frank conversation with the former vice president and climate-change activist” by journalist Darren Samuelsohn of Politico. But if only the interviewer had asked a few hard questions about why the crusade has failed. “[I]t is … indisputably true that Gore’s global warming quest has produced few clear successes,” Samuelsohn wrote, continuing:

Public opinion polls show Americans repeatedly rank climate change near the bottom of their list of priorities for the country. Greenhouse gas emissions have continued their upward march, interrupted only by the 2008 recession. Repeated legislative defeats in Washington and more than two decades of largely fruitless international negotiations have left many in the environmental movement searching for new strategies, and new leaders.

The slam-dunk case for alarmism that Gore has proffered since his 1992 book, Earth in the Balance, and his 2005 movie, “An Inconvenient Truth,” has been contradicted in the real world. And the free-lunch promises of mass carbon reductions (carbon rationing) have turned into all-pain, no-gain propositions. Gore would have you believe it is sinister others (e.g., the libertarian Koch brothers) that are responsible for policy rejection, not the data that shows:

1) Global temperatures today little changed over the last one-to-two decades—or about the mid-date of when his book and movie came out. 2) The limits to wind and solar to replace fossil fuels in terms of quantity, cost, and reliability. 3) The backlash against systemic cronyism embedded in Gore’s crusade, as well as the unintended environmental consequences of government-forced energy transformation.

Should we be surprised? Gore’s Self-Made Problem A review of some of Gore’s statements and positions from decades past help to explain the public’s turnoff to his message. When he says things such as “What we are doing is functionally insane,” he is really saying that the public is dumb and selfish, and I am sage and holy. Such conceit is wearing very thin. Even DC-establishment environmentalists have second thoughts. “There has to be a lot of shrillness taken out of our language,” remarked Environmental Defense Fund chief Fred Krupp. “In the environmental community, we have to be more humble. We can’t take the attitude that we have all the answers.” Politician Al Gore conveniently forgot his end-of-the-world rhetoric in the heat of battle. Back in the summer of 2000, presidential candidate Gore trended Republican. “I think we need to bring gasoline prices down,” he intoned.

I have made it clear in this campaign that I am not calling for any tax increase on gasoline, on oil, on natural gas, or anything else. I am calling for tax cuts to stimulate the production of new sources of domestic energy and new technologies to improve efficiency.[1]

This from the would-be savior of our “dysfunctional” society? [2] This from the man who wrote: “We now know that [the automobile’s] cumulative impact on the global environment is posing a mortal threat to the security of every nation that is more deadly than that of any military enemy we are ever again likely to confront”? [3] Gore had his big chance to advocate a big gasoline tax increase given what he wrote in Earth in the Balance:

Minor shifts in policy, marginal adjustments in ongoing programs, moderate improvements in laws and regulations, rhetoric offered in lieu of genuine change—these are all forms of appeasement, designed to satisfy the public’s desire to believe that sacrifice, struggle, and a wrenching transformation of society will not be necessary. [4]

Even erstwhile eco-alarmist Bill McKibben had to complain:

No American politician can bear to do anything to restrict our piggish use of coal and gas and oil–not to raise energy prices or legislate against the plague of gas-guzzling SUV’s. During the campaign, Mr. Gore even demanded that the Strategic Petroleum Reserve be opened to keep fuel prices down. [5]

And all this before the Koch brothers were known to Al Gore and many others …. Conclusion Carnival barkers outside of carnivals do not do well. Believers in unorthodox religions do not do well either. “I think Al Gore’s done more to hurt this cause than he has to help it,” Lindsey Graham of cap-and-trade infamy said back in 2011. “There are a lot of Democrats who don’t want to get within 10 miles of Al Gore on climate policy, because … he doesn’t mind turning the economy upside-down because of sort of a religious zeal he has.” It is time for Darren Samuelsohn and other writers and pundits to ask Al Gore the hard questions. (Al Gore does not debate, and he only accepts friendly interviews, so Samuelsohn et al have their work cut out for them.) It is time to get to the why-behind- the-why of a futile, lost crusade. —————— [1] Al Gore, quoted in Bennett Roth, “Gore Drops Fuel Tax Proposal, Introduces Tax Credit Incentives,” Houston Chronicle, June 29, 2000, p. 10A. [2] Al Gore, Earth in the Balance:  Ecology and the Human Spirit (New York: Plume/Penguin, 1992, 1993), p. 237. [3] Ibid., p. 325. [4] Ibid., p. 274. [5] Bill McKibben, “Too Hot to Handle,” New York Times, January 5, 2001, p. A21.


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How to Cut Your Electric Bill in NJ

Electric Bill

One of the major concerns in the world today is depletion of energy. As concerned citizens all of us must make a concerted effort to be conscious citizens and save on our electric bill in NJ. Electricity has become integral to life but imagine having to live without power.

Conservation of electricity benefits you personally as you will cut your electric bill. Consider:

1.    Doing an energy audit. This will tell you how and when you use energy and where the wastage lies. You will be able to make an “energy savings plan” by pinpointing exactly how you can cut back on energy consumption. Some ideas may be as simple as don’t leave the coffee machine on at all times.

2.    Think about resetting the thermostat ten degrees lower during the night. If you can do this for say approximately eight hours a day you will save 10% on electricity without sacrificing comfort. Insulate the home in winter by drawing shut the drapes.

3.    Check all insulation in the house. If you increase attic insulation to around 12 inches the electricity consumption will reduce by 20 percent.

4.    Plant more trees around the house these will cool the house in summer and insulate the house in winter. Studies show that a green cover benefits in many ways.

5.    Have all electricity wires and outlets checked for leakage. Check all fuses and appliances.

6.    Fluorescent light bulbs are energy efficient. They use 75% less energy than ordinary light bulbs, this will definitely help cut your electric bill.  These have a longer life and contribute to great savings.

7.    Use energy efficient appliances. These use less energy and believe it or not a high efficiency refrigerator uses less electricity than a light bulb.

8.    When you are away even for a few hours or days you should turn off and unplug   all electrical appliances and turn settings on the thermostat, water heater, and refrigerator to the lowest setting.

9.    Ensure that you use a water-saving shower head. Water heating costs for a family can be lowered by at least US$ 250 a year.

10.    Weatherize your home. This helps reduce heating bills by 20% and cooling by at least 10 percent. Even when building a home or decorating it use weather friendly materials—those that are not good conductors of heat and cold. Install windows and glass panes in the roof in such away that you use sunlight to light up the rooms during day light hours. Make an effort to switch off lights and fans when leaving a room. Ensure that the filters in air conditioners and heaters are always cleaned and free of clog and dust.

If you live an energy efficient lifestyle you will see the numbers on the energy bill actually reducing. The power to cut energy costs is well within your control. It is as simple as only washing full loads and that to in cold water. Use the hot wash option only for very dirty clothes.  Cook food only just before you are ready to eat that way you can save reheating costs as well as refrigerating costs of storing the food. Turn the thermostat of the refrigerator to minimum in cold or cool weather. Switch off freezers if they are not in use. Small contributions can all add up to significant amounts of power saved. And, power saved means money in the bank.

Electric Bill

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“Happy Earth Day” (Julian Simon 25th anniversary essay speaks to us today)

“[It] is very frustrating that after 25 years of the anti-pessimists being proven entirely right, and the doomsayers being proven entirely wrong, their credibility and influence waxes ever greater. That’s the bad news. The good news is that there is every scientific reason to be joyful about the trends in the condition of the Earth, and hopeful for humanity’s future, even if we are falsely told the outlook is grim. So Happy Earth Day.”

[Editor note: This post reprints the Earth Day 1995 essay of Julian Simon, "Earth Day: Spiritually Uplifting, Intellectually Debased." Posts about the ideas of Simon (1932–1997), an inspiration to this blog, can be found here]

April 22 [1995] marks the 25th anniversary of Earth Day. Now as then its message is spiritually uplifting. But all reasonable persons who look at the statistical evidence now available must agree that Earth Day’s scientific premises are entirely wrong.

During the first great Earth Week in 1970 there was panic. The public’s outlook for the planet was unrelievedly gloomy. The doomsaying environmentalists–of whom the dominant figure was Paul Ehrlich–raised the alarm: The oceans and the Great Lakes were dying; impending great famines would be seen on television starting in 1975; the death rate would quickly increase due to pollution; and rising prices of increasingly-scarce raw materials would lead to a reversal in the past centuries’ progress in the standard of living.

The media trumpeted the bad news in headlines and front-page stories. Professor Ehrlich was on the Johnny Carson show for an unprecedented full hour–twice. Classes were given by television to tens of thousands of university students.

It is hard for those who did not experience it to imagine the national excitement then. Even those who never read a newspaper joined in efforts to clean up streams, and the most unrepentant slobs refrained from littering for a few weeks. Population growth was the great bugaboo.

Every ill was the result of too many people in the U. S. and abroad. The remedy doomsayers urged was government-coerced birth control, abroad and even at home.

On the evening before Earth Day I spoke on a panel at the jam-packed auditorium at the University of Illinois. The organizers had invited me for “balance,” to show that all points of view would be heard. I spoke then exactly the same ideas that I write today; some of the very words are the same.

Of the 2,000 persons in attendance, probably fewer than a dozen concluded that anything I said made sense. A panelist denounced me as a religious nut, attributing to me weird beliefs such as that murder was the equivalent of celibacy. My ten-minute talk so enraged people that it led to a physical brawl with another professor.

Every statement I made in 1970 about the trends in resource scarcity and environmental cleanliness turned out to be correct. Every prediction has been validated by events. Yet the environmental organizations and the Clinton administration–especially Vice President Al Gore, the State Department, and the CIA –still take as doctrine exactly the same ideas expressed by the doomsayers in 1970, despite their being discredited by recent history. And the press overwhelmingly endorses that viewpoint.

Here are the facts: On average, people throughout the world have been living longer and eating better than ever before. Fewer people die of famine nowadays than in earlier centuries. The real prices of food and of every other raw material are lower now than in earlier decades and centuries, indicating a trend of increased natural-resource availability rather than increased scarcity. The major air and water pollutions in the advanced countries have been lessening rather than worsening.

In short, every single measure of material and environmental welfare in the United States has improved rather than deteriorated. This is also true of the world taken as a whole. All the long-run trends point in exactly the opposite direction from the projections of the doomsayers. There have been, and always will be, temporary and local exceptions to these broad trends. But astonishing as it may seem, there are no data showing that conditions are deteriorating.

Rather, all indicators show that the quality of human life has been getting better. As a result of this evidence of improvement rather than degradation, in the past few years there has been a major shift in scientific opinion away from the views the doomsayers espouse. There now are dozens of books in print and hundreds of articles in the technical and popular literature reporting these facts.

Responding to the accumulating literature that shows no negative correlation between population growth and economic development, in 1986 the National Academy of Sciences published a report on population growth and economic development prepared by a prestigious scholarly group. It reversed almost completely the frightening conclusions of the previous 1971 NAS report. The group found no quantitative statistical evidence of population growth hindering economic progress, though they hedged their qualitative judgment a bit. The report found benefits of additional people as well as costs. Even the World Bank, the greatest institutional worrier about population growth, reported in 1984 that the world’s natural resource situation provides no reason to limit population growth.

A bet between Paul Ehrlich and me epitomizes the matter. In 1980, the year after the tenth Earth Day, Ehrlich and two associates wagered with me about future prices of raw materials. We would assess the trend in $1000 worth of copper, chrome, nickel, tin, and tungsten for ten years. I would win if resources grew more abundant, and they would win if resources became scarcer. At settling time in 1990, the year after the twentieth Earth Week, they sent me a check for $576.07.

A single bet proves little, of course. Hence I have offered to repeat the wager, and I have broadened it as follows: I’ll bet a week’s or a month’s pay that just about any trend pertaining to material human welfare will improve rather than get worse. You pick the trend–perhaps life expectancy, a price of a natural resource, some measure of air or water pollution, or the number of telephones per person– and you choose the area of the world and the future year the comparison is to be made. If I win, my winnings go to non-profit research.

I have not been able to close another deal with a prominent academic doomsayer. They all continue to warn of impending deterioration, but they refuse to follow Professor Ehrlich in putting their money where their mouths are. Therefore, let’s try the chief “official” doomsayer, Vice President Al Gore. He wrote a best-selling book, Earth in the Balance, that warns about the supposed environmental and resource “crisis.” In my judgment, the book is as ignorant and wrongheaded a collection of cliches as anything ever published on the subject.

So how about it, Al? Will you accept the offer? And how about your boss Bill Clinton, who supports your environmental initiatives? Can you bring him in for a piece of the action?

It is not pleasant to talk rudely like this. But a challenge wager is the last refuge of the frustrated. And it is very frustrating that after 25 years of the anti-pessimists being proven entirely right, and the doomsayers being proven entirely wrong, their credibility and influence waxes ever greater.

That’s the bad news. The good news is that there is every scientific reason to be joyful about the trends in the condition of the Earth, and hopeful for humanity’s future, even if we are falsely told the outlook is grim. So Happy Earth Day.


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DIY: Doing electrical work on your own?

“That looks easy to fix,”  you might say, when you see a problem with your electrical wiring.  Many people enjoy doing their own work on their homes.  If they have the skills and tools, the DIY project can be very rewarding.  It’s a great way to save money and feels good to have done it […]


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