Sunday, September 30, 2012

Unloading Hansen’s ‘Climate Dice’

“Today’s temperature ‘extremes’ are simply yesterday’s extremes warmed up a bit, partly from the heat-island effect. But they are not new events…. Hansen’s push on weather extremes is another case where the level of alarm is disproportionate to the level of impact.” 

Today’s temperature “extremes” are simply yesterday’s extremes warmed up a bit, partly from the heat-island effect. But they are not new events where none existed prior.

This distinction is neither subtle nor unimportant. When it comes to temperatures, yesterday’s extremes warmed up offer less of a surprise (and hence a greater ease of adaptability) than if a new crop of extreme events suddenly sprung up out of nowhere to catch us unprepared.

But such a distinction is not made prominently evident in the latest work by NASA’s James Hansen—and even less so in the accompanying media coverage (including that instigated by Hansen himself). Instead, the general audience is left with the distinct impression that anthropogenic global warming (as a result of greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuel-based energy production) is leading to the occurrence of new extreme weather events when and where such weather events would not otherwise have occurred. For instance, in a Washington Post op-ed written by Hansen to accompany the release of his paper recently published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Hansen writes:

Our analysis shows that it is no longer enough to say that global warming will increase the likelihood of extreme weather and to repeat the caveat that no individual weather event can be directly linked to climate change. To the contrary, our analysis shows that, for the extreme hot weather of the recent past, there is virtually no explanation other than climate change.

The deadly European heat wave of 2003, the fiery Russian heat wave of 2010 and catastrophic droughts in Texas and Oklahoma last year can each be attributed to climate change. And once the data are gathered in a few weeks’ time, it’s likely that the same will be true for the extremely hot summer the United States is suffering through right now.

But this impression is untrue. These events and others like them, almost certainly would have occurred on their own (i.e., naturally). Climate change may have added a pinch of additional heat, but it almost certainly did not create these events out of thin air (see here for example).

But Hansen pushes this impression with his analogy of “Climate Dice.” The idea is that anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions have “loaded” the dice towards extreme warmth, so now when Mother Nature rolls the dice for summer weather, there is better chance of rolling a heat wave, or an overall hot summer—events discreet from events that were contained on the unloaded dice.

But Hansen’s hot summers are not new discreet events at all. Instead, they are the naturally occurring hot summers with a few extra degrees added to them. The extra couple of degrees push some summers over an arbitrarily defined threshold temperature above which Hansen classifies them as being “extreme.”

Hansen’s threshold between a “normal” summer and an “extreme” summer has no physical meaning—instead it is rooted in statistics. While certainly some temperature thresholds exist that have physical meaning—like the 32°F, the freezing/melting point of water/ice—none exist in the range of temperatures which characterize summer across much of the globe. Whether or not the average summertime temperature is greater or less than some arbitrary value is of little practical significance.

Washington, D.C. Example

Let’s take the nation’s capital as an example. The mean summer (June through August) temperature in DC during the 30 year “base” period used by Hansen (1951-1980) was 77.0°F. The standard deviation—a statistical measure of the amount of year-to-year variability that exists about the average—was 1.2°F. Statistically, 67% of all values lie within one standard deviation of the mean.

For Washington DC, it means that 2/3rds of summers between 1951 and 1980 should have had an average temperature between 75.8°F and 78.2°F. Again, statistically speaking, 95% of all average summer temperatures should lie within two standard deviations, or between 74.6°F and 79.4°F. And less than one-half of 1% of all summer average temperatures should lie outside three standard deviations from the mean.

Hansen defines an “extreme” summer as one that is hotter than 3 standard deviations above the mean. So, for Washington DC that would mean a summer with an average temperature greater than 80.6°F—a situation that would almost never occur in the climate of 1951-1980 in DC.

Now let’s fast forward to the climate of the most recent 30 years. During the period from 1983-2012, the average summer temperature was 78.0°F—a full degree higher than it was during the base period. And, two summers (2009 and 2010) exceeded 80.6°F (that is, were more than 3 standard deviations above the 1951-1980 average). By Hansen’s reckoning, these were global warming induced climate “extremes.”

But are these hot summers entirely caused by global warming (or rather, climate change)?

If we went back and added 1°F to each summer from 1951 to 1980, one of them would have exceeded three standard deviations, and several others would have been close. In other words, the current climate of DC is pretty similar to the past climate of DC, just warmed up a bit. It is not a completely new climate replete with a different array of extreme events conjured up by human greenhouse gas emissions.

So yes, it is true that summers in DC are hotter than they once were. But local land-use changes (the increased heat-island effect) largely to blame.

Compared to past climates, more summers now meet Hansen’s arbitrary definition of being “extremely” hot. But climate warming is not responsible for all the heat, instead it just adds some warmth to what would have been a hot summer anyway.

Certainly, the hotter it is in DC, the more air conditioners run and other costs incur as well. And quite possibly, the costs increase in some non-linear fashion (see here for a discussion). But, it is almost certain as well that the costs do not rise anywhere near as swiftly as the tally of events crossing some arbitrary threshold by which to define and “extreme” event.

Hansen’s push on weather extremes is another case where the level of alarm is disproportionate to the level of impact.


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Fall Cleaning: Energy Efficient Projects At No Cost

As Fall quickly approaches, it may be wise to take some time to use the change of seasons to conduct a few, simple energy efficient projects that will cost you absolutely nothing, ultimately saving money in the long run.

Clean your refrigerator

It’s a fact that refrigerators use more energy than any other home appliances while cooling one of the most important things in your home: your food. Keeping your refrigerator more efficient while keeping it maintained is easier than you think. To ensure you’re getting the most out of your fridge, vacuum the coils on the back or bottom and check the temperature; it should register at 41 degrees Fahrenheit, which is optimal for food safety but not too cold to waste electricity.

Clean your dryer

Load after load, lint can build up in your dryer’s hose and pipes, increasing your dryer’s energy usage by up to 30 percent. Build-up can not only create a fire hazard, but it presents moist air from venting outside, causing mildew problems. Vacuum the lint filter, the lint from the back of the machine and from the pipes where the hose is attached to the wall.


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Poly Tarpaulins And Their Many Uses

Poly tarpaulins are made from a multi-mesh fabric that is coated with polyethylene sheets and comes in a variety of mil and mesh counts. They come in a choice of sizes and are used for many difference purposes. They are waterproof and rot resistant making them a handy item to have around.

The thickness of the tarp is what is referred to as mils. A mil is equal to . 001 or 1/1000 of an inch. The larger the number the thicker the tarp. Most tarps are 6 mils but they can come in as many as 12 to 23 mils thick if using for a canopy. Mesh count is the number of threads per inch. A 10 by 10 mesh count would have 10 threads per inch in both directions.

Sold in either precut sizes or by the roll the poly tarpaulin will come with either brass, aluminum or metal grommets. These are used to attach the tarp to a whatever it is that you are covering. The spacing can vary from 18 to 36 inches. The shorter spacing will add strength and minimize movement and tearing.

On each corner of the tarp is a reinforcing triangular plastic cover to prevent the grommets from tearing through the fabric. Corners are more prone to tension especially in high winds. A rope is sewn into the hem of the tarp to add further strength.

Used in a variety of ways the poly tarpaulin is used to cover roofs in remodels or when a leak is discovered. They are great in hurricane weather conditions to protect structures and belongings. They make great canopies to provide shelter or shade. Many different types of materials are covered with them like hay, lumber and gym floors.

Commonly treated to provide UV protection from the sun, they resist mildew and rot. They perform well in freezing temperature conditions. The silver or grey color tarps contain an additional sun blocking layer. These colors also provide total shade and protection from the elements.

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About the Author:
Michael Stein is the President of Tarps Plus – Tarps Plus has been distributing tarps since 1954.
Article Source

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Electric Wire Color Coding, Terminals, and Uses

Electric wires have a special coating and color to them to identify their uses. Terminals on devices, such as switches and receptacles, have their own color codes so that the correct wires are attached to them. But the number one reason is for safety. By attaching the right colored wires to the right colored terminals, you'll have the correct connection.


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LED ‘Trends To Watch’

EnLIGHTenment magazine, a new publication (from the people behind LEDs Magazine, which is pretty good) offer this article on “two trends to watch in LED light sources.”

They are:

1. Highly integrated light engines.

2. High-wattage COB (chip-on-board).


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Electrician Talks About Commercial Electrical Work – Commercial Electrician South Florida

Several electrical appliances and lighting are constantly in use at any one time in homes and offices. Interruptions with electricity supply due to faulty wiring or other problems can therefore cause a lot of inconvenience. In an office, it can cause things to grind to a halt.  This is why it is important to hire  [...]


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Miami Electrical Contractors can provide safety inspections for new construction or upgrades on commercial and residential properties

Miami Electrical ContractorOur Miami Electrical Contractors can send a licensed electrician to come out to your property and make sure everything is safe and up to the latest code and permit requirements.  The safety of your home, belongings and the life of your family depend on the quality of your wiring.  Make sure you ask an electrician in Miami to show you his license and insurance certificates before trusting him with your children lives. If an electrician ever offers to cut corners and do the work without permits to save you money, don’t walk, run!  We have seen many cases of homes being burnt to the ground due to the terrible work of shady electrical contractors Miami.electricians Miami

We can help with your job from start to finish. Our scope of work ranges from inspections, consulting, custom design, estimation services, damage repairs, standby generator installation, preventative service and maintenance.  So if you are opening a new business, fixing up an old warehouse, installing new lighting for your kitchen, or just making some household repairs, we are the best company to get the work done right and at a good price. You can check the testimonials on our website from satisfied customers and even leave a comment yourself.

Also, to further check out our credentials you can click the link to the BBB on the website and even search around for yourself on the web and you will see that Southern Coast Electrical Services have many positive reviews on other business and electricians Miami websites.

Please subscribe to our blog for more articles  and advice on Miami electrical contractors and electricians Miami.


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424 Degree CurrentSAFE Find

Example CurrentSAFE Uncovered Hazard

IR 2941 424 Degree CurrentSAFE Find During a CurrentSAFE Electrical Hazard Detection we uncovered a hidden hazard of 424 degrees Fahrenheit on the buss bar of a panel in a home in Montgomery.

Overheated electrical joints due to loose connection are often precursors of electrical fires, arc faults, and arc flash in electrical systems.

Connections that should have had the proper torque, as well as, being properly sized for the amplitude of current would not have overheated to the extent of 424 degrees Fahrenheit.

The issue is that with the fluctuation of current, results in thermal cycling, which eventually leads to the failing of the connection. In other words, the bad connection heats up and cools, heats up and cools, going from one extreme to another under load or no load. With a loose connection that is experiencing overheating, such as in the 424 degree range, this will lead to failure. Meaning either electrical fire, arc fault, or arc flash.

photo 229x300 424 Degree CurrentSAFE Find Here in the digital photo you can see the melted portions of the buss bar and the discoloration of the lug which were a result of the thermal cycling.

Cooper Electric's CurrentSAFE EHD is a preventive maintenance program for your home's electrical system. To learn more and have a free estimate call us at 513-271-5000.


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Saturday, September 29, 2012

What Should Really Bother You . . .

Here’s what should really bother you about the fact that the Republicans determined to NOT let Obama win anything as President, and the Simpson-Bowles compromise was ignored, etc., etc., etc.

It’s the future. It’s going to get very difficult for those of us living in the U.S. EVEN IF WE FIX OUR CURRENT PROBLEMS NOW.

(for a full dose of info like this, see Doug Short’s 9/18/12 piece).



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Beat The Summer Heat: Cool Your Home Efficientally

As the summer heat continues to increase, we’re all looking for more efficient ways to cool off in our homes without breaking the bank. While lowering the AC may be your first instinct for a quick cool-down, you’ll find yourself paying in the long run. Here are some tips to staying cool this summer:

Avoid the oven

Turning on the oven to heat food at 450 degrees will obviously heat up your home. Leaving the oven off and the hot foods for the fall and winter months, make good use of your outdoor barbeque or try investing in fresh summer foods that don’t need to be cooked. Cold fruits from the fridge and ice water will leave you feeling cooler, as well.

Air circulation

Don’t be afraid to open up the windows on a warm, but breezy day. Having numerous windows open– versus just opening the windows in the room you’re in– will help cool both you and your home off. Strategically placing fans around the house and making use of ceiling fans will also circulate outdoor air throughout your home. Remember: Heat rises.

Invest in shades and curtains

Don’t forget to close your shades and curtains during the prime heat hours. Sun beaming through an untinted window can heat up your home quicker than you might think. Be sure to shade windows on the side of your house facing the sun. It’s easier to prevent your house from warmer up than to cool it down.


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Power Quality

Poor power quality can show up in many ways, flickering or dimming lighting fixtures, computer crashes or constant air conditioning equipment failures. Sometimes determining the cause of such problems can be very complex, especially when the problems seem very intermittent. ATS Electric Inc., employs the latest power analyzing equipment that can monitor your system for [...]


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Energy Audit

It was a pleasure meeting you in person today, thank you for the opportunity to help you lower your energy consumption. Just for a reminder of what we covered today I put together this list: Install a blanket cover for the water heater, use duct tape to attach. Also flush it out every year to [...]


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Update Your Lighting

After fourteen years, it was time to have the drywall replaced on the ceiling of our patio, which presented a great opportunity make some electrical improvements to our outdoor living space. With the old drywall removed, it was a pretty easy job for an experienced electrician to install four small recessed light fixtures with 50 [...]


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Update Your Lighting

After fourteen years, it was time to have the drywall replaced on the ceiling of our patio, which presented a great opportunity make some electrical improvements to our outdoor living space. With the old drywall removed, it was a pretty easy job for an experienced electrician to install four small recessed light fixtures with 50 [...]


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Wind Consequences (Part V – Other Considerations and Conclusions)

“The following overview on these issues, and my concluding remarks, should leave little doubt as to the worthlessness and serious consequences of pursuing policies of supporting and implementing wind plants in particular. Will the other side respond in the interest of more informed public policy?”

As shown in Part I (Introduction & Summary), Part II (Analysis Approach & Implementation Costs), Part III (Total Costs), and Part IV  (Subsidies & Emissions), wind fails on the major considerations of cost and emissions. Yet unbelievably, it still enjoys general popularity and significant government support and subsidization. The answer must be in my response to question 1 in Part I: Wind is seen as a silver bullet – environmentally and politically.

On top of this, there are many other problems with wind that can cause serious, and needless, damage to society. I do not typically focus on most of these, and I cannot do justice to them, but they are worthy of attention. So I shall try, but I will only be scratching the surface. References cited for these are my selections only. Readers are invited to supply additional support with comments.

Anyone wishing to know more about these issues can start with the wealth of information that Lisa Linowes at Industrial Wind Action Group has compiled on wind matters. Also included in references below are examples of other excellent sources of general information on wind.

The following overview on these issues, and my concluding remarks, should leave little doubt as to the worthlessness and serious consequences of pursuing policies of supporting and implementing wind plants in particular. Will the other side respond in the interest of more informed public policy?


Wind proponents claim that support of industrial scale wind (and solar) is necessary to build sustainable industries in the 21st century. Nothing could be further from reality. They point to countries in Europe that have created industries based on these, such as Denmark, Germany and Spain. Missing from this logic is these have saturated their domestic markets and are now dependent on international sales. Unfortunately for them, China quickly has quickly grown to be the world leader in these markets, and most likely will continue this growth trend. Also to be noted is that China is now the world’s dominant producer and exporter of solar panels.

Infrared Inspecting New Equipment


    • New Installation Thermo PDF
    • Thermography Inspection Performed on December 14th 2011
    • The Image is of a “Factory Installed” Bus Connection from the 3,000 amp vertical bus to the primary side of an 800 amp distribution circuit breaker.
BusConnection BlueField 225x300 Infrared Inspecting New Equipment
    • This temperature abnormality was found during the Thermography inspection on phase c of the newly installed GE switchgear. The temperature difference between phase C and phase B is 20 degrees ferenheight (Image #2). The breaker was aproximatley 30% loaded at the time of inspection (phase C-278amps phase B- 284amps). After removing the factory installed GE circuit breaker we found that the insulation tape had overlapped and restricted the current flow from the main bussway in the gear to the circuit breaker lug (Image #1).
BusConnection Abnormal 300x224 Infrared Inspecting New Equipment
    • The repair was made and the tape was properly removed from the switch gear (Image #3). A re-scan was perfomed on the circuit breaker (Image #4) and phase c was actually running 2 degrees cooler than phase b.
BusConnection Fixed 224x300 Infrared Inspecting New Equipment BusConnection Normal 300x225 Infrared Inspecting New Equipment


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Friday, September 28, 2012

LED Lighting For Your Laundry Room

Getting the most out of your laundry room starts with the right lighting fixtures from your Pasadena lighting contractor. Without the right lighting in your laundry room, you might as well be doing your laundry in the closet. Conventional lighting can be too hot for an already warm space. Florescent bulbs tend to make a room feel like your cleaning clothes at the DMV. Use this guide to lighting with LED bulbs and you can be sure your mud room will be well lit for an affordable price.

LED Track Lighting

For laundry spaces that need a bright light source, LED track fixtures can be the source that you need to light your washer, dryer and folding area with one simple switch. LED’s are easy to install over existing fixtures. Attach these fantastic laundry lights to a dimmer switch and you can keep the lights low for when you leave the room and turn them on bright when you need to fold the clothes.

Under cabinet Lighting

Many mud rooms have cabinets above the washer, dryer, lavatory or laundry folding area. These are excellent areas for installing under cabinet lights. LED under cabinet systems are easy to install and work well with most hanging cabinet styles. When installing under cabinet LED’s, it’s a good idea to space them apart about two feet for optimal light displacement. Rope lights are also another style of under cabinet lighting that works great in laundry room areas and can provide your laundry space with a continuous ambient light source under the cabinets.

Recessed Lights

A recessed fixture is commonly employed over the top of each laundry appliance and counter space facing directly down onto the surface. These flush ceiling LED fixtures are fantastic ways to keep your laundry room well lit without the need for exposed fixtures. Recessed lighting comes in various styles but LED recessed lighting works particularly better than a conventional can light in many ways. LED recessed lights are much smaller, yet yield more lumens per watt. Since they produce little heat, they can be installed in areas where conventional recessed lighting cannot. They also use significantly less energy making them a great addition to any mud room.



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NRDC Wind Jobs Report Doesn’t Make the Grade (250 MW does not create 1,000+ jobs)

The carefully-crafted press release by the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) presents their new wind-energy jobs report as thorough, objective, and academically sound. Although such an assessment would be very welcome, their “report” is no more than marketing propaganda. Their blatant bias here gives further credence to a piece by Henry Miller of the Hoover Institution, “Bad Faith and Bad Science at the NRDC,” which concluded that “NRDC continues to peddle junk science” for their own financial gain.

Energy specialists ordinarily don’t have the time to critique sales brochures, but here are some quick observations on this material:

1 – There is a strong implication given that a 250 MW wind energy facility creates “1,079 jobs.” That is not true. The vast majority of the jobs cited are for people already employed — e.g. lawyers, real estate professionals, acoustical consultants, etc. Put another way, these people would not be unemployed just because a 250 MW facility was not built.

2 – Contrary to the insinuations made by NRDC, “1,079 jobs for a 250 MW facility” are not full-time dedicated jobs. For instance an Iberdrola draftsman may work for one month designing part of some 250 MW project, and then move onto something else. He is apparently counted as “one job”. The proper way to deal with this situation is to show a more applicable metric: “job years” rather than “jobs.”

3 – How many of the jobs will actually be in the US? The NRDC report avoids that detail. For instance, the Iberdrola draftsman mentioned in the prior item, is likely a Spanish citizen working in Spain. British leaders were enticed by job claims to approve the largest wind project in the world. This subsequent investigation concluded:

“The Danish operator of the world’s biggest offshore windfarm, off Cumbria, is the latest to come under fire for favoring foreign suppliers and allegedly providing ‘negligible’ work or services to local UK companies.”

4 – For all of the first three reasons, the NRDC job claims can not be extrapolated. In other words, ten 250 MW wind facilities do NOT result in 10,790 jobs. This important point is not made sufficiently clear. In fact it’s much worse than that. This LA Times investigation concluded:

“Even though a record 10,000 MW of new wind generating capacity came online, few jobs were created overall, and wind power manufacturing employment fell.” [Note that this dismal conclusion came after starting up the equivalent of forty 250 MW projects!]

5 – Maybe I missed it, but in each of the categories where NRDC claimed there were a number of jobs, I could not find any independent verification of the employment numbers they asserted. The “Methodology” section (p 34) gave a casual explanation of how the numbers came about, but there is zero actual real-world data provided.

In other words, the job claim numbers are not transparent, so no verification is possible. Based on the numerous other blatant propaganda statements made throughout this piece, the job numbers can be safely assumed to be likewise exaggerated. See this detailed analysis that looks at this issue, and others.

6 – Note these two statement in the report: a) “This report does not involve an existing project, but rather an ‘illustrative’ project…” and b) “This analysis is not intended to provide a proxy for current U.S. wind industry employment.” (p 34). Translated into English, these statements mean that the job numbers claimed by NRDC are not based on empirical, real-world numbers, but are computer calculations, estimates, approximations and other guesses — all made by wind promoters and others having a vested interest in the outcome. NRDC should have made that clear in their opening remarks.

7 – Nowhere in this report are NET jobs discussed. Several studies by independent experts (e.g. here or here) have concluded that wind development results in NET JOB LOSSES. This is because more jobs are lost than created due to such negative impacts as higher cost electricity.

8 – Another important consideration (unmentioned in this report) is: what is the cost per job created? Analyses by independent financial experts conclude that the cost per wind job created by such subsidies, is extremely high (e.g. here and here). [Speaking of costs, the report states (p 31) that extending the PTC "will bring down costs." This bold sales pitch is not substantiated. It would seem that a more accurate statement would be that extending the PTC "will maintain developers' high profit margins."]

9 – Of course any tax handout (e.g. the PTC) will create some jobs. If we assume that we will impose this financial burden on taxpayers, an important perspective to consider is: how many jobs would be created if the same amount of tax revenue was directed to another area — e.g. for a more reliable energy source? The NRDC report never examines that critical question.

10-Which would be better, to have 1 GWH of electrical energy provided by: a) 250 jobs, or b) 1,000 jobs? The NRDC document implies that more jobs is better. The fallacy of that premise is explained here.

11-Energy attorney Chris Horner hits the nail on the head, saying:

“There is nothing – no program, no hobby, no vice, no crime — that does not ‘create jobs’. Tsunamis, computer viruses and shooting convenience store clerks all ‘create jobs’. So a jobs contention misses the mark — since it applies to all, it is an argument in favor of none. Instead of making a case on the merits, an employment claim is an admission that one has no good arguments.”

12-Yet another major consideration is: what is the net societal benefit of any preserved jobs? For instance there is also a production chain of jobs involved with the eight-track audio tape business. They are disappearing due to the fact that alternative products (e.g. CDs) are better. Should taxpayers subsidize the eight-track tape business to preserve those jobs? This report provided zero scientific proof that wind energy provides any societal net gains.

The conclusion is obvious: the sole objective of AWEA, NRDC and their anti-taxpayer allies is to mine the wallets of unsuspecting citizens. This short AWEA TV interview yesterday makes it quite clear. Citizens should get educated about this charade (see PTCFacts.Info), and then promote science-based energy policies. That will go a LONG way towards ending an era of chronic, unsustainable budget deficits.


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How-to Electrical Wiring Tips

Whether you're a first-timer or an old pro who just needs a few refresher tips, having a hands-on lesson will make the job that much easier. Sometimes, having the right tools for the job is just as important as knowing how to do the task. These electrical wiring tips will make your electrical projects a snap!

Electrical wiring can be as simple as following these tips. Connecting cords, circuit connections, device connections, and electrical panel connections all require some type of wiring connection. This tutorial is loaded with electrical wiring tips to make the job simple and easy to accomplish.



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Energy Eye™ HVAC Energy Management System

We are Kauai’s only: Factory Certified Installer Certified Technical Service Provider Distributor Energy Eye™ is helping hotels save from 15% to 35% on their guest room air conditioning expenses – GUARANTEED!   What is Energy Eye? It is an energy management system designed for hotel/resort rooms, offices, and condominiums to control your AC cooling based on room occupancy. [...]


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Los Angeles Electrician – A Few Reasons You Should Call an Electrician

Keeping your home and family safe is a high priority for every homeowner. One of the best, yet often neglected ways to ensure their safety is to make sure that all of your home’s electrical components are in safe and good working order. When it comes to electricity, being safe is always far better than being sorry. Rather than worrying about loose wires, short circuits and other potentially dangerous situations, work with an electrician in Los Angeles to make sure that your home is as safe as it possibly can be.

Attempting to solve electrical problems on your own can not only put you in immediate danger, but can also make the problems worse than they were to start with. While it is perfectly fine to replace light bulbs, flip breakers back on and perform other similar simple tasks by yourself, tackling anything that has to do with wiring or the other electrical components in your home should be left to the professionals.

If you have a breaker or breakers that trip frequently, then it is time to call a Los Angeles electrician. This can be a sign that you may have malfunctioning appliances, or an overloaded circuit. This might mean that you need to address a problem with a particular appliance, or your electrical service in general. In some case, a small panel upgrade can add additional circuits to your home, allowing you to more evenly spread the load.

Regardless of whether you are faced with an electrical issue or if you need to have electrical components such as a whole house surge protector installed, your safety and the integrity of your home depend on the skills and experience that only a licensed, professional electrician has. For any questions, or to talk about your electrical jobs and problems, give us a call today at The Electric Connection. We’ll look forward to hearing from you.


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Find Out About the Stealth Green Energy Movement – Ask Your Los Angeles Electrician

Sometimes the bad news about energy and the environment in the media can be overwhelming. Good news tends to get pushed aside in favor of spectacular disasters. Yet, every day in towns and cities across America, people are working on green energy projects that both help the environment and save money. This shouldn’t be a surprise — survey after survey has found that most Americans are concerned about the environment, and most cities today are scrambling to save money.

Energy Saving Light Bulbs in Street Lights. Replacing conventional incandescent electric bulbs with LED bulbs in street lights is one popular green energy project. In the largest such project in the world, Los Angeles is replacing the bulbs of 140,000 street lights. The LED bulbs use considerably less electricity, creating not only money savings but also savings in the oil and coal needed to generate electricity. When complete, the project will save the City $10 million each year. Of that, $2.5 million will be saved on maintenance costs and $7.5 million in electrical usage. The project will also reduce carbon emissions from electric generation by 40,500 tons per year. That’s like taking 6,700 cars off L.A. streets for the life of the bulbs – every year for 10 or so years.

L.A. City engineers originally hoped that the LED bulbs would save 40% on electric bills. When they measured the savings of switching over the first 20,000 bulbs, they were pleasantly surprised to find that the savings on electricity was more like 55%. The City has also found that the LED lights create brighter and more uniform visibility, reducing pockets of dark shadow that conventional street lights tend to leave.

L.A. Mayor Villaraigosa commented proudly, “We’re seeing L.A. lead the way.” The project is being funded, in part, by Federal stimulus dollars as well as the Clinton Foundation. Sarah Potts of the Clinton Foundation said, “The Clinton Climate Initiative was excited to work on this project mainly because L.A. was willing to be a mover on this. They were willing to set the bar for where energy efficiency street lighting could and should go.”

However, L.A. is not alone. This type of green street lighting project is being undertaken from Ann Arbor, Michigan, to towns in Northern California, where PG&E, the electric utility, gives rate breaks and rebates to its street light customers who switch over to LED bulbs.

Green Energy Projects at Home. We don’t have to wait for government projects before we can start saving money by helping the environment. If you want to go greener in your own home or business, you can take steps that range from quick and simple to more ambitious:

1) Replace the bulbs in your home with compact fluorescent bulbs (CFLs). Today’s fluorescents fit into regular lamps and fixtures, come in a range of warm colors, and save electricity. While CFL bulbs cost more at the supermarket, they last longer than old-fashioned incandescents, and so cost less over their lifetimes. You can start by buying a four-pack on your next trip for groceries. Unscrew the bulbs in the light fixtures you use most often and screw in the new bulbs. It’s that simple. If you have any questions, you can call The Electric Connection, your Los Angeles electrician.

2) Install a ceiling fan. Ceiling fans are very efficient when it comes to cooling a room. Set your thermostat for the air conditioner 2 degrees higher than usual, turn on your ceiling fan, and you’re achieving the usual cooling effect while saving money and electricity.

3) Here’s a more ambitious green step. Make your next car an electric hybrid or all-electric. Electric vehicles reduce our dependence on foreign oil — 60% of our oil imports are burned in our vehicles. Electric vehicles are available today that are competitively priced, convenient, and also give you the benefit of freeing you from the ups and downs of gas prices while enjoying the satisfaction of helping the environment. When you’re ready to make the move, keep in mind that The Electric Connection, a fully licensed and bonded electrician in Los Angeles CA, installs electric vehicle chargers.

If you see solar panels on some of the buildings in your town or if you’ve purchased an Energy Star appliance or installed compact fluorescents in your light fixtures, you and your town are part of the green energy movement that is quietly growing throughout our country. To find out more, call The Electric Connection, a knowledgeable green Los Angeles electrician. To visit their website, simply type in electrician Los Angeles CA on a web search, and you’ll very easily find their site near the top of the first page.


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Thursday, September 27, 2012

Panasonic (in Japan) – Deeper Into Home Energy

From a release on Panasonic’s website

In addition to the energy creation-storage linked system for the home released in March 2012, it will also launch AiSEG™2, which is a core component of SMARTHEMS™, connecting the electrical equipment and home appliances in the system.


electrical job electrical tools electric work electrical services electrical parts

Check Your GFCI

GFCI receptacles (Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter) are typically found in homes built or remodeled after 1978 and can most often found in the bathroom, garage or exterior outlets. One GFCI may control multiple outlets. It is not uncommon, especially in homes built before 1997, to find the GFCI in the bathroom or garage controlling the [...]


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Advantages of Garage Organization Systems

Think about this: you are about to go to work, but suddenly, you realize you have to get through six inches of snow just to get to your car. This is because your garage is too messed up to have the slightest space just for your car.

If you think the mess in your garage is too much already, think about this: garage organization. A neat and clean garage is guaranteed to make you happy. Think of looking for something you might need in just a short while. To achieve a garage like this, you need garage organization systems. If you have a garage organization system, you could store everything you have in your garage easily. Just invest a little in organizing your garage to make things work for you. Here are just a few advantages of garage organization systems:

1.  You will not get wet from walking through the snow to get to your car because your car is simply inside your garage now.

2.  Your car gas consumption will be much lesser. The reason for this is that you will not have to run your car just to heat it up or cool it down because it has either been too cold or hot from being outside all day or night.

3.  You could also save more money because you do not have to rent an extra storage space or unit just to store all of the stuff that you could store in your garage.

So save up just a little money and start finding the perfect system for you.

About the Author:
Devoting some time and effort to garage organization systems can save you headaches in the long run. Get more help for your garage at
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South Florida Electricians can make repairs, installations & inspections

Electrical Contractor MiamiAs a licensed electrical contractor in Miami and South Florida that has been in business for many years, we handle the entire spectrum of electrical services.  While some smaller electrical companies may not be able to handle certain jobs or not have the staff or expertise to make it happen, we do it all!

Whether you are just looking to have some minor electrical work done in your new home, install lighting or put in a generator, we will get the job done safely and securely.  Over the years, we have handled just about every type of job you can possibly think of.  We work on commercial properties and residential. We can work with your developers and architects from the beginning of your project until the end to make sure you have the exact fixtures that will best suit your home or business.  If you need commercial lighting for a restaurant, office building or hotel in South Florida, we can do it without a problem.  Also, if you want to install a generator for your home or office, we specialize in that as well.

If you want to install some new lighting or wiring for your home, we will be happy to come by and give you a fair estimate for the work to be completed.  You can check out our testimonials page for reports from happy customers and you can always look us with the better business bureau as well to see that we have an excellent rating.  We have said it many times before but can never stress it enough, never trust a company that has a bad online reputation or no online presence at all….

If you have a project that needs an electrician in West Palm Beach, Boca Raton, Lighthouse Point, Fort Lauderdale, Hollywood, Parkland, Coral Springs, Aventura or South Beach, Call Southern Coast Electrical today!

Our Miami electricians are the best in the business and can handle electrical contractor work anywhere in the South Florida area!


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EV Charging Stations

We believe the future of clean transportation lies with electric vehicles. Here’s an example of a charging station we recently installed.  


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Commercial Electric’s T91 retrofit recess/new construction LED wows

At $36 from Home Depot, the new T91 recess trim retrofit / new construction surface mount meniscus LED fixture from Commercial Electric is a 750 lumen powerhouse with color temperature that actually looks good. And although 750 lumens will be too much in many applications, this unit is dimmable, making it a superior option to retrofitting PAR lamps in recess lights — or to recess lights at all! Sized to install as a semi-recessed surface-mount fixture in new construction 4″ round wiring boxes, its low meniscus profile of under 1″ below finish ceiling will make it a game-changer for electricians wanting to provide modern lighting styles without compromising the weatherseal around conditioned space by use of a recess can.

Combined with the new gasketed 4″ round box from Arlington, this fixture is a labor-saving draft-killer promising simple installations and a clean minimalist styling.

Commercial Electric T91 offers versatile installation and draft-free semi recess styling.

Commercial Electric’s T91 retrofit recess/new construction LED wows Copyright Robert Monk, 2012


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Summer Heat Wave: Keeping Cool On A Budget

As the summer temperature rises, it’s likely your electric bill will, as well. Being conscious of your air conditioning usage while taking a few quick, simple steps to ensure you’re getting the most out of your unit could make a huge difference in your electrical spending. Here are a few steps to keeping cool, economically:

  • Don’t use your air conditioner more than necessary.
  • Don’t cool rooms that aren’t occupied.
  • Keep your air conditioning unit out of direct sunlight.
  • Change the air filter once a month during warmer months.
  • Allow the air conditioning to “breath,” free of furniture or draperies.
  • Keep windows and shades closed while the air conditioner is on.
  • Use storm windows.
  • When weather allows, turn off the air conditioning and open windows.
  • Reduce heat in-house during the day time: avoid cooking, bathing and laundry.
  • Keep your air conditioner off during the day, set a timer.


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Los Angeles Electrician Tips For Upgraded Wiring

Have you been calling for help from an electrician in Los Angeles more often than you’d care to admit? If you have old wiring, whenever you’ve had an electrical service call the electrician should have made you aware of the wiring situation. A knowledgeable Los Angeles electrician will tell you when your electrical wiring needs to be replaced.

Cloth insulated wires may not be grounded properly and are definitely unsafe by today’s standards. The cloth actually falls off, leaving exposed wires in vulnerable areas of your home. If a home’s wiring is aluminum, the wiring shrinks and expands at contact points, causing a potential fire hazard. Neither method is safe. If you think your home may contain either of these types of wiring, The Electric Connection specializes in wiring upgrades for older homes.

The knob and tube wiring that electricians in Los Angeles used before the 1940s employs the use of ceramic knobs and tubing, with wires running through the tubes. It is not a grounded system, so plugging in any modern appliances or electronics is an immediate fire hazard. There are a number of insurance companies that will not offer fire insurance to homes with this type of system. An electrician in Los Angeles from The Electric Connection can upgrade knob and tube for you also.

Homeowners hear the words “electrical upgrade” and immediately start to see dollar signs. With the Electric Connection, the prices are affordable and the work that is recommended is an investment, not an expense. Older wiring systems are not only unsafe; they’re raising the cost of your electricity. More modern systems were developed with efficiency in mind. When a home is upgraded from knob and tube wiring or aluminum wiring, the electric bill immediately goes down, as does the insurance bill and the home repair budget – no more calling a Los Angeles electrician once a month for blown fuses or shorts.

The Electric Connection is the electrician Los Angeles CA homeowners contact most often for electrical upgrades. With over thirty years experience and twenty-five full time employees, all residential and commercial electrical services needs are handled quickly, efficiently, and affordably. Whether it’s a rewiring, an installation, or new construction, the professionals at the Electric Connection can handle it in a timely fashion. If you’re an LA homeowner, your family and your wallet will be happy that you did.


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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

“Silent Spring at 50: The False Crises of Rachel Carson” (Reassessing environmentalism’s fateful turn from science to advocacy)

“Carson made little effort to provide a balanced perspective and consistently ignored key evidence that would have contradicted her work. Thus, while the book provided a range of notable ideas, a number of Carson’s major arguments rested on what can only be described as deliberate ignorance.”

- Roger Meiners, et. al (cover insert)

Widely credited with launching the modern environmental movement when published 50 years ago, Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring has had a profound impact on our society. While Carson was not the first to write about the dangers of pesticides or to sound environmental alarms, her writing style and ability to reach out to a broad audience allowed her to capture and retain the attention of the public.

Yet this iconic book, hardly scrutinized over the decades, substituted sensationalism for fact and apocalyptic pronouncements for genuine knowledge.

Our just released 11-author study, Silent Spring at 50: The False Crises of Rachel Carson, reexamines Carson’s historical context and science, as well as the policy consequences of Silent Spring‘s core ideas. We assembled scholars from different disciplines and asked them to evaluate Carson’s work given the state of knowledge at the time she was writing. What information was available that she ignored? Where did she deviate from accepted science of the day?

Our findings are unsettling. Carson made little effort to provide a balanced perspective and consistently ignored key evidence that would have contradicted her work. Thus, while the book provided a range of notable ideas, a number of Carson’s major arguments rested on what can only be described as deliberate ignorance.

Despite her reputation as a careful science- and fact-based writer, Carson produced a best-seller full of significant errors and sins of omission. Three areas are particularly noteworthy:

· Carson vilified the use of DDT and other pest controls in agriculture but ignored their role in saving millions of lives worldwide from malaria, typhus, dysentery, among other diseases. Millions of deaths, and much greater human suffering, ultimately resulted from pesticide bans as part of disease-eradication campaigns. Carson knew of the beneficial effects of DDT, but never discussed it; her story was all negative.

· Far from being on the verge of collapse, American bird populations were, by and large, increasing at the time of Silent Spring’s publication. Although Carson was active in the Audubon Society, she ignored Audubon’s annual bird count, which had long been the best single source on bird population. Instead she relied on anecdotes claiming bird population was collapsing. It is inconceivable that Carson did not know about the annual bird count–some of which occurred in the locations she asserted were in collapse.

· Cancer rates, exaggerated in the book, were increasing largely because far fewer people were dying from other diseases. Further, once statistical adjustments are made for population age and tobacco use, the apparent rise in cancer rates that so alarmed Silent Spring readers disappeared. Although writing at a time when scientists had come to agree that tobacco was a major cause of lung cancer, Carson ignored tobacco and relied on peculiar theories about its origins. She specifically ignored Public Health Service data on this point.

Silent Spring presented nature as a benign happy place that was “in balance.” Man was guilty of upsetting the balance and causing environmental catastrophes. As shown in the chapter on that issue, nature is far more nuanced and resilient than Carson understood. Her view that “natural” pests, such as wasps, could be used to control other bugs that were harmful in crop production, was not only short of the mark for agriculture, but overly optimistic about how benign such “natural” pests can be.

Carson’s “you can’t be too safe” standard is seen today in the “precautionary principle” that helps to retard the adoption of superior technology that would benefit people and the environment. Her simplified view of risk appears to have impacted the drafting of the Clean Air Act and Clean Water Act that set impossible standards in some areas not remotely related to human health or technical feasibility.

An intellectual, and public policy reconsideration, of Carson’s 1962 Silent Spring is long overdue.



ROGER MEINERS is the Goolsby Distinguished Professor of Economics and Law at the University of Texas at Arlington and a senior fellow at the Property and Environmental Research Center in Bozeman, Montana.

PIERRE DESROCHERS is associate professor of geography at the University of Toronto. His main research areas include technical innovation, business-environmental interactions, economic development, and energy policy and food policy.

ANDREW MORRISS is D. Paul Jones, Jr. & Charlene A. Jones Chairholder in Law and Professor of Business at the University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, and is a senior fellow at the Property and Environmental Research Center in Bozeman, Montana. He has authored or coauthored more than 50 book chapters, scholarly articles, and books.


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EV Charging Stations

We believe the future of clean transportation lies with electric vehicles. Here’s an example of a charging station we recently installed.  


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What YOU Can Do to Reduce Pollution?

What YOU Can Do to Reduce Pollution?


The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has prepared this fact sheet to answer some of the most common questions about reducing emissions from private vehicles.


This is an important concern, as cars are a major source of air pollution in the United States. Vehicle emissions contribute to health and environmental problems such as urban smog, air toxics, and global warming. Yet individual driving habits make a big difference in the amount of pollution a car produces.


Three easy things you can do to help keep emissions as low as possible are:


• Avoid unnecessary driving

• Maintain your car properly

• Drive your car wisely


By combining these strategies, you can very effectively reduce the amount your car pollutes. And there are additional benefits — your car will last longer and you will save money.


Avoid Unnecessary Driving

The most effective way to reduce emissions from your vehicle is to use it less.

Vehicle travel in this country is doubling every 20 years. Traffic trends that see

more and more cars driving more and more miles will soon begin to outpace

technological progress in vehicle emission control.


Several options are available to help you reduce the amount you drive. These

include consolidating trips, telecommuting, carpooling, using public transit, and choosing clean transportation alternatives such as biking or walking.

By planning errands, you will get the most out of time you do spend behind the wheel. For example, call ahead to confirm that the product you need is in stock before you drive to the store. Plan to do several tasks when you go somewhere.


Drive to a central location and park. Then walk between nearby destinations.

Ridesharing can be an ideal way to reduce your personal contribution to pollution.


Every time you share a ride and eliminate a trip, you help the environment. Try pairing up for trips to work or to social events — even an occasional carpool or ride on public transportation will make a difference.


Biking or walking to your destination creates no pollution at all. And you’ll

increase your fitness level at the same time.

About the Author:
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Freezers & Dedicated Circuits

I have heard many a horror story of someone who went off for vacation and came home to a freezer full of some very spoiled meat in their freezer in the garage. Nearly everyone I know has a secondary freezer or refrigerator in their garage. The code requires that receptacles in garages have GFCI protection. [...]


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Infrared Inspecting New Equipment


    • New Installation Thermo PDF
    • Thermography Inspection Performed on December 14th 2011
    • The Image is of a “Factory Installed” Bus Connection from the 3,000 amp vertical bus to the primary side of an 800 amp distribution circuit breaker.
BusConnection BlueField 225x300 Infrared Inspecting New Equipment
    • This temperature abnormality was found during the Thermography inspection on phase c of the newly installed GE switchgear. The temperature difference between phase C and phase B is 20 degrees ferenheight (Image #2). The breaker was aproximatley 30% loaded at the time of inspection (phase C-278amps phase B- 284amps). After removing the factory installed GE circuit breaker we found that the insulation tape had overlapped and restricted the current flow from the main bussway in the gear to the circuit breaker lug (Image #1).
BusConnection Abnormal 300x224 Infrared Inspecting New Equipment
    • The repair was made and the tape was properly removed from the switch gear (Image #3). A re-scan was perfomed on the circuit breaker (Image #4) and phase c was actually running 2 degrees cooler than phase b.
BusConnection Fixed 224x300 Infrared Inspecting New Equipment BusConnection Normal 300x225 Infrared Inspecting New Equipment


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